August 26, 2020


Jeremy Robinson - Author of NPC, Infinite, Alter and much more!

Hosted by

Kenric Regan John Horsley
Jeremy Robinson - Author of NPC, Infinite, Alter and much more!
Spoiler Country
Jeremy Robinson - Author of NPC, Infinite, Alter and much more!

Aug 26 2020 | 01:19:37


Show Notes

Talking about his new book NPC Jeremy Robinson sits down with Casey and tells all. I mean not all the story, but all you need to know to understand that you need to go pick this up in book form, digitally, or on audible! (John got it on Audible, it's really good!)

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Interview scheduled by Jeffery Haas

Theme music by Good Co Music:

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Jeremy Robinson Interview

[00:00:00] Casey: all right, everybody. Welcome again, to another episode of spoiler country today on the show we

Jeremy Robinson: have author

Casey: Jeremy Robinson, Jeremy, how you doing your day, man?

Jeremy Robinson: I'm doing great. Thanks for having me on.

Casey: It's great to have you, man. Okay. So we always like to talk to people a little bit before we officially start the interview.

So they know I'm not a complete weirdo, just some random on the internet. It's like,

Jeremy Robinson: yeah.

Casey: Yeah. Yeah. So, I may or may not be dressed up in a bunny suit as I'm talking to, at least I'm not a complete weirdo

Jeremy Robinson: or may not be wearing clothes. So

Casey: especially yeah. If you have the air conditioner off. Good God, man.

Yeah. That's the thing that sucks about doing or cool wordings is when that AC cuts on and you're just like, Oh God, I'm so. You have a ton of books out. You've done a lot of stuff, man. So, tell, tell us a little bit about [00:01:00] your new book NPC and then we'll get into, Oh my God. My five year old, say, Hey.

Okay. Now you have to go downstairs and close the door behind you. It's okay.

Jeremy Robinson: All right. My wife is mortified. Alright. Yeah, this is that's why I have a digital, key lock on,

Casey: Oh man. I'm sure that, That comes in handy, especially when you're riding in your honor roll. And you just sit here.

Jeremy Robinson: Yup. I also, I have a fight outside the office that can change colors.

I control it with my phone. So if that light is red, they know do not knock well


Casey: the, like the recording studio lights.

Jeremy Robinson: Yes, exactly. That is awesome.

Casey: So NPC is your latest. So can you tell us a little bit about your book?

Jeremy Robinson: so MPC stands for non-player character, which will [00:02:00] be a familiar term to anyone who does game.

and basically, there is a. A coder slash serial killer, who believes that we are living in the stimulation, and is out to prove it, when he starts, killing homeless people. There's a pastor in town who, kind of helps out at the homeless shelter and notices that these guys are missing.

so that's how he gets involved. And it's kind of a. A dichotomy between the two, one being a serial killer, one, being a pastor and them kind of coming together at odds, but then also finding some common ground. So it's, it's a, a mystery suspense, thriller. That's really, really weird. Okay, fine.

Casey: Can you tell us a little bit, I understand that has a little bit to do with your faith.

Okay. How did that come into it? And, and furthermore, were, were you a little scared to go into that territory just as a writer because it's it. From the other [00:03:00] things that you've put out, it doesn't seem like it's a, it seems like it's kind of new ground for you.

Jeremy Robinson: I have done it before, in a couple of books, the, the one that was the most controversial is called torment.

and it was kind of like my. Dante's Inferno. not at all feel logically sound, but definitely touched on, some religious themes and definitely offended people who are touchy about those things. so it definitely makes me a little nervous when I showed a MPC to my editor or his, one of his first comments was, you might lose a few readers with this one.

So we'll see. I feel like I handle it pretty well. I present the pastor as a real person. He swears probably more than I do. and he's wrestling with his faith, like the whole time. It's, it's not a novel where one of the characters is trying to convince you, you know, To follow a religion. It's a, both of them looking at the subject of living in a simulation [00:04:00] from their various perspectives, him being a pastor and the other character being a coder.

yeah, so

Casey: it's a, it's always hard for me to. Believe a character. When, when I'm reading a book that if, if religious, if religion is brought into it, as hard for me to believe that character, if they don't have a little bit of struggle with it,

Jeremy Robinson: if there's, I have to be authentic.

Casey: Yeah. Yeah. Because otherwise you just have somebody just blindly going forth and I don't really see that.

Jeremy Robinson: They're either blindly going forward or they are lying.

Like, you know, there's a lot of Christians who, who seem to have perfect, perfect faith on the outside, but, I, well, hopefully. They have, you know, a debate about it. cause it's a big, tricky subject. It's not like a simple thing. and with NPC, it was actually never my intention to, have anything religious in it at [00:05:00] all.

and I actually wrote a few chapters, where the second main character, was an FBI agent. and then through research, thinking about the subject of if reality was a simulation, it kind of occurred to me that if reality is a simulation than someone made it, which then kind of makes simulation theory of religious theory, because it can't exist without a yeah.

Casey: Yeah. That has to be that

Jeremy Robinson: prime mover. Yeah. That's why I was like, okay. So I need to. I need to change this FBI agent to someone who has something to say about. You know, whoever's in charge of reality.

Casey: That is, that's, that's fascinating. And at the same time, I, I totally, I totally get why you made that change given, Even how groundbreaking that would be if somebody found out reality is in fact the simulation, which is terrifying.

Jeremy Robinson: Yeah. [00:06:00] Same time. I mean, assuming that you can live with the idea that there's someone who could just push a button and turn off the simulation, it doesn't, it doesn't actually change anything. Whether we are. Digital code or physical code. We're still like beings made of code living in a universe that is all kind of held together by laws, that could have been written.

so it doesn't really change anything aside from like the nature of reality, but reality is still exactly the way we've always been experiencing it.

Casey: When you finished this book, did you kind of curl up into a ball for a few days?

Jeremy Robinson: Well, when I write books like this, I kind of like curls me out of the ball.

there's there's been a few novels that I've written, MPC, infinite and altar are all kind of like driven by my own. Discomfort. a couple of years ago, I got, Lyme [00:07:00] disease, Bartonella, and now I've been diagnosed with this other thing called anti maggot disease. None of which are very comfortable or whatever, but they kind of like, they mess with you physically and emotionally and mentally and, neuron logically.

So I have all these crazy, crazy symptoms going on that make life. Feel like not real, like, it makes it feel like all my senses might be different the way I feel the air might be different or hear things might be different. So there are times where I'm like, this doesn't feel real right now. And that kind of like writing a novel, like this helps me process all that feeling instead of just internalizing it.

Casey: Oh, wow. Wow.

