August 25, 2020


Voice of Superboy, Superman, Nathan Drake, Deadpool, Penguin and more! Nolan North!

Hosted by

Kenric Regan John Horsley
Voice of Superboy, Superman, Nathan Drake, Deadpool, Penguin and more! Nolan North!
Spoiler Country
Voice of Superboy, Superman, Nathan Drake, Deadpool, Penguin and more! Nolan North!

Aug 25 2020 | 01:12:59


Show Notes

Tonight is pretty awesome as Jeff "The Get" Haas sits down and chats with actor Nolan North about his career, life, and so much more!

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Interview scheduled by Jeffery Haas

Theme music by Good Co Music:

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Nolan North Interview

[00:00:00] hey listeners. Today on split country, we had the fantastic Nolan North. How are we doing mr. North? Doing great. Doing great. Jeff. Thanks. How are you? Very good. So right now, are you in California? I am. I am. It is, it has been a really hot day, but, unfortunately it's cooled down a little bit.

So actually outside with my dogs and enjoying the enjoying some last bits of sunshine. Well, what I found was fascinating is that you grew up in Warwick, Rhode Island. Yeah. Yeah. Pretty much right on the Cranston ward line in Edgewood. I'm a new Englander. I went to high school in Warwick, so, yeah, but you know, biggest little state in the union, right?

Yeah. That's a, that's actually where, that's where I live. I lived the most, my entire life and work Rhode Island. I live in Columbia. Oh yeah, sure. I actually, my high school girlfriend lived in, in that area, so I know exactly where, where you're at. So, do you miss her? You miss her Island at all? Yeah, every now and then I get a, I get a little bit, you know, homesick little nostalgic for, [00:01:00] for, for Rhode Island.

My parents lived there up until about a year and a half ago. you know, then they finally got tired of the snow, so they went down to Florida. But, yeah, you know, I love Rhode Island because, you know, there's. Everything's so accessible. There's everything you could possibly want is there. And it's, and that last time I was there just visiting, it's really just grown since I was a kid.

So how do you visit Rhode Island often? No, no, I don't get there nearly as much as I'd like to, but, you know, I, I got a bunch of buddies still back there that, keep me, keep me posted on all the, all the news. So, do you wanna give a shout out to your high school? What was your old high school? I went to Bishop Hendrick in high school and Warwick.

Oh, wow. Yeah. Graduating class. Yeah. Oh yeah. It was, it was great. It was a, it was, my brother actually went to LaSalle Academy, which was their big rivals at the time. Oh, wow. A little bit of, a little bit of a thing when I went to Hendrick and, but, [00:02:00] we lived closer to Hendrickson and, you know, I was just, and it also, it was one of the few schools that actually had a senior campus where they would.

Well, my senior year, we actually were, on another campus, a few miles away, where, you know, nine through 11 was on one campus and then the seniors. So yeah, he kinda got a little feeling of independence and, you know, a little idea of like, you know, what, what it's like, what college eventually would be like.

I remember the coolest part was if you wanted to leave campus drive to somewhere to get lunch, you could do that. That was the big deal back then, like I said, Hendrickson has a fantastic reputation. That's that's usually when those schools that everyone talks about as being one of the premier schools in Rhode Island.

So for high schools. Yeah. Yeah. Well, you know, and I, and I know it's, it's, it's really grown by leaps and bounds us since I graduated back in 1988. So, it is, I I've I've, I have not been back there in a long, long time. I actually like to come back and check that [00:03:00] place up when I, when I'm back in town has changed a lot since then.

And we are doing really well, actually let me, even with the coronavirus, we're one of the few States that have dropped in cases. Yeah. Yeah. In the country, Southern on the news the other night, I was like, wow, look at that new England is generally aside from Connecticut. And I think Vermont new England's doing pretty well overall, but Rhode Island, I was very, very proud of, of, of, of, of those people.

Cause I mean, man, we got, we are just, keeping the curb though, but I told my wife, I laughed. I said, Yeah, those people are like, dude, I'm not going outside. Absolutely not. Yeah. Well we're relatives come up, but not out. I come to stay there, I gotta get sick. So I mean, you know, we were, you know, you know, maybe it's why I became an actor.

I take direction. Well, Rhode Island is take direction. Well, like, you know what? They told me to shelter and place. I'm going to stay right here. Yeah. And less about Rhode Island, as you probably know, we don't go anywhere beyond [00:04:00] 15 minutes from our house. So we keep it pretty well. You know, if you go 30 minutes from anybody's house, you're in another state, right.

That is a hundred percent true. Yeah. I mean, it's nice. It probably, if you visited again, you'll notice a lot of things have changed. yeah. Downtown is crazy change. Oh like a Providence, you mean? Oh yeah, yeah. Fight. What is it called? Firewater that was put down, you know, it's just the whole downtown area.

You know, where the library by the train station is just the last time I was in Romana and I actually was there for a convention, a Comicon convention in provenance. And, and it was a. Amazing the restaurants, and, and just the, the, the action and the life, the lifestyle downtown was just, you know, completely different, different than what I remembered.

Oh yeah. Running comic con is one of the things that we're very proud of around here. What did you think of Rowan comic con when you visited. Great. It was great. actually, yeah, friends come up with their [00:05:00] kids who may have been, you know, are fans of some video games I've done or, or some animation that, or some of the TV shows I've done.

So it was great to see some old friends, you know, it was really well run. And, I think, we were talking about possibly, attend this year, but I think everything's been okay. Shut down. I'm certainly not going anywhere for 2020, so maybe we'll catch it in 2021. Yeah, I was actually, I've tended to run.

I kind of come down a few times. I was thinking about going to this, but obviously that's out. Do you, do you go to the comic con circuit off or was that one of the few times you I'm gone? No, that's actually done a, I've done a bunch of them all over the week world. I've been to conventions in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, London, lotta all over great Britain, Ireland, France, Italy, maybe it's been, it's been a lot, a lot of fun, Australia.

I was supposed to be in New Zealand this year. yeah, I've been, I've been all over, so it's, it's been amazing. and then all over the country, this year I was scheduled to be in Seattle [00:06:00] and Kansas city and Miami, I think New York. so in Canada we don't do them everywhere. The last couple of years I've done a lot because I started a YouTube channel called retro replay and, was really promoting that.

so technically this whole, the, the coronavirus actually kind of. Forced me to take a break and maybe that was good because the travel was getting a bit hectic. Sorry, my, my alarm went off to make sure I made it to the interview on time. Sorry, my mistake. You, you, you know what you made it. Yeah. Thank you so much.

so, going back to your earliest convention memory, how did it feel to sign your first autographs? Did that must have been a wonderful sensation? you know, the, the, the first ones we ever, it was funny. It was when I, my first job, was, a daytime show called port Charles. And I remember getting fan mail and people asking for it, autograph pictures, and I thought this is fun.