Jeremy Robinson: So those tend to do better. People like them more because I'm like dumping all of my angst into them. And so they really resonate, you know, more than just the straight action.

Casey: Yeah. Yeah. And it's great that you're able to kind of work out those demons on the page. [00:08:00] Also at the same time, having had to deal with that, like in real life, having to deal with those names, would you trade it for not having to,

Jeremy Robinson: but I trade the success of these novels born out of discomfort.

I think I absolutely would. Yeah, really,

Casey: really.

Jeremy Robinson: Yeah, it's very uncomfortable. Yeah. I mean, my other novels do well enough. but yeah, I would prefer to, to not have these things.

Casey: So how did you get into writing in the first place?

Jeremy Robinson: I was actually an artist for like the first half of my life high school.

I wanted to be a comic book artist, and basically we spent. All my time. I went to college for art. I'm just drawing nonstop and I still do. I drive every day. I still create all my book covers. so I'm still technically an artist, but, when I was, I think [00:09:00] I was maybe 20, and kind of like just traveling with my wife, like house sitting for people all around the country and, kind of had this epiphany that all of my art.

Was storytelling. So comic book art obviously is storytelling. and if I did a painting, it wasn't just like, you know, a vase of flowers. It was a story. so. That's when I was like, okay, so maybe storytelling is actually my passion here. So I started writing screenplays, and that took me out to Hollywood eventually, where I had like mild success in screenwriting.

My first published book was a screenwriting nonfiction book, which is ironic, cause I hadn't actually sold the screenplay, and kind of built from there where I, decided to, well that. Selling a screenplay, the odds against that are so slim. and at the time it's when Hollywood really started, going after novels and other properties to turn into [00:10:00] movies.

So I was like, all right, I think my odds would be better if I was writing novels and then attracting Hollywood's attention that way while making money from the novels themselves. So it just seemed like a more lucrative path to. Storytelling. so that's yeah, that's when I first started doing it. When I lived in Los Angeles is when I wrote my first book, moved back here and self published it.

And then, from that book, my agent found me on Barnes and noble or no on Amazon, because it was linked to another book of his at the time. And then two years later after I had self focused, a few books, the first publisher I had, found me on Amazon that's when I got my first book deal.

Casey: Oh, wow.

So you, you, you really did the whole like self publish on Amazon to a full blown publisher thing. I, that is amazing.

Jeremy Robinson: Yeah. And now I'm full circle. so I, I fell published four books. And then, st. Martins press, found me and I did eight books with [00:11:00] them, but at the exact same time, because I write really quick, they wanted to do one novel a year.

I can write four or five novels a year. And so they were actually okay with me, self public, continuing to self publish. while they were publishing one of my books per year. So I've been self publishing and my own imprint all along, while having a publisher. And right now I'm just a hundred percent, Self-published through my imprint because my book started out selling and earning the big public.

Casey: Really? So the, the stuff you did through breakneck media

Jeremy Robinson: yup. Yup. Outsold and out earned the st. Martin's press books. And w w what's really funny though, is that by the end of those eight books, they were also hiring me to do my covers. Like I was doing a lot of the work already. The only thing I wasn't doing was like getting the book in stores.

Yeah. And making, you know, 8% to 15% on a sale rather than [00:12:00] 70%.

Casey: So when you do the self publishing stuff now, is that all digital or is it also a print and digital?

Jeremy Robinson: we do print digital and audio. Wow. So, so

Casey: you're covering all bases here on your own.

Jeremy Robinson: So, yep. And, and if you look at them, so the goal has always been to produce books that are indistinguishable from the big publishers.

so, and if you looked at like the trade paperback of NPC, or especially the hard cover of NBC, there's no way you'd be able to distinguish it from a big publisher and the audio books have been winning awards. we want to see what is that called? Sovos I can't remember what the voice actors.

Something award and independent audio book awards. and then lastly here, it became a New York times bestseller. Sorry through a self published, audio book.

Casey: That's awesome. That's awesome. So w when you do the, the audio books, do, it looks like you work with a lot of the same [00:13:00] guys,

Jeremy Robinson: yeah.

Casey: For, for the narration.

how did you go about meeting these people where they

Jeremy Robinson: are you just, you know, I feel like. So the first narrator I worked with is Jeff Kafer. and I've been working with him almost since the beginning of my career when I first did the books as like a podcast novels. so we would serialize them and release them for free.

and so I hired Jeff to do two of my books, but I can't remember how I found him at the time. I think they were two of his first books. And we're going to actually be redoing them this time year, there, how old are they now? That are almost 15 years old, I think. so we're going to be redoing those and, Jeff, I think, I was able to get Jeff his first job at a audiobook publisher.

because I had been working with him for a little while when st. Martin sent me on assign me on and then audible, signed on the audio books. But I requested that Jeff be a narrator for them. [00:14:00] And the same thing happened later, with RC Bray. I can't honestly can't remember how I found him. But he started recording books for me separately.

And then, when brilliance audio wanted to do, Ireland seven 31, I requested that Bob be the narrator for that one. So it was cool to kind of like start with these guys and then get them their first, like, their first geeks. And now they're both huge.

Casey: Yeah. Yeah. That's, that's amazing that you've, you've been able to grow in your careers together.

Jeremy Robinson: It's really good. NPC is the first one that all three of us have ever done together.

Casey: Oh, that's cool. That's cool. Yeah.

Jeremy Robinson: So they both, the story has taken place from two characters. Point of view, both first person. And so Bob narrates one and Jeff narrates the other,

Casey: have you ever tried to narrate your own audio?

Jeremy Robinson: I did way back in the day and I am horrible. I,

Casey: so I've been reading my, my daughter's a Harry Potter when. When they go to bed at night is [00:15:00] the first time I've ever read it. And, it's the first time they've ever, I guess, heard it. I don't even think they've seen the film, but, you realize like that's, it's hard to do.

And for some reason, your tongue is bigger in your mouth and you realized it was, and nothing comes out. Right. And everything sucks.

Jeremy Robinson: Yeah. I find speaking in general to be difficult. Nevermind. Reading. Yeah, my wife is doing Harry Potter right now and she does all the voices and she's, he was good at it. Like an authentic Dumbledore, like it's impressive.

Casey: I tried to do Hagrid last night and I ended up, getting really hoarse and having to leave the room to get some water. I was dying. So we, okay. So that book is the book we're reading. Now I accidentally downloaded the wrong Jack London book for the last book. Cause [00:16:00] my daughter wanted to, she saw the, previews for the call of the watt.

Right. I accidentally downloaded why I failed.

Jeremy Robinson: I don't know

Casey: if you've read white Fang anytime recently or ever. The first chapter of the book starts with two guys retrieving a corpse in the middle of Alaskan Tundra

Jeremy Robinson: for the five year old,

Casey: the five and the nine year old. I start into it. And I'm like, I don't know if this is age appropriate.

Yeah. And my wife's just like, like London is fine. It's in the movie. I was like, okay. So I start reading and all of a sudden the, they have this team of dogs. And in the first chapter of the book, this massive team of sled dogs they have is picked off one by one, one by the he's evil as well. So,

Jeremy Robinson: man,

Casey: one guy goes off it with a shotgun [00:17:00] because he has two shot.

He has two shells left and he don't come back in my face. What the fuck is that? I know I was like, did y'all like that? And they're like, that was awesome.

Jeremy Robinson: I was like, okay. Yeah,

Casey: my, my daughters are hardcore.

Jeremy Robinson: It's scares me. Sometimes

Casey: it just genuinely scares me sometimes.

Jeremy Robinson: I don't know if my kids will ever.

Casey: Oh, really? Really? They're. They're that? They're that wimpy.

Jeremy Robinson: Oh yeah. They're super wimpy.

Casey: How, how old?

Jeremy Robinson: 15, 13 and 11.

Casey: Oh, nice. You got a nice little spread through your inner

Jeremy Robinson: 18 months apart.

Casey: Yeah. And you got a. You have it so that now they're starting to spend more time outside the house and time with friends and you [00:18:00] don't have to really have them under feet all the time.

Jeremy Robinson: And now we're quarantined.

Casey: Oh yeah. Yeah. So as soon as they get that freedom is taken away. Yep.

Yeah, we've been, we've been taking a lot of walks in the woods lately. Going into the walking closet and yelling a lot

crying. When the lights go. Nah, it's been, it's been okay, but Oh no, no, go ahead.

Jeremy Robinson: We're just starting to figure it out. We got a we're we're doing a bubble with certain groups of friends who are also, quarantine so that they can all still see friends and we don't have to worry about it. So that's been working out good.

Casey: We had our first, like adult night out a few weeks ago with, yeah. It wasn't like a night out. It was literally going, cause we had to take care of my friend's dogs cause he had to go to, he had to go to Pennsylvania. [00:19:00] so he was showing me how to use the alarm and he grilled out and it was so massively.

rewarding to be able to talk to too two adults.

Jeremy Robinson: Oh yeah.

Casey: just about stuff. So, it was, it was a good night out, but yeah, we, we literally sat in their living room and, and ate stuff.

Jeremy Robinson: Yeah.

Casey: So how did you get,

Jeremy Robinson: I'm sorry, it's something.

Casey: Oh, yeah. Yeah. It's better than

Jeremy Robinson: makes us appreciate small things.


Casey: exactly. how did you get, like what made you want to write in the first place or, and, you know, get into comics and all that other stuff. Cause we're, we're starting, we're starting way back. What got you into comics?

Jeremy Robinson: I think I have. Just always been wired this way. Like this goes back as far as I can remember.

just nonstop, drawing and coming up with creatures and [00:20:00] stories. And, my parents have stuff from probably like when I was five or six. so it's just like the way I'm wired and I feel weird if I'm not getting it out. So it's kind of like that weird artists. Like, I don't have a choice. Like I don't, if I don't get this stuff out, somehow I'm gonna go crazy.

And I'd probably go really crazy cause they have so much to get out so fast. yeah, it's just, I can't remember like a specific time where it started. I mean, I grew up watching us the older like space goes and the Herculoids and force five guy King, just like tons and tons and tons of eighties cartoons.

it's probably probably responsible for a lot of this. And then like, you know, staying up with my dad to watch Battlestar Galactica and buck Rogers and all that kind of stuff. And my parents were like, it was the eighties, there was like zero through filter as what kids could watch. It was [00:21:00] PG at the time, like jaws, like, you know, watching, we were watching everything.

Casey: Oh yeah,

Jeremy Robinson: yeah. I dunno, like I had this big imagination and then it was like twisted and scarred by eighties. Saifai

Casey: I'm assuming you you've shown your kids jobs by now, right?

Jeremy Robinson: No. Seriously. Could not even get close to handling that.

Casey: My nine year old, saw it last year in, and then we saw like a few days later, tremors came on.

I was like, Oh yeah, kid, come watch this with, come and watch this with your old man. She sat down and after like 10 minutes, she like narrowed it down and she said, this is redneck jaws. I said, wow. Yes, it totally is redneck jaws. So

Jeremy Robinson: can't do it.

Casey: So all this stuff, you know, got, got you into being creative.

And [00:22:00] did you have any like formal, like training for, for this stuff?

Jeremy Robinson: Oh, not for writing for art. I have a lot. cause I did. Art school, lots of like paintings of naked people, illustration classes, stuff like that. but for writing total like a hundred percent self-taught I read when I first decided to write a novel, I had had written very little aside from screenplays, which is very different from like a screenplay.

Is it doesn't really. It's like a very loose outline, paired to the detail within a novel. And it's not exactly like beautiful prose or anything. and so, and a bunch of screenplays. So I was like comfortable at a keyboard, but I had never written any like, Straight fiction. so I read through a Strunk and white, grammar guide and then Stephen King's book on writing and basically followed that as like a style guide, and went from there and I just kind of like dove in and it was a [00:23:00] good number of years.

I think one, two, three, I think three. Three novels before I jumped into self publishing. but all the novels I've written have been published and are a lot of people's favorites. Even those first ones. Yeah. So I just kind of threw myself into it and went for it.

Casey: So I, I see that now, not only do you do like the pros, that stuff, but you also still are fairly active with graphic novels and that type of publishing.

what, and you actually brought, several of your books to that format. Was it. Was it hard for you to, to make that format change? was it hard to cut because it's a totally different style of the storytelling. Was it hard for you to cut the fat? Did you have to, have to kind of struggle with her or was it fairly easy for you?

Jeremy Robinson: I think given my, my history with being an artist and wanting to be a comic book artist, that it was [00:24:00] actually very easy for me to, not only visualize it myself and, But also to trust in the artist and the artist that I was working with on the project, nemesis series was Matt Frank, who had, helped to create, the look of nemesis to begin with.

So I really trusted him. With the property. And so I didn't have to go into insane detail. if something was specific, then I could send them like a picture for reference, but I trusted him enough that I could just let go of all those details. And I knew that he had read the novel as well. So he understood what I was going for.

Casey: Do you have any more graphic novels, on your, on your docket? Are you, are you happy with what you've done?

Jeremy Robinson: I would say writing per complex is kind of like a vacation for me because it's not, it's not nearly as in like intense for my brain. And there's a lot more fun because I know that other people are going to be putting something into it [00:25:00] that I can't.