And then I realized. Why do they want a picture? We haven't even aired yet. [00:07:00] So, you know, but you know, it's just, it's, you know, collectors just want those kinds of things. the best thing about going to these conventions though, isn't it, it's just having that interaction with fan is because yeah. You know, you don't really get that a lot, you know, whether, if you're doing a voiceover job or if you're doing an on-camera TV show or a film.

Do you have very little interaction with the fans. So it's really nice to meet people face to face and, you know, hear about their experiences and, and, you know, with, with your game or your show. And, yeah, it's been really rewarding now, is that when you first realized arrived as in the profession, as a professional actor, or did you prior to your first convention, had you already known, you know, I've done it, I'm successful.

I've, I've broken in and I'm, you know, doing quite well. you know, I never really, find success as like, you know, doing well. It just, I think for me, I know it sounds a little corny, but, my success I always [00:08:00] felt was, was just in the trying, it was just in the attempt, you know, our, our mutual friend, Doug shovel.

you know, he was my, he was one of my first big, cheering sections. He was my roommate, my, you know, before I really landed anything, we were, we were just two broke eyes, you know, just he'd go off in the morning to go surf. And I went off to auditions and. you know, and the thing is though, you know, that, you know, that was the time of like, you know, the lean years where you're broken, you know, you're quote unquote struggling, but we had a blast, you know, we, we, we, you know, I had jobs in restaurants and he, he, he had jobs and we made our money and went out and, you know, threw back a few beers and, and had a bunch of laughs and.

so the success for me was just in the attempt of doing things, I guess when, I guess, you know, it wasn't really autographs or anything like that, that I've felt, but, you know, I had quote unquote made it. I think, I think when I was, when I just realized that I didn't have to, [00:09:00] Hey, I didn't, I didn't need a second job too.

Pay my bills. I think that's when I realized, okay, well I'm truly a working actor. This is, this is what I really set up to be. and I think that, yeah, that's when I, you know, when, when all my bills, and were, were paid through working, you know, Acting jobs. That's when I felt, yeah, I I'm doing okay. Yeah.

And I must say, cause you mentioned Doug, Doug for me. Cause when, when I speak to him, he's one of the most upbeat people ever spoke to. How does it help to have someone in your corner? Who is the upbeat and are you also upbeat or did you need someone like that to help. Propel, you know, he is, he, if you look up optimism in the dictionary, you're going to have his picture there.

you know, and ridiculously talented singer. I mean, he can say to do everything. He was always so good at just about anything. And, but he just, you know, he always, I mean, he, I can't remember a time where he was ever down and I mean that sincerely, I don't [00:10:00] ever remember him. You know, and yeah, I think it was a very, a very good thing for me to be around.

I don't technically get to down. you know, I always kind of looked at the bright side of things too, but. Not in the way he does. I mean, he is just cheerleader, you know, constant energy. he was, he was go, go go. Or he was fast asleep. And, you know, just having that energy, especially at the beginning of my career was, was certainly a good thing.

cause. You know, he's, he's just a, he's a, he's a great guy. I remember feeling kind of bad when he, when he moved back, back East, I was like, man, you know, he's just, he's one of those guys that after we were no longer roommates, I didn't see as much as I, I wish I had. And I think I got caught up in work and life and everything.

And then he just did great in business and, and moved back East and started a family. And, but he's somebody that, you know, I, I always look back okay. With fond memories and the. you know, you know, if I'm, [00:11:00] if I go back to new England, I'm definitely going to be calling him to, you know, catch up.

You saying though that Doug is good. At many things, I was looking at your background, you went to college for journalism and on a baseball scholarship, and then you did stand up comedy. That's, that's a very interesting, career path right then to go. first journalism. What got you into that? And then you got on a baseball scholarship.

Well, I went on a baseball scholarship and I remember, my older brother had played baseball at a university of Mississippi and he had hurt his shoulder and he said, you know, just make sure when you pick a college, he's my older brother. He said, make sure when you pick a college, you know, if for some reason you should ever get hurt, you, you know, find something that you might want to do.

So, at the time I think it was Syracuse, Missouri and North Carolina were highly. accredited schools for journalism. and Caroline had just said, you know, that, that the appeal I wanted to go to the South, I had some other offers at other places, but I wanted to go someplace. That just felt right.

[00:12:00] And that was certainly, it was, chapel Hill, North Carolina. I mean, we, it was beautiful and they had a great program and, And the baseball was great. You know, it was, it was a, it was a lot of fun, but, you know, I, I joke with people I say, yeah, I, I majored in baseball and got a degree in journalism because after that, I ended up going to Boston and go to graduate school for broadcast journalism.

Cause I had, I had zero experience, for internships or anything because I was too busy, you know, with school and playing baseball to go and get those. There was practical life experiences in the business. And Emerson afforded me, Emerson in Boston actually afforded me the opportunity to, to, to get a little more experience.

And that led to my first job as a reporter. I, I did stand up in college just as a goof. And then when I was in New York, I started doing it again on the side and, and I, then I then led to some more theater and then all of a sudden I'm like, [00:13:00] I don't want to be a reporter anymore. This is too much fun.

Yeah, I remember. Yeah. I remember, you know, just making the decision that I'd rather be, I was, I was already broke as a reporter and I thought I'd read, but I wasn't happy. And I thought, you know what, I'm going to be broke. I might as well be happy. So. I made a decision. I'm just, I really want to be an actor and I was enjoying it more and I was getting good reviews and little plays I did.

And I just thought, you know what? I have one shot at this. Why don't I just give it a shot? It doesn't work out. It doesn't work out. You know, you can, and I tell people all the time, Especially younger people who are just like, Oh, I gotta find my career. What am I going to do for the rest of my life? It's never too late to reinvent yourself.

so you know, life is short, but the days are long. So, you know, despite things that, that, that you can be passionate about now, I'm sure people are gonna be wondering, what position did you play in baseball? By the way, I was a pitcher. I said, Oh, wow, what pitches did he throw? Fast ball [00:14:00] slider a really good change, a good change it, but I don't find it interesting like a ProHeart and I didn't throw hard enough to call it a true split finger fastball.