Casey: Oh yeah. It's it's collaborative storytelling.

Jeremy Robinson: It's really exciting for me to see what other people do. What other people come up with based on what I'm writing. but right now there aren't anything that's officially in the work. We are making some pitches who, Oh, nice.

Casey: I see that you've worked with IDW and IDW is such a fun company for, they, they're putting out so many amazing books and, they've really impressed me, not only with like their original ideas that.

They have published, but also the, their properties that they they've licensed, they've gotten licenses from and the talent they get behind them to produce those properties. Yeah. And so, when I see that you and Matt, Frank did the, Godzilla range of costs across time book. Yeah. That's just a no brainer and it totally makes sense that they would get people that actually know the format and know how to do.

Jeremy Robinson: Yeah. And I think that one came about [00:26:00] because Matt and I were like shooting around ideas to pitch, to IDW for Godzilla. And we went to them with one, that basically became. The rage across time issue that we did when we pitched it, they were like, Oh, we're doing something just like that. You guys want to do an issue.

So that's how that, and I was very happy that they gave us the first issue for that and that they allowed Matt to do like the various stylized Japanese, old school art for it.

Casey: That's awesome. So what, what drew you to, to writing about like the KGU stuff? Because that's something I'm terribly unfamiliar with.

I saw the, like the old school Godzilla movies when I was a kid, but outside of that, I'm complete. More on about

Jeremy Robinson: why

Casey: among other things.

Jeremy Robinson: Yeah, growing up again in the eighties, but also in new England, we had a show called creature double [00:27:00] feature, that was on every Saturday for most of my childhood. And, probably 50% of what they played were like Godzilla movies and camera movies.

And so I had many Saturday mornings filled with Godzilla. And so I've always been a fan, and I've watched, I think probably all of the Godzilla movies that are out there might be something like obscure that I'm missing, but, I've always been a fan and it was kind of like a, a few years ago, maybe five years ago, I had just finished a novel and my editor was like, well, what are you going to work on next?

I have no idea what I'm working on next. And he said, well, why haven't you written a guide? You know, but you talk about them all the time. And I was like, I don't know. It just never occurred to me that that would be something people would read because it had only been in movies at the time. so yeah, that was just like, alright, I'll go for it.

I'll see what happens. And that actually worked out really well.

Casey: That's awesome. What, so in the first book of the, project [00:28:00] nemesis. you completely and totally destroy a small town in may. What do you have against the small town in Maine?

Jeremy Robinson: Well, to be fair, I, I destroy Portland, Maine. I really love Portland, Maine.

I have nothing against Portland. It's a great place. And I also destroyed if there isn't a whole lot of coastline in New Hampshire, but I destroyed, I destroyed a cruise line that I like to take. And then we go South into Massachusetts to Beverly, Massachusetts. That's actually where I grew up. and I was very fondness for that area.

And then also for Boston, which is kind of like my home city. so all those places I destroyed are actually places I really love. So it's kind of like, I don't know, it's weird kind of like honor to bestow upon those places, but it was mentally, it was like visiting a home, especially for the scenes in Boston and Beverly [00:29:00] I grew up in Beverley.

Looking out my window towards the ocean dreaming of what it would be like if Godzilla were to arrive and come out and stop towards my house. And so I was able to write that I put the, the headquarters of the government agency is on the Hill. I grew up on overlooking the same ocean. So when they're looking out and seeing nemesis out in the ocean and Beverly Harbor, it was the same thing that I was imagining when I was a child.

Casey: That's that's awesome. That's awesome that you were able to take. Something that you grew up with such a fondness for, and, actually do it.

Jeremy Robinson: Yeah. And hopefully it will be made into a movie or a TV series and we'll get to see it.

Casey: So you, you have some properties that are currently. In production or development, I guess.

yeah. Yeah. That's the key word in any news on any of that

Jeremy Robinson: I'm allowed to talk about. Everyone is saying like, this [00:30:00] is moving forward, but don't talk about it yet. They're very specific about when they want to, you know, let the world know. So, I mean, some of this stuff has been going for four years now.

That's been in development and like getting bigger and bigger and bigger. And I can say there are very impressive people involved. that's awesome. Yeah. Go ahead.

Casey: If it makes you feel any better. I talked to Jeff Smith next week, the writer of Belen. Yeah. And I think that book has been in development for at least 30 years.

And it's finally getting its Netflix debut. I think the fall, hopefully I can, Get a data.

Jeremy Robinson: Yeah. That's how Hollywood works. I feel like they like to wait till the author is almost dead. And then they're like, you know, maybe we should make this now, before he kicks the bucket. The, hopefully they don't do that to me.

Four years feels like long enough. but people, people negotiating are [00:31:00] incredibly slow. It'll be like, three months between emails, you know, like. Not like the rest of the world.

Casey: Alright. Are you hoping to have, some creative control in that or once it's, once it's going, you're just going to stay out of the way.

Jeremy Robinson: for one of them I'm hoping they'll let me write some of it. but there's no guarantee there. but otherwise at this point I'm happy to give up creative control, cause it's kind of like a foot in the door. The, the team that the team that is handling the project that is moving forward, is so impressive that.

I have no worries. and if it does, as well as they believe they can make it do, then it will open up a lot of doors where maybe I'll have more creative control. So to get my foot in the door of Hollywood, yeah. Go for it. And it's not like I don't have, there are books, a lot of writers. Right. A series like me [00:32:00] Childs has one series that he writes a, I can't remember him of the character that Tom cruise was in the movie.

and it's, you know, 25 books spanning one series. So he's kinda got like one shot at a movie deal. I have a couple of series, but I also have Jack Reacher. I also have 50 plus other novels that are totally independent. So I've got a lot of opportunity for Hollywood to take notice. It's not just one series that I'm just kind of stuck with,

Casey: which leads me to my next question.

What the hell is your problem?

How do you have so many ideas like this and how do you. Negotiate with yourself, what gets made, because I'm assuming if you have that many ideas that you have already published and produced and made and written that you have countless more, just kind of sitting in, in the, in the wings, just [00:33:00] waiting to be explored further.

Like how do you, how do you get that stuff and know what what's right.

Jeremy Robinson: So the way I know what is right mostly is that, you know, while I'm writing and just in normal life, I'll read a lot of scientific articles or news articles or whatever, and every now and then something will be like, Oh, that would make a really cool concept for a story.

and I don't write it down. I don't. Put it away. if I forget it, then it wasn't that great of an idea. If I grew up, remember it three months later, when it's time to write something new, then that was a good idea. And then I'll start to really brainstorm about that, theory or fact or whatever, and build a story around it.

So, yeah, it's just a matter of what sticks with me. If it doesn't stick with me for three months, then it's not something I'm that interested in.

Casey: So leads me to another question three months to write a full novel.

Jeremy Robinson: Well, I've done it quicker.

Casey: How do you have like a schedule [00:34:00] that you try to stick to?

Jeremy Robinson: Yeah, well, all right.

So before pre disease, Jeremy, this is like four years ago. Amazon, came to me, and wanted to do a book deal for a book that I had already self published. And then it's sequel. They took about a month to negotiate the deal with my agency. And then at the end of the month, they were like, okay, cool.

We're done sign the contract. I said, all right, here's the contract? And here's the novel. So in the time it took them to negotiate the contract. I wrote the novel and it was 20 days, 22 days, I think, like, you know, take out the weekends of that month, that. Total writing time. And they actually had zero edits aside from like, you know, typos and stuff.

Yeah. So 20 days that wasn't my quickest, I did, I wrote project nemesis in a month. and basically it was just being really disciplined about writing every day and doing two chapters a day for me, [00:35:00] two chapters. About six pages, which is 1800, 2000 words, maybe it's about 4,000 words a day. and when you add that up to a 90,000 word novel, it doesn't take that long.

back then at, towards the end of a novel, I might like squeeze in three, four, Chapters a day just cause I'm like, you know, it's in my head and has to get out. I think the most I ever did, I want to say it was 15,000 words in a day. Oh wow. To finish out novel. And that was writing from the crack of Dawn until like one in the morning.

and it just all just. Pour it out. I'm not going to do that again ever. but now, so post disease, I'm now at a chapter a day. It was just like a Stephen King speed. It's still a fast, but not insanely fast. Like I used the,

Casey: so when does your day start and when does it end for your writing?

Jeremy Robinson: So again, pre disease, I just nine to five.

and you usually would write a chapter before lunch and chapter affluent after lunch, and then [00:36:00] kind of mix in other like marketing cover design, stuff like that. now I don't, I tend to not wake up until like 10. no, I don't. Yeah, I don't start until 10 or 11 or 10 30 or 11, and then also still stop at five or five 30, which is why there's, you know, there's just time for the one chapter and then other marketing cover stuff.

so are you in now? Yeah. so I have two o'clock I think is when I go to bed. Nice.

Casey: I,

Jeremy Robinson: a way to change. It's not good.

Casey: I go to bed around midnight every night, but I wake up at four 30 every morning cause they have to be at work at six. So as soon as that. Basically as soon as I put the kids to bed, I'm trying to, to write a little bit.

Yep. And, that usually if, if I don't fall asleep at my laptop, you know, in bed by, [00:37:00] by midnight.

Jeremy Robinson: Yeah. That's the way to do it. That's when I made my second novel, I was working full time and had a newborn and I was working all day and then I would get in maybe an hour of writing at night, but I eventually got the whole novel done.

And now it's one of my better sellers. So that's the way to do it.

Casey: You learn how to bounce a baby on a knee wall typing.

Jeremy Robinson: Yeah.

Casey: So, How do you achieve that, that balance though? Because I mean, you, you have three kids, obviously you're present in their lives. how, how do you achieve that? Is it something that you're constantly working on or is it just.

You try to stick to the rules that you've set out.

Jeremy Robinson: Yeah. It's it's easier to be disciplined about yourself. It's less hard for your children to be, to be the same amount of discipline towards letting you have time. which is why I have sunblock on the office store and the I'm working late. so.

Yeah. It's [00:38:00] sometimes a challenge to get everyone on board, but, you know, I finish up around five 30 and then it basically with the kids, until nine 30 ish, 10 o'clock. and then with the weekends too. So they're homeschooled. So they're here. All the time now I work at home. They're homeschooled.

It's not like they're, they're always here. If I go downstairs to use the bathroom or get lunch, I'm seeing them. so we're spending a lot of time together

Casey: and you hear the noise too. I'm sure. I'm sure it has gotten a lot quieter lately, but

Jeremy Robinson: yeah, it's when they were younger, I'm sure it was my office.

The setup is pretty good. Cause the house is kind of like split into and there's like a room connecting to two parts, but there's like the garage and the office is over the garage. So it's kind of like separated from the main house.

Casey: That, that's convenient. I'm sure that might have been one of the, one of the selling features for the

Jeremy Robinson: house.

It was exactly the selling feature. It's also a really big office. It's like 800 [00:39:00] square feet.

Casey: What made you guys decide to move back to, to, new England?

Jeremy Robinson: well, Los Angeles is a really nice place to visit, and no offense to anyone who lives there. I do understand the appeal, but it's very hot. and the, there is smog.

it may be a little bit better now, but we lived, kind of at the base of the mountains, looking down at Los Angeles, but we only saw Los Angeles, maybe five times out of the three years we've lived there because it was just the, it's just normally a sheet of Brown and. So we lived at the base of these mountains and they are massive, massive mountains.

And most days we could not see the mountains.

So air quality is a big issue. I would say I had a chronic cough for the whole time we were out there. yeah, I basically say all the bad things you hear about us. It's Angeles. [00:40:00] Off the heat. and so it was just, we were used to seasons and clean air and, you know, waterfalls that weren't concrete. so yeah.

We were getting to the age where we were thinking about a family. and so he came back, we were missing out on stuff too, like weddings and things like that. So, and that's when my career started shifting towards novel writing. and it became clear that, you know, we didn't need to be out there for the career anymore.

Casey: Oh, that's awesome. Yeah. Yeah. So it kind of, helped to inform where you were going to go in your career and you were able to, obviously you were able to capitalize on that because you.

Jeremy Robinson: Yeah, and I, I really loved my time out there and the connections that I made and the places that I was able to work at.

But, yeah, I went out there. When was it? Two years ago for the, premiere of John wick two. And, it was nice, but [00:41:00] also very quickly reminded me why. I moved back. just the, it was just like, everything is congested. The air is congested. The highways are congested. Every place you go, there's like tons of people.

It feels like there's like no way to escape the masses. so, but it was cool.

Casey: Do you mind going into, you have a few different pin names. you, you also run into Jeremy Bishop and also under Jeremiah Knight. and I believe some, some other pin names as well. what was the impetus for you to, to use those.

In in your writing?

Jeremy Robinson: we started using them because I was writing so fast.

Casey: no fucking way. This guy's putting out that many books.

Jeremy Robinson: Exactly. In part, we didn't want people to be like, man, all I read is Jeremy Robinson. cause it's just like, you'd give it a

Casey: variety on their bookshelf, man. Yeah. Purely altruistic

Jeremy Robinson: don't want to like burn them out on me.