So I definitely, I call it more of a Fort ball. It was weird. It was a weird, it just funny. And that was a good thing as a pitcher because he didn't throw, I threw high eighties, but, You know, I think I hit 91 time. I don't know, but it was a, it was a lot of fun. So, so, because you came from Rhode Island or will you be a red Sox fan then?

I'm not actually, my dad is from Iowa and, I, I, we all grew up as lifelong Cardinal fans, which is a funny, interesting in the house because my grandfather. He is from Boston and he was a, he was a diehard red slam and he and my dad would get into it because I guess back in the sixties, the Cardinals had a great team and I think 60  the Cardinals beat the red Sox and the world series.

[00:15:00] And my, my grandfather, just, my dad never saw eye to eye on that. They rubbed each other quite a bit, but, but you know, when I was, you know, the red Sox finally broke their curse by beating. Who else? The st. Louis Cardinals?

I don't remember what it was. Was it 2000, 2004, 2004? Yeah, I remember it went, it was the only time I ever went to a sport. A sports restaurant continued to watch the final game and it was a hell of an experience. Yeah. Yeah. But they deserved it. Well, yeah, I'm I'm, I mean, I'm an Orioles fan, so we've been sad for a long time.

Okay. You know, a friend of mine is if you're an Orioles fan, you remember Rick Dempsey? Yes, I do. Rick Dempsey is a very good friend of mine out here. He's a, he's played golf with him a lot. He's a, and I hear all the stories about, cause at 20, I got to tell him that at North Carolina, I used to, I once did during a rain delay, I did the Rick [00:16:00] Dempsey where I slid on the tarp in front of the crowd.

Yeah. Awesome. And then I, but I heard it, he was, he's known to be a bit of, a bit of a clown in the clubhouse. Right. Oh, yeah, he's the best. He's the Basie. He's a, he's a grown man child. Yeah. I remember I grew up on in, I'm watching the team in the eighties when it was covered again, you had Eddie Murray Dempsey, all those guys.

That was a, that was a funny thing. They lost a lot in the late eighties, but it was fun. Yeah. But, but, w w why did you say baseball? Wasn't your thing? I didn't, I, my shoulder did, I told him to are my rotator cuff pretty good. And, that was, that was pretty much the end of it. And, you know, it's funny.

It's like I, but I, I, you know, I, I did my, I worked hard. I have no regrets. and like I said, you know, I have friends that I know out here now that, we're, we're big time like Dempsey. I know I have a, I have about, I don't know, Half a dozen friends who played in the majors, for many years. And [00:17:00] they were at a level that I, you know, I can look back on.

I don't think I had that level in. so I have no regrets about it. you know, I mean, I was an underdog for most of my life. I mean, I played at Hendrickson. we won state championships, but I was never, not even close to the star player on the team. you know, I went to college and I, you know, Kind of against all odds.

I, I, I got a scholarship there, and got to play and, you know, it just was a, I think the fact that, you know, if you always just give it your a hundred percent effort, so you, so w w when, like you're an injury, or you just reached the end of the run, you, you, you know, that you gave it your best. I think that was, that was my, my goal.

My brother kind of instilled that idea of Mason, so you'd have no regrets. and I don't, you know, I, I can try and then, you know, looking back, talking with like a, a couple of guys that I, I had more fun on the days I didn't play. just out in the [00:18:00] bullpen, telling jokes, doing voices, goofing around and all it's, all the things that I now get paid for, you know, is what I was truly, probably meant to do because, and it's truly what I, what I, I, I enjoy more, you know, and there's less running.

Let's face it. It's just running involved in talking into a microphone or into a camera it's way. It's way better. Right now you just said you got a lot of practice with voices, playing baseball, did journalists and stand up also, like which of these skills did you receive in those avenues that you think made you the actor that you are now?

I was always thinking the kid goofing around with my family and doing impressions of family. And I think when you're a young kid and you can make older people, your relatives, your, the adults, when you can make them laugh. you know, that's how you, you get attention and people, you know, it, it feels good as a kid.

so I think, but I was always able to do that. And, and, you know, I [00:19:00] talk about my older brother a lot, you know, he was, if I could get him to eat, he had one of those infectious labs where he started like wheezing. I knew if I, if I could make him wheeze, it was funny, you know, so. I know I, you know, it was just something that I got attention and, and, it worked, you know, when I went to journalism school though, I thought I never knew acting was like a job that people would actually do.

that's why journalism. I thought, you know, I'd love to be on sports center, you know, and cause you know, the sports center at the times guys could be funny. Chris Berman, Keith, over with, they were funny, Kenny Mayne, they're funny guys, doing the sports and it was light and easy. but when I actually was an on-camera reporter for a year, I covered it.

I didn't get to sports center. I was. Covering deck and fires and political stuff. And it was just dark and heavy and it just wasn't, it just, it just was like a soul sucker. So, [00:20:00] I dunno, but you know, it's, it's journalism is a, you know, a form of performing. I was a performer before I was an actor. I think you, you grow to be an actor when you understand the craft better and, and that, that.

I guess, I don't know if you can really go to school for that. I think that's just like getting older. You just get the wisdom of it. Now somebody may gain the wisdom because they've been doing it since they were 12 and they have that wisdom by the time they're 20. I truly became an actor around when I was about 24, 25 and we're doing it professionally.

At like, 26. Yeah, 26. I got my first real job and it was a five year contract. So five straight years I was working all the time. and then, it never returned. It never stopped after that, you know, it just sort of snowballed. And I kept my head down. I think athletics had a big part in my life too, because, because you know, athletics, you never rest on your laurels.

You always want to outdo your next performance. So you keep working hard. You keep trying and trying to [00:21:00] get better. and I think in any profession, that's a, that's a good rule of thumb. Just always try to be better than the day before. And, Yeah, that's what I did. And, and so far so good. Yeah. I mean, I was looking through your, ID M B profile.

It is so long. I mean, there's so many things that, some stuff I knew you from that you, you had done some things I didn't, I wasn't aware it was you and it's, I mean, it was it's you have an immense body of work right now as both an actor and voice actor. Oh, now I'm creeping up on 50 now, Jeff. I mean, it's crazy.

It's a matter of fact. It's funny. Cause I, one day I had, had, got a PlayStation and I was setting it up in my office and Oh, there's the dog. so I was setting up the PlayStation and my son was like, you should play a game. I'm like, eh, I don't really play a lot of games. He said I should play what?