So I came up with other [00:42:00] names, fool them into thinking they were reading

Casey: other people suckers. You guys get played.

Jeremy Robinson: and right now I'm like slowly retiring those names. Now that I'm slower writer, I'm retiring those names and putting my name back on those old Bishop Knight books, just to make it easier for myself and like the world.

Casey: Have you ever heard anybody, talk, negatively about one of your pin names, but then go like that. Jeremy Robinson though, that guy knows what's up.

Jeremy Robinson: It hasn't happened. I don't think, I mean, some people will say straight out. I don't like your jokes because Jeremy Bishop is a horror pen name. they usually a lot more gory and nasty than.

The other books. I mean, I think they're all gory and nasty, but, they were like, torment was incredibly dark. so it's a different tone. And then the Jeremiah night books or, post-apocalyptic nice.

Casey: So you're, you're slowly retiring those pin [00:43:00] names.

Jeremy Robinson: Yeah.

Casey: is it ever, do you, do you think you'll miss riding under those names or is it just you're done with them?

Jeremy Robinson: Yeah, I don't, I don't think, I mean, it is nice to have like that freedom of like a fresh start and people who may not have liked my early Robinson books might give me a second chance under a different name. But I'm not as worried about that now as I was before.

Casey: And I'll so in kind of going in that same direction, you used, those pen names to kind of go for a certain genre.

Is there a genre that you haven't explored yet that you're wanting to get a chance to look into

Jeremy Robinson: then I want to get into, I don't think so. I always have romance as a backup. Well, I have my novels, the fail. I can just, a really popular, Author friend who does romantic thrillers said to me, once, you know, all you have to do is add a sexy scene or two, and you can market these as romantic thrillers and they'll [00:44:00] sell a ton more.

The backup plan, is to, to add a little romance to the novels and to call them romantic thrillers instead of thrillers

Casey: change the beefcake on the cover. And you're you're, you're the man.

Jeremy Robinson: Exactly. But that's not something I ever want to do. but I have, I mean, I've done thrillers, CII, horror, fantasy, suspense, I guess a little bit of mystery.

So there isn't, I haven't done a Western, but I don't want it to go at Western. Oh

Casey: man. I used to hate westerns as a kid and I don't know why, but now have, for some reason I've gotten into westerns. And, just mostly like the old spaghetti westerns watching those, but I'm really wanting to like, kind of dip my toe in editing some of the, the Western novels.

Right. just to see if I like it, because I've really enjoyed watching those, the terrible, terrible, Western [00:45:00] films.

Jeremy Robinson: Yeah. I think I'm so driven by like, In part by what I'm naturally interested in, but also by like what's selling. So if I know that, like I have a really great idea, but no one's going to buy it.

I won't do it. And I don't are people still writing Western novels? Is that a thing? So

Casey: I'm sure they're, they're out theirs. Somebody out there they're

Jeremy Robinson: not on any bestseller list.

Casey: Oh, hell no, no, no. Not by a stretch. so w what do you do to, to unwind? Like what, in specifically, like when you are not writing.

Are you trying to recharge? Cause it seems like it would probably take a lot out of you, especially with how much you

Jeremy Robinson: produce. Yeah. I w I absorb a lot of media. I, I, right now I'm not reading a whole lot. and I think that's just a product of. The fact that I stare at words [00:46:00] all day already. and I'm also working on screenwriting still as well.

and that's actually going pretty well. So I'm kind of like absorbing movies and good TV and video games, to kind of recharge mentally, to continue. With my current pace. yeah, just keeps the creative juices flowing.

Casey: What's good TV for Jeremy Robinson.

Jeremy Robinson: You know, I can ask this sometimes and then I just go blank on what I'm like, what am I watching it?

What have I watched that I've loved? I can't think of anything. I know I watched, I watched true detective, which is kind of like  for me. Yeah.

Casey: W what season though?

Jeremy Robinson: I watched the first one, I started watching the second one and I'm not too sure about it. The

Casey: second one was just, okay. The third one.

Jeremy Robinson: I didn't even know that third.

Casey: Oh man. The third is, men. It hits, it has some [00:47:00] really, really heavy emotional beats in it. it's so worth looking into

Jeremy Robinson: who is, who are the actors for that one?

Casey: the guy who played the Phantom.

Jeremy Robinson: Oh, okay.

Casey: Yeah. let me see. Season three, looking it up right now, Billy. Yeah. Billy. No, I'm sorry. Stephen Dorff.

I was completely off. I get them mixed up. My Herschel Ali. But Stephen Dorff was the fucking man in that show. Excuse my language. Sorry. He did really good. yeah. And, but in rehearsal Ali, that guy can act, he is, he's on up there in terms of just acting ability,

Jeremy Robinson: totally disconnected from season two.

Right. That's how they do it.

Casey: Yes. Yes. However, there are some, like there's some columns max. Yeah. you'll, you'll just have [00:48:00] to watch it and see it. I don't think it's anything that is necessarily like strongly tied to any given season, but you'll see some like threads where they're kind of like, Oh, Hey.

Jeremy Robinson: Yeah. Oh, you know what? Watchmen. That's what I just watched that I really enjoyed. That was good. No solid. That was excellent. Amazon put it up for free for a couple of days and I've been through the whole thing. Yeah, that was really good.

Casey: My wife and I just watched the speaking of Amazon, hunters.

Jeremy Robinson: Oh, that is amazing.

Casey: It was so fucked up.

Jeremy Robinson: It definitely, but also amazing. That is probably one of my favorite shows of the year.

Casey: Okay. So my wife was like, you can wash it if you want. I'm not going to give a sh I'm not going to pay attention.

Jeremy Robinson: So yeah,

Casey: when, when. Within five minutes, she's on the edge of her seat watching this stupid show.

Okay. [00:49:00] So yeah, she, she totally was all in for that show. So we, we finished that last week and then we also saw space force on. Yup. Netflix. Speaking of, something that has a similar name to one of your,

Jeremy Robinson: yeah, I've been getting a lot of,

Casey: well, you did it, man. No, this is just a dumb show. Exactly.

Jeremy Robinson: I didn't do it.

I beat them to the punch, but this isn't

Casey: Oh man, it was, it was surprisingly entertaining.

Jeremy Robinson: Yeah. I can't remember his name, not Steve Carell. the other kind of like main. Old dude, actor and scientist. I can't remember

Casey: him. Oh, they had a movie where they go into his head. Yeah. John Malcovich was great in it.

Jeremy Robinson: He was amazing.

Casey: so when you're writing, do you listen to music or podcasts or anything while you're?

Jeremy Robinson: I do listen to music, and I do it in a very intentional, specific way where. I will think of a movie that has a tone I want [00:50:00] to capture, and then I will listen to that soundtrack nonstop over and over and over again.

while I'm writing that particular novel, to the point where like, if you played one of those soundtracks, that would be like instantly transported back into that novel. and sometimes it's really confusing when it happens, like accidentally. but so like, for the novel, I just finished writing.

It's called XO Hunter. And it's about a guy from 1988, who is kind of transported thousand years in the future. And so everything for him is eighties references, right? Music, eighties movies, stuff like that. And. I listened to new wave eighties music three months. Great. While I wrote that book and, he, I made him a music fan, so he actually references probably 15 different songs throughout sometimes.

it'll be stuff that is actually playing so that the reader. Can listen to what I was listening to when [00:51:00] I wrote it. So we're actually gonna do like a soundtrack for that, where, you know, we'll list off the songs and say like, here's where you can go listen to this song. If you want to like, get the experience that I had while I was writing it.

Casey: That's awesome. I, so I'm, I'm writing a comic right now and I made a playlist for my artists to listen to as he's doing his thing. And, it's, from what I understand, it's helped him out a lot in like getting into that head space. Awesome. So

Jeremy Robinson: that's really good. Yeah. I had never thought of doing it for like, Putting giving my music to an artist.

That's a good idea.

Casey: Oh man. It's, it's kind of, it's fun to do too. So it's a, it's a kind of a horror set during the Vietnam war. So it's a lot of stuff like 1969 era, which, Also the I'm a big, the Stooges fan and one of their debut albums was right at that time. So, it gets [00:52:00] kinda, it gets kinda crazy.

Jeremy Robinson: Nice. Yeah. It's the way to do it. Cause then we can have the full. The music with the pictures, with the words like that. That's the dream. Oh yeah.

Casey: Yeah. I can, I can imagine, lately one thing I've been doing to help set the mood, have you ever seen the NASA channel?

Jeremy Robinson: It's not, I actually don't have cable

Casey: it's on, Roku, we have the Debra thing.

Yeah, there's the NASA channel. And you can get a live feed from the international space station. Yes, it's rad. I love it. So put it on the TV and turn all the other lights off while I'm writing. And you can see this. Big blue glow emanating from the screen one day.

Jeremy Robinson: Is it external?

Casey: Yeah. Yeah. It's yeah. So that otherwise it'd be really awkward.

You [00:53:00] just

it I'm trying to make powdered eggs. What else do you guys want? It sucks up here. It's terrible. Don't ever do this. no. So, yeah, the external camera from the international space station and one day my, my daughters walked into the room while I was writing. they're like, can we have a S can we have a camp out in the living room one night and pretend we're on the space station?

Oh, that's awesome. So I set up a tent, turned on the, the space station and they freaking loved it. It was great.

Jeremy Robinson: I thought I was on.

Casey: Yeah. Yeah. I mean, now you want to do it, you

Jeremy Robinson: know? Yeah. I actually just bought a projector so I could try that with a projector.

Casey: Oh, that's awesome. Yeah, I got after I had, I had, we, we shut down the shop at the baby factory and, I figured I would be laid up for a while, so we don't have a TV in the bedroom.

So I bought a projector and, [00:54:00] basically, watch Netflix and play, super Mario brothers.

Jeremy Robinson: Nice.

Casey: It was, it was worth it.

Jeremy Robinson: So,

Casey: how have you guys been coping with the whole shutdown thing?


has that

Jeremy Robinson: affected your rod? It affected the sales. I was surprised sales dropped by about 50%. Oh, wow. And I don't know if that will have an effect on NPC cause it's new, but, sales of like the backlist definitely slowed down.

but other than that, it didn't affect us really at all. Aside from it being a little bit sketchy with toilet paper for about a week. but other than that, I mean, we were already homeschooled. I already worked from home. So, you know, the only thing that changed for us was maybe like seeing friends less and seeing them in a different way.

Casey: I hear ya. Yeah. We, We've been kind of keeping our [00:55:00] eye on the Sam's club website before, when they had the things that we're looking at before, it kind of screwed up the supply chain for a little while. So, if we need like toilet paper or paper towels, we just got a puppy. So we're. We're going to paper towels, like crazy.

Cause he's a little, he's a little jerk. Yeah. So that that's been our, that's been our go to is to look at the websites for, for anything that we're needing. do you think that the slowdown in sales have mostly been accounted to, like economic anxiety or is it just

Jeremy Robinson: I, people are getting out. Yeah. I think a lot of people thought that sales would go up because more people were spending time at home, but that also meant that those people weren't making money.

so I actually, I did a, like a COVID relief package of, I did five of my books for free for about a month for people who didn't have money to spend. And [00:56:00] so maybe, you know, maybe in part I did it to myself, Like giving away five books.

Casey: I mean, given that you write like 30 books a year, they're going to go, Oh, I really liked that guy.

Now that things are normal. I want to buy some of his books.

Jeremy Robinson: Right. So I'm not in a position where I have to worry about it a ton right now. But MPC will be the real test. We'll see what the numbers are like for that. And then I'll kind of have something to gauge as to whether or not it's affecting new book.

Casey: I hear what, when will that drop or has it dropped already?

Jeremy Robinson: It came out yesterday. Oh, wow. Yeah. It's it's on, I think it's, it's in the top 50 on audible. so it's art. It's off to a good start.

Casey: That's awesome. So has it, has, COVID kind of slow down your writing?

Jeremy Robinson: no, I did write slower. The last book, it took a little bit longer, but that was actually not COVID.

That was the flu. [00:57:00] I got a flu over the winter and, it led to bronchitis. and my, my wife still thinks I should go get a COVID test because it was COVID was just kinda like coming. You know, like it wasn't a big deal at the time. Yeah. But that, that flu laid me up for a good two and a half months. so there was a large portion of the winter where I wasn't able to work

Casey: that it kicks your ass, dude.

It will put you down.

Jeremy Robinson: Yeah. So I felt. Unlike any flu I've ever had before? so maybe it was COVID, but it seems unlikely.

Casey: I, the lab that I work in, one of my, one of the guys that work in the lab with us, came in a few days. it was last Thursday and, he said, yeah, I kind of have a little bit of a temperature this morning.

I don't feel too hot. And my boss was like, get the fuck out.

Jeremy Robinson: Yeah.

Casey: Monday morning we get in and a half the labs go on and [00:58:00] they're like, yeah, they all had COVID. It's like, Oh God.

Jeremy Robinson: Oh man.

Casey: So, or actually one guy had COVID in their rest were people that were working like right next to him on a project.