Just try one. I'm like. Well, I thought, you know, if it's the Corona virus were sheltered in place and I had nothing to [00:22:00] do, I said, okay, You know, and he said, yeah, I play when you get you're in. I'm like, nah, I don't want to do that. Like I said down, like, it was kind of just flipping through old titles on PlayStation now and I'm flipping through old titles and all of a sudden I see this sniper gave him like, Hey, that could be kind of cool sniper.

Yeah. Yeah. I'll do a sniper game. I like shooters. That's kind of cool. The first voice that I hear it's me. I'm basically the Sergeant that is the tutorial, like, all right. Pick up that rifle, we're going to the rage. And then I'm like, Oh my God, I had no idea I was in this. You've done so many now that you can't remember where she went to her.

And that's why, I mean, did you, I mean, the games that you do, you do the voices for, I mean, have you ever like when the one that you're most noted for? I think it's uncharted. I don't know. I may be wrong in that, but I think that's the one that you're best connected to. Yeah. And did he ever, you, did you go when you were doing the role and did they give you a chance to play the character out to get a sense of what's happening and how it gets played?

Or do you not [00:23:00] really want to bother with that part of it? You want focused on like the acting. Uncharted was different than most video games, because it was one of the earlier games where I'm not only doing the voice, I'm doing all the motion, the movement. I mean that we shot that the way they would shoot, Andy circus in Lord of the rings or, avatar the movie or any kind of motion capture, movie Tintin.

Have you ever seen it behind the scenes of Tintin? you know, that was. Polar express polar express. Yeah. So that we actually shot on charter three on the same stage where polar express was done with the same cameras that Zemeckis used. And, you know, it it's it's, it's like making a movie. so one of the reasons I was cast is cause I had done so much theater and so much, on camera stuff.

I mean, it just, I was just a right fit. and I think that, you know, so in terms of, we make that we make, we make Nathan Drake do his movements [00:24:00] before you ever play the game. So it wasn't like I could play something and see what it was like. You're literally playing the movement and the, and the, the, the stuff that we did.

so it's, and the funny thing is I only played the first one about a year ago. I had not played that game. I never played it, you know, cause I, I used to joke cause I've lived it, but the truth was is like I was busy. I was working, I had a family, I had. Responsibilities and things. And, I, I've never been a huge gamer and only through the YouTube show, retro replay, have I kind of, you know, people just were like, come on, I want to see you play on charted.

So I went back and I did it. I tried it out. and I'm terrible, but I'm getting a little better, but, but you know, it's like, you know, it's it's so I, I, my sons will play. Games sometimes. And I'll sit and watch and I'll be like, man, this, cause it's almost, it's like, especially the unchartered was, it's like a movie, you know, but if they play anything, I [00:25:00] mean, it's just the graphics and the scenery and the, the interaction is, it's just, it's fantastic.

So Nathan Drake is not good at uncharted. Let me tell you, put it this way. It's easier to play Nathan Drake. Then you don't to play as that's wicked funny. That's awesome. It's it's, it's, you know, I mean, and, and then, you know, die, you know, killing yourself over and over. It gets a little, Tired after awhile, you know, I'm like, you know what?

Matter of fact, funny story is, at the, whenever Drake dies and uncharted three, there's like, you're here though. And then this music like kind of like this kind of thing. Well, my kid, my oldest son at the time was playing a game in our house and we had set it up in, you know, like every house has like a nice living room.

That nobody ever uses. We said, you know what, let's make this room [00:26:00] useful. And it wasn't at the center of the house, but we turned it into, put a TV up over the fireplace and, you know, a comfy couch. And it was kind of a, no, just kind of a, entertainment room and, you know, set up the PlayStation in there.

Well, anytime Drake died that, and my screams would echo throughout the house and it got so bad. That I went down and it was either I was going to ground him or buy him headphones and I decided headphones was the better place. So yeah, let's seems a little less curl. So, and it was funny because then all I'd hear is just, you know, I didn't hear the game play anymore, but then every now and then I just hear him yell.

Sorry, dad, I killed you again. So anytime you punish him or he gets angry at you, you can go into the video game and kill you off in the meantime as he wishes. Yeah. Yeah. And, but what gets really scary is when you go downstairs, you hear yourself dying and it's your [00:27:00] wife throwing you off a cliff. And that doesn't mean you're in real trouble.

Then that's when you know, you're sleeping on the couch that night. So when you need motion capture, having, cause I I've seen the video, the behind the scenes pictures when you had the cameras on it, you know, the little dots on your face and the thing over your eyes. Yep. How hard is it to stay in character when you're, I mean, I mean, it must feel a little fun or a little foolish when you see yourself in, in that Ghana with the black clothing and the little dots in the camera, it's hard to get into character at that point.

Yeah, well, no, I mean, you get used to it. And the funny thing is like, there's something called black box theater that you first do, and it doesn't, you don't have any wardrobe and there's very minimal props. It's usually the stage is painted black and all the props or the chairs or anything are black. And it's just, it's meant to make the audience focus on the actors and what the actors do is have to focus on each other.

but [00:28:00] the truth is it's like, I, I don't have any fancy words for you about acting at this point. It's that making uncharted was, is more, it's much more like when you're a kid and you have a clubhouse in the backyard, up in a tree and you look at your friends and go, okay, what are we playing? They would play pirates, pirates.

Okay. Okay. The clubhouse is a pirate ship that over there that the treasure is over there and okay. And go. Yeah, you just, you just really, you know, you, you just jump into your own imagination and you play and, you know, working on a motion capture stage is, you know, there's technical things that you.

You have to do and you learn over time, but it's really just, you know, adult children running around, playing in a sandbox and their imagination. And, we had a great, great writer and creator Amy headache who just gave us incredible scripts, and you know, encouraged improv. And, Gordon hunt, was our director.

He was, you know, he's [00:29:00] famously, the father of Helen Hunt. and he came from the theater background. Yeah. And, also background as a great voiceover director at Hanna Barbera. Yeah. And he, when he went Emmys for television as well, I mean, he was phenomenal and he was very good about getting us to, you know, just be very specific with movements.

And it, it was a lot of times, performance captured gets in trouble when, the performer actors think they need to make big gestures, sweeping things, you know, so people can understand what they're doing. But if you just treat it like an on-camera job, you stay nice and subtle and keep it very real.

that's that's when you get the nuances and things in performance that help people playing a game or watching a movie or anything. Relate to it because an audience is very, very savvy just knowing when something's over the top and doesn't feel right. So you just, you've got to keep it very, very natural.

[00:30:00] And if you just get out of the way and let it happen, that, that, that's a lot easier to do. Now. I remember watching one of the behind the scenes interviews of Tom Hanson, he did the polar express and he, and he mentioned that. The cool thing about motion capture is that it allowed him to play every character, at least from the acting state, but not the boy did acting of almost every character in that movie, including the little girl, the other kids and whatnot.

Have you ever thought about, or have you had the opportunity to explore that range, that motion capture gives you, that you can act out? We do that in a number of, a number of, you know, you know, bad guys and, and, you know, some of them, you know, the soldiers that. Run around and uncharted I've I've, absolutely do that.

And I would, I would expand that to anything in, voiceover, you know, one of the things that I like about it more than on-camera is the, the creativity, you know, I've played, and women creatures. you know, I mean, I was a [00:31:00] Viking Beaver tune, this called breadwinners. I was pretty scared to Beaver. I mean, crazy, you know, and you're not limited by your what your height, weight and looks, you know, like you are.

you know, an on camera and I'm so often just cast as the dad now, or a police officer or a lawyer or a doctor I'm doctor, cop, lawyer, and it's, or politician, you know, it's just those, those specific roles. But, you know, it's, you know, the, the getting, I mean, you can be anything in voiceover or in gaming or animation, you.

you know, so it's, it's, it's a, it's a bigger, deeper sandbox and a lot more fun to play in sometimes. Yeah. I mean, I definitely computer graphics have opened the doors. It seems like for movies, what they can do. So a huge extent, especially motion capture making, obviously things seem more real. I know there's there was a studio that apparently got the right.

[00:32:00] To make a movie with James Dean. And I think though one might be John Wayne and make them into characters again, as an actor. How does that feel? Do you think that's, CGI is moving in a dangerous direction that area, or do you think that tough just wasn't worth it because of things like uncanny Valley effect and we'll keep it.

And actors will always maintain a w you know, be able to keep the movie roles like that. Yeah, I don't think that'll ever work. I don't think people will like that at all. I saw that James Dean thing and I thought that was just, just silly. you know, especially after if anybody's ever seen James Franco's performances, James Dean, it was, you know, you know, good luck letting anything, artificially intelligent.

Beat that performance? no, I don't, I don't think there's there's, you know, I mean, it, he says for that, you know, we, we can do it things with CGI, you know, like, like they didn't Forrest Gump, you know, where they kind of substituted him. So he's there on, you know, talking to president Kennedy, you know, [00:33:00] they, you can do some interesting things, you know, the, the different places where he's at the.

You know, as far as company, all the great moments in history, it's a busy place for CGI, but when you try to, you know, you know, we're turning Andy circus. into Gollum, you know, although he does that pretty much on his own, I don't want to take that away from him, but you know what he does as Caesar, you know, in the planet of the apes, you know, these things, you know, so that's that, you know, having a, a person, This is another person who's worked with them for a long time.

he's a stunt actor, an actor named Terry notary who played the gorilla, I believe in the planet of the apes stuff. And he did it on these stilts, these kinds of hands. Stilts, I don't know what they're called and just phenomenal athlete and an actor to be able to do that stuff. That's where CGI.

Cause you know, you, you, you know, that's where it works. I mean the only time that, like a real [00:34:00] gorilla did it right. Was, you know, every which way, but loose would Clint Eastwood, you know, when CLI you actually bring it, but you know, to, to have something to do it. Do it well, like that, is important, but you know, here's a, another good example.

there is, a great movie called Togo, Disney, that was, Willem Defoe, plays this famous, musher. And the thing is it's about Toko the dog that the Alaskan, A diptheria outbreak. Yeah. It's just, it's a wonderful story. And this, this Willem Defoe and this dog, and it was just so fantastic and it's a real dog.

and then they did call it the wild with Harrison Ford and they, and they did a CGI dog and it just the connection wasn't there because you know, it's a CGI dog and whereas this other film, but much smaller film. I mean, I was sobbing at that movie and it, and it was because of [00:35:00] the connection between the real dog and, and, the actor.

As opposed to, you know, they were going for the same thing that said that same type of feeling and call it a while, but it wasn't there because it was a CGI dog. So I think there's a, it's a, it's a line that they have to tow very carefully. moving forward. Is it an, I think it's very amazing how the audience.

Can always sense. The artificiality of CGI, even no matter how good you make it, it feels like the audience can always tell there's something, not real about this thing. Right. But, and you know, the thing is, is like, in like Lord of the rings, you don't care, you know, it's it's, you don't care, but if you had a TV show and there are four actors on the screen and you know that one of them isn't real, it's not, it's never going to be right.

So if you, if you're at a movie and you're watching all these actors work around a CGI James Dean, [00:36:00] for example, you're going to go, I know that that's not really him. He's not really there. so I don't know. I guess that's what I'm saying. So CGI can replace it. a lot of things, but not another truly living creature.

It can, it can replace an ORC or, or, or, it can replace, a robot. You know, I've got a buddy Alan today who was a tattoo. So in a rogue one, you know, he does a great performance. you'll never see his face because he's K2. So the robot and, his performances there, but you know, you can't, you can't make it work a robot to do that and then dub it.

It had to be done in a motion capture suit. So yeah. It has its place, but it should never, here's a great way. It has its place, but it should never replace real actors. when it comes to that, I agree with you a hundred percent. I think the other thing that's very interesting actually for this you're a voice actor is that you can't duplicate the human voice either.

You always, and once again, [00:37:00] another aspect where humans can always pick out artificiality in something like a voice as well, that you might not think that we can. True. That's very true. Now when you're playing, Nathan Drake, do you feel that kind of ownership of the character that, you know, this is my character I've, you know, I made, or are you able to kind of step away from that character a little bit?

Well, yeah. I mean, it's, it's always going to be since I was created and I think I've always will feel a little not ownership of it, but, you know, I, you know, I always like to joke and say, Amy, Hennig. gave birth to make a Drake, but she let me help raise him. So, you know, like there's been talks of an uncharted movie forever and, you know, video game adaptations to films that rarely work.

but I think, you know, they came up with a very interesting concept where it's a, it's a younger Drake, like where was Nathan Drake in his twenties. So I think they're making this movie with Tom Holland. As Nathan Drake and, Mark Walberg fellow [00:38:00] new Englander as Sully, his companion, and mentor. Yeah, I think, I think, you know, that that's, it's an interesting take.

It's like, okay, you're not trying to copy what the game already did so well, you're showing us another version of it. so in that regard, yeah, go for it. I think it's, I think it's fantastic. Do you think Tom Howard will do a good Nathan Drake? Sure sure. I mean, I, as long as they make their make it their own, you know, th the, the problem that I've seen with so many movie adaptations is they try to mimic the experience that is that the player had in a two hour film, that the player actually was part of an experience for dozens and dozens of hours, maybe more, you know, playing uncharted.

For 25 hours to get through it. And you are Nathan Drake is a lot different than sitting there passively in a seat for two hours and watching Nathan [00:39:00] Drake going, Oh, I wouldn't have done it that way. That doesn't sound like what I heard in my head. Yeah. No, he doesn't, you know, but, and that's why, again, what they're doing is smart because nobody's ever seen a Nathan Drake in his twenties, so you can kind of go, Oh, okay.

This is, this is before it's almost like they're going to make movies that are prequels to the movies we made, that they call it video games. If that makes sense. No, it makes total sense. Total sense. Now, Tom holiday, do you expect him to reach out to you and maybe in four pointers on, Nathan Drake, how to play them?

I doubt it. I think he's got it. I think he'll be just fine. And you know what I mean? He's got to make it his own. I actually was at a convention and I saw him and I was going to go talk to him and he was busy and then I got dragged away. And the next thing I know, we didn't, we didn't have it didn't happen, but, if I ever see him again, I'll go up and say hi to him.

But, you know, if he ever wanted pointers, I'm happy to give them to him, but you know, again, this is going to be his version and I think we [00:40:00] should let him. you know, do his thing. he's he's more than capable. Well, I mean, I would definitely think to myself if they make an uncharted movie, you should have, you should be in that movie.

Right. I mean, it's sort of like having Stan Lee when he was in the Marvel movies, normally the nor should be in the uncharted movie, but you would think right. Maybe, I've talked to some of the directors at times about it, but you know, it's like, I I'm pretty, I I'm busy, I've got some stuff going on and.

You know, it's also, I don't ever want to like, I don't want to, you know, I don't want to be the guy who kind of walks in and goes telegram for mr. Drake and like winks at the camera. And you're like, Oh yeah, the guy. And then he's got, it's kind of like, yeah, it's kind of a sideshow carnival kind of thing.

And it just it's like, I don't think I need to do that. I don't know if that's something that's. You know, something I wanted to, I think it's it's, it would be, you know, if they ever wanted, you know, I can actual to be something in it. I think [00:41:00] I always thought it would be, I've talked to a couple of directors and.

One had a pretty good part. And then another was toying with the idea yeah. That I play like, like a villain or, or, or, you know, like, or somebody who might, you know, recurrent all the, if they do multiple movies, like, you know, one of Sullivan's, games gets him his guns before they go or get some his passports, you know, or, you know, guy who owns a bar that they always go to.

And, you know, he's the bartender. you know, something like that, you know, where it's kind of a nod, but it's not just, those ones things where people are like, Oh yeah, there's the guy. And now back to the moon, also, it could detract from the movie. People are like, you know, maybe you just want it to be seen as its own thing.

So, you know, why put the guy who was in the game? So it, you know, it's the business it's, it's, I've never taken anything personally. and you know, what, and people say, where are you going to go see the movie? I'm like, absolutely. I think it'd be great. It's fun. So, you know, it's, it's fine. [00:42:00] Well, it's kinda funny.

you speak of Tom Holland and the idea that, because he'd been Spiderman, you got to play Superman in the Lego DC Shizam movie. What is it like being Superman? Well, also Superman in a young justice, Superman and super boy. It's awesome. I'm not gonna lie. It is like, you know, I grew up there in new England and, you know, between Tom and Jerry.

And all the loony tune stuff. I, cause I liked old cartoons. I mean, I didn't miss Superfriends in the seventies, man. I didn't miss that on Saturday morning, cartoons know, kids don't even realize that, you know, they have their own cartoon channels. We had like five channels and Saturday morning that was, you know, you get your cereal, you'd sit down and have a big bowl of sugar and watch cartoons and yeah, I mean, Superman, I mean, it's just, it's amazing.

And it's a. Yeah, it's, it's, it's so much fun to say that I've been able to voice Superman. it's such an iconic character. anytime you [00:43:00] get to play something iconic like that, you, you really want to step up your game. Cause, there's so much history and you never want to be put in some kind of a list is like the worst Superman.

So, it's, it's one of those things I always, I always try to make sure I put my best foot forward. And young dresses is such a good series. I mean, their production values are huge and they, I mean, the stories are fantastic. The actors such as yourself do a beautiful job of, making the characters feel, feel real.

And we have a great cast. Great cast. No, I saw, I see correctly, you play something like 20 different characters on young justice. I don't know about 20 well, possibly. Yeah. Because, well, I know I'm super boy and Superman and, the Tara has a ton of his father and then every now and then like a. They'll ask you to play, you know, a couple of other characters, here and there.

So you might just be a guard you could [00:44:00] be. So I've probably done over probably by over 30 different characters for the show by now, but you know, you just change your voice, change your register. Sometimes they can play with an imposed if they need something different. but you know, and there's usually the, the main.

Three four characters you do. And then, you know, fill in characters cause, it just, it just, it's economical that you get the actor typically under. Union rules. You can do up to three characters before they have to pay you anymore. So you can usually count on doing your main character or two, and then, you know, and it could be literally the crowd dang, he's up there.

It's like, look over there. It's in the sky books. Hey, hearing that kind of stuff. It's just called like crowd wallah. So, yeah. So, what is the key playing Superman? Like if you had to, cause obviously when you play Superman, you got to get your head into that character. You got finally the essence of Superman.

So to you, what is the essence of Superman or, I mean, and Superboy as well, but definitely let's focus on Superman. [00:45:00] Superman's just, direct, strong and confident is the kind of what you think. I mean, there's nothing, nothing I don't like to get too heady about these things. It's Superman. He's just, it's kinda like when I would calmly, you know, you have to, you know, sit my kids down when they got in trouble.

Like now, do you know why. You weren't supposed to do that to the dog. That would be Superman, very direct. And he's always teaching and he's very competent. I mean, his voice is very always, you know, and so he, you know, he's just very, and then super boy was a clone of him. but you know, he had kind of that teenage eggs.

So it just kind of got into more of a, you know, more like you're not my dad clone, you know, so. And then, then, and he, but he's matured over time on the show. Super boy has. So, but you know, he was basically the same, but yeah, he didn't have the wisdom and the competence that comes with wisdom and time, you know, so, and of course he was [00:46:00] first season.

He was a teenager effect, essentially. So, it's been nice to see over the different seasons. How super boy has. Matured in that way. so yeah, I mean, but that's pretty much the, the essence of, of getting that character right now, opinion as the super bowl has matured, how have you adapted your voice to fit that?

Or, or do you find yourself consciously thinking, how should he be growing in how he's presenting the voice wise? No, you know, we have, our, our creator and. Writer, Greg Weitzman and, and Brandon Vietti, they, they write, you know, they have, they write great scripts and they have great other writers on the staff, but just, you know, it's, it's not necessarily the vocal quality that you do.

but it's, it's the, it's the writing, you know, just the, the word they choose, shows their maturity and their age a little bit more. but you know, again, it's super boy doesn't really [00:47:00] age, so it's really, it's not the. The sound or the tone of it, maybe it's, it may be more the tone of his voice, not the sound and it's, and it's the, it's the dialogue, you know, he's, he's just saying more mature things.

And as he's, as he's developed as a character now, what, this question, I mean, you can answer a nod, but I'm going to ask it anyway, cause it didn't make the news a little bit. I'm sure you heard about Dean Cain a little bit and his comments about Superman, or maybe you'd have not, I'm not sure, but he can make a comment about whether or not Superman man can still, or would still be allowed to say truth justice the American way, because of how today's audiences and movies are being candled.

Do you think Superman and this culture still fits into the culture we live nowadays. And do you think Dean Cain is right without a assertion? You know what? I don't, I don't know. I'm fine. I feel kind of ignorant about this, but I don't know, what Dean Cain said. I, you know, I would say that, I think Superman, you know, can be re [00:48:00] Superman's beloved in, countries all over the world though, you know?

So I see, I, I know he, you know, he may have come from Krypton and grown up in Kansas. But I think, Superman is a, is a, is a global superhero. I mean, there are people in, all over the world that, that looked to him as this, eh, you know, as a heroic figure. so I, I, I don't know if, are you saying, has he, has it been politicized somehow because it's just.

Yeah, but Dean Kane stated the words are not exactly right, but he made the move and he said, Oh, I think it was on Fox news. He said, nowadays, if he plays Superman, who would not be allowed to say truth just in American way. because of I, because people no longer accept that kind of Superman and maybe no one would want to hear that version of him in today's climate.

And it got a lot of, a lot of people shot back at him for that. And I was curious where another Superman would stand on that same issue of that character. Oh, gosh, you know what? I didn't, I'm not [00:49:00] even aware of that. So I can't really comment on that. you know, I mean, I just, I mean, we're, we're living in, interesting times and changing times, and I think, changes, change can be difficult, but it's usually for the better.

So, you know, I, I think, Yeah, we were going through some, sometimes it, sometimes it feels like we're now going through some long overdue growing pains and, and, it's going to be uncomfortable for a lot of people. but you know, ultimately, I, I hope it. Makes us better. not only as a country, but as, as individual human beings, you know?

So, but, but as far as that whole thing, I don't know enough about it. Hi, I'm sorry. I don't know enough about exactly what he was talking about. Oh, that's totally fine. I think it also goes into, I think another conversation that seems to happen a lot with, going on with DC and the movies, whatnot as well.

The idea that does Superman need to be updated. Or, for this, time period or [00:50:00] the Superman always just worked zooming in that existed, you know, in the seventies, eighties, nineties, fifties, forties, whatever that kind of idea of Superman is that, let's say universal and, you know, and, and lastly, like, do you feel like you needs to be tweaked to be more, I guess I was making more cynical.

When you look at the new movies that he's been able to do. I think he always can be the Christopher Reeves, Superman that we all kind of connect. Well, you know what I mean? When you say that we all kind of connect it's like, I don't know who that, you know, but that we includes, yeah, I mean, I G I guess you're saying like, you know, there was the, it was a bit George Reeves that did it.

back in like the fifties and there was that version and that probably reflected that time. Christopher Reeve was the one I really was introduced to, the most and I read some comics and those are usually it. Listen, this was, this was amazing stuff, from DC and it's. It all starts on the page.

It's the, it was a comic book and it was, and those writers don't get near enough credit, [00:51:00] you know, because movies and TV, you know, take the forefront so much, but it all goes back to the great comic book, artists and writers that, that create this stuff, that. Then gets made into a series and then gets made into a movie.

I mean, I'm not, who am I to say what it should be do? they're the experts. yeah know, and I, and I think it's only natural that. You know, as somebody, a 75 year old comic book artist is going to portray Superman possibly differently than a 25 year old comic book artist. just because of the, the, their perspective on life and their experiences.

Superman obviously has. you know, like I just, the other day, walked through the house and they were watching, Superman versus Batman. And, you know, like I remember people talking about like, you know, Batman treats him like, he's an alien. And I'm like, yeah, well, he is an alien. It's sort of like the [00:52:00] mistrust.

And I'm like, well, that's an interesting take. That's not the Christopher Reeves of, you know, movies that I knew, you know, cause everybody loves me, Superman trusted them and nobody ever thought about that. So seeing, you know, what was it, Henry Cabo, right. Is, you know, seeing that version. It's interesting to me, I, you know, that's the crazy thing.

It's like, this is art and I think people need to understand or not understand. They know this. Remember that all art, all entertainment is subjective. there is no right or wrong, truly. I'm in art. I can look at a painting and go. That is amazing. And you can go up, I just see a spot. I don't get it. and that's okay that doesn't make you, ignorant.

It just, you know, it's, it's just our taste. there's a number of things that. that I, you know, I've seen, you know, there's, there's movies. There's that I just, I don't get and people like, how do you not get that? That's amazing. [00:53:00] Amazing stuff. but no, I just, not for me. Don't get it. that doesn't mean it's bad.

it doesn't mean somebody else is wrong. It's just. That's just my point of view. That's how I feel about it. So, so yeah. so, you know, I did look at it, look at what Marvel's done with Spiderman. I mean, Spiderman was some of my favorite comic books and yeah. there are, of my buddy Yuri.

Lowenthal just did a phenomenal video game as Spiderman. and then, that, you know, and there's been all kinds of movie, Toby and Toby Maguire, you know, Peter Parker, I mean, there's all different styles. And then they came into a, was it into the spider verse? Yup. Oh my God. That's probably one of my favorite Spiderman movies because it shows, it literally shows exactly what you and I are talking about.

The, you know, John Malaney is, is a spider hog or whatever he was fighting. Oh, no, Peter porker. Yes. Spider pig, Peter Parker, spider pig, you know, and, and all these different [00:54:00] versions of how they all can live. And they all fight for the same things and they are all are amazing superheroes in their own.

Right. There's no right or wrong. you know, there's no, you know, Spiderman doesn't have to be male, female, male, black, white. It doesn't matter. It's it's a hero and it's something we can all, And should all, you know, look up to, he, he, he fights for justice and he tries to do his best and, and, you know, and I think that's what makes him such a, what made that movies so amazing.

loved it.  was a fantastic movie. I love that movie. and I think Tom Holland is doing a phenomenal job as Spiderman in the Marvel verse. I mean, he'd sounds like Peter Peter Parker, at least the way he has in my head. The, I guess one thing I'm also kind of asking as well as Dan seemed to do team to claim ownership of these characters and as someone who has been Superman, do you ever feel the pressure of that owner that your fans are [00:55:00] claiming on that character?

No, because I can't, I can't control people's opinion. you know, for, for every one person who, my love, what I do, there might be two who hate it. but you know, I, I can't, like I said, it's, it's all subjective. I just try to do. My job, the best I can, the best I can. And if that works for people, yay. I get to do podcasts with you.

You know, people like it, if it doesn't, it's just, it just is what it is. obviously you, you know, you want to be, respected and liked, in the roles you do. You don't want people to. You know, I mean, I don't want to do something for people like, Oh, that was awful. and I feel bad because I, I almost feel like I let them down, but yeah.

I can only do what I know to do. And that's what I'm responsible for is delivering the best performance I can. yeah. You know, along with the other actors and the directors and the producers and what their vision is, do that. And you put it out to the public and you [00:56:00] crush your fingers now. Yeah. I mean, I agree with you a hundred percent and I, I just have a few more questions for you if you don't mind.

cause I want to point out, you've also played a voice in one of my wife's favorite cartoons, lion guard, which you played at  yeah. She's. I actually, she, she got, she loves, she loves the lion King. So she also enjoyed blind guard. I mean, it's a younger audience, but it's, it's a very, it's such an, I did sit through the episodes with her and there was something about it.

I think, as an adult, you came to appreciate a lot as well, and it's such a cute show and you play it. My pronouncing, I fought. Hurry for Harry. But yeah, it was, it was a Ferrari and Tonka. Right? Was it? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. We had so much fun. I mean, they, they called me in to do that and, and it was like, like, would you like to do some line guard?

It's a show. I'm like, I know the show yet. It is. So it is a smart show. Yeah. It's it's, it's it's, it's one of those shows. I remember there were certain animated shows that. [00:57:00] I really could. I liked when my kids were younger, that they could watch and enjoy, and I could watch and enjoy for a different reason.

Like the shows worked on two levels and, you know, and I think lion guard was one of those. it's funny. I, I rarely ever get questions about it because I, you know, I was only in limited episodes, but, yeah, I, I, I, you know, they just did such a great job and, It's just, it was just so much fun to work on fun characters too.

And, and I think it's interesting because pushing social media, that even cause once again, get there's a lion guard off state cause now, you know, with Twitter and Facebook, everything else, and how many adults are clamoring for a fourth season of line guard. And I want to, I was asking you to like, do you think that's ever going to happen?

Do you think you'll be a part of it? It does. If they do it, I'm in, you know, it's, it's like absolutely. I have no idea. you know, I mean, it it's, I mean, I would love to, I just, [00:58:00] just, I have no clue, no clue at all. Especially since the shutdown, you know, so much as, As, as, as just gone, you know, gone chaotic because, you know, we don't know who's, you know, who's, you know, when we're going back into studios, I've been doing some work from home, during this time.

but I remember, I remember, actually I think lion guard was one of my last, just at the end of the year before the shutdown came earlier this year. So, interesting. Yeah. I've, I've forgot. Forgot about that. I mean it's, since you've had such a long, the singers career can like when you're like lion guard or young justice, can you tell when you're doing something that is going to be successful, the continue does it just, does it have a different feel to it when you're on top?

I think that that is going to have legs, or you never know if this is going to be some that works doesn't work. You know what I, I don't know. no, I, the short answer is no, you don't know. You go in, I tell people, you know, we never made [00:59:00] uncharted one. We made uncharted Drake's fortune and we had no idea they were, they were going to defer when they were ever going to do a second one.

but it, it did pretty well. And then they, they, they wanted the second one and then that one went crazy. so when that one went nuts, you knew there was a third and then there was even that there'd be a fourth. no, you, you, you don't know what, what, what's going on, do a resonate with an audience ever.

again, it goes back to just do your job, the best of your ability, as an, as an actor or as a, as the director, whatever, you just do that. And if everybody does their part. then, like I said again, you ship it and pray that people like it. Now, now once again, since you've done it also such a diverse, a large amount of roles because Lexi did uncharted, but unless also didn't like the lion guard and young justice, do you purposely look for roles as well?

That fix fits a range of audience? I do think, you know, I've done a couple of more like adult roles. I want to do some [01:00:00] shows that maybe my younger kids can watch and things of that nature. No, you know what? I just, You know, am I, my agents just, you know, there's, there's people who just will make offers.

Hey, would you like to come do this is the role we're thinking. I don't really have a, an, an edict I put out going, I'm looking for this type of role. you know, it's like, it's interesting. It's like, it's like waking up in a hotel and going down to the buffet and you have no idea what's going to be served that day.

So you really don't know what you're going to have. Yeah, until you get there. and my agents have been, and, and the industry has been very, very kind to me by putting out a very good selection of things on that, that buffet and, and, and to keep that, to keep the analogy going, staying, well fed for a number of years indeed now.

but with my , I'm horrible with names. I'm sorry. Tom coat is the, Crocodile, I believe now for Ari. Is the, is the male a cheetah? Correct? Right. Well, and Tonka is the crocodile. I think I've done [01:01:00] that more. I don't remember. I don't remember. Now, when, when, when you're doing those roles, did you do get specific direction about what they want the character to be like or sound like?

Or do you just kind of get, like, you just kinda like hear it in your head and then just, are you able to just produce it? you know, usually you go in the room, they tell you about the character and then. You find the voice with them? what are you, what do you want to hear? What do you want? What should he sound like?

What, yeah, and you just kind of play with it until you find something that works. so, so yeah, you know, and I think, specific basically with some characters, you know, we want this one to, especially when they're in pairs, you know, they have to play off each other. So, you know, it's, it's certainly a, it, it, it's, it's a lot of fun to find that in the room.

it with the producers and the director, if that's, that's one of my favorite parts of, of doing it, let's just a couple last questions. is there a character that you wished you could return to, and is there a character that you have not [01:02