And he was the kind of masked person that where, cause we're all wearing masks in the lab trying to be as respectful as we can. the part that I will work in, I'm not even around anybody. I'm going to laser welder all day. and, but not this guy had his mouth covered, but his nose uncovered.

Jeremy Robinson: No, I've seen people doing that.

Casey: And I asked him, I said, Hey man, you know, like that doesn't do anything. He said, yeah, I have panic attacks. So I was like, okay. Yeah. I'm not gonna make fun of anybody for panic attacks, but I really wish he would have tried to go that extra mile.

Jeremy Robinson: Yeah. It sounds like you might need a different mask.

Something a little bit more like breathable.

Casey: Yeah. Yeah. So, but yeah, [00:59:00] this dude. Shut down half a mile lap. So,

Jeremy Robinson: Oh,

Casey: it's been

Jeremy Robinson: put on the mask and take some lorazepam.

Casey: Yeah. In, I've been telling everybody here in the South, especially what their masks, they're just scared their testes will fall off. Or if they haven't met, it's gone in the store.

Jeremy Robinson: Yeah. Yeah.

Casey: So. one thing we always like to ask people about what while they're on is w we like to keep, independent bookstores and comic shops open because they are literally, especially with, with comics, the lifeblood of the industry, there is no direct market with out comic shops. So that being said, do you have any comic shops that you're particularly fond of?

Jeremy Robinson: Yep. jet pack comics in Rochester, New Hampshire, and actually heard of them. Yeah, they are really good to me. they host, I think it's the biggest free comic book day, [01:00:00] event in the country. It's huge. and so. I've known them for a long time. And, they're very good to my family and my son who is a Pokemon tournament guy.

they support him a lot. So they're really awesome. They're Jetpack comics

Casey: that that's that's great. Hey, can you tell me a little bit about the, New Hampshire author Fest that you, that you were the director of?

Jeremy Robinson: Could your Hampshire off the Fest, that's going back. So we haven't done that in a long time.

It was, it was basically, New Hampshire authors would come together and do like a big like day long event with signings and talks and stuff like that. and it was too poor, like local reading programs. but I think that only lasted like two or three years a

Casey: bummer.

Jeremy Robinson: Yeah, it was, I think it was more work than.

Everyone working on it.

Casey: it's a lot of [01:01:00] duckies to line up

Jeremy Robinson: and just about everyone involves was also like popping out kids. And so we all had to be like, well, we have kids or this organization. so yeah, we had to dissolve it because of that.

Casey: I hear ya. I hear you. do you, do you think you'll ever want to start that back?

Cause it sounds like a really admirable. And admirable cause,

Jeremy Robinson: I don't know what, what we do now is I was opposed to this name.

Casey: Oh gosh, it hit me with it.

Jeremy Robinson: Well, it's just, it's just like egocentric. It's called Robinson.

I didn't want it to be called rock, but it's. Basically a yearly event where fans kind of, for all over the world, Australia, England, all parts of the United States, Canada, they all come to New Hampshire and we hang out for four days. We do tons of restaurants. We do, lots of, so most of my books are [01:02:00] featured kind of like in this area.

So I will take them to various. You know, locations where we've written a book and we'll do cruises and whale out last year. and I should plug this last year. We did something amazing. We, we filmed a short film, in one day while we were doing that. and it's sort of, if you go to YouTube and you search for, is it, you have.

I have it's either I have been killed by Jeremy Robinson or you have been killed by Jeremy Robinson. and it's, it's, it's a four or five minute film that we did in one day. And so we filmed it over a day and then I had, I think, three hours, that night to edit it. and I think I was up till one in the morning.

And then the next day we actually had a theater and, we actually got to watch it in the theater.

Casey: That is awesome. That's awesome.

Jeremy Robinson: that's really cool. I,

Casey: I think my five-year-old's having a fit and stuff. [01:03:00] Yeah. one, one thing, Jeremy, I love this age. It's such a nice age right now

Jeremy Robinson: where everything is better than 50

Casey: about screaming.

Yeah. have they started driving yet?

Jeremy Robinson: we started doing driving lessons, and that's, that's currently on hold for teenage reasons.

Casey: So my, my partner work, started teaching his 15 year old, how to drive the other day and they have a driveway that kind of dips down below their house. Yep. And she hit the brick wall. Two, two tires were on the brick wall. The other two were on and she flipped out. The whole family was in the car.

Jeremy Robinson: Oh, wow.

Casey: She hit the gas instead of the brake. And he texted me a picture. He had just gotten out of chemo few. [01:04:00] He said, we're okay. And he texted a picture. I said, Oh my God, what happened? His car was completely upside down. She still does not set foot in the driver's seat. She, she refuses to drive and he's like, she's gonna have to learn.

Jeremy Robinson: Might be a good thing. Like. I, I feel like I didn't get my license until I, until I was 18. And I'm really glad for it. I've never been in an accident and never got a ticket or anything. It's just like when you hit 18, you're a little bit more mature and a little bit more calm under certain, certain circumstances.

But like, I don't want my daughter to have her license at 16.

Casey: Yeah. Oh yeah. I remember who I was 16, so I. I got my license. And as soon as I got my license, I had a seizure and couldn't drive for a year.

Jeremy Robinson: Oh, wow.

Casey: So, I had bought a car from a crappy job at a grocery store [01:05:00] and it sat in the driveway for a year, but, you know, part of it.

Jeremy Robinson, thank you so much for coming on the show. Is there anything else you want to talk about before? I, I don't want to take up any more of your time.

Jeremy Robinson: I can't think of anything, I suppose, I suppose plug my website, which is beware of And, let's see, the Facebook group is taken off, by Facebook open.

Here we go. So the group is called tribe and to get there it's J R dot tribe. and we've got almost 2000 people in there and we do giveaways every Friday and lots of cool stuff in there for anyone who's interested.

Casey: Nice, nice junior tribe, coefficient.

Jeremy Robinson: I think jr is Jeremy Rob.

Casey: Oh, gotcha. Gotcha. Oh, okay. So yeah,

Jeremy Robinson: my group for young [01:06:00] readers, it's tribe Jewish.

Casey: Okay. Well, Jeremy Robinson, thank you so much for coming on the show. dude, it's been a blast. I really enjoyed talking to you. you guys go out and buy MPC, and, go to, His Facebook jr. Tribe and, get on in that group.

and yeah, you guys check out his stuff is super fun. and you go through about 80 different genres on your writing. So

Jeremy Robinson: for everyone.

Casey: Exactly. Exactly. Jeremy, thank you again, man. Have a good evening and washing damn hands.

Jeremy Robinson: Okay. You too.

Casey: Stay safe, buddy.

Jeremy Robinson: Alright. Bye. Bye.



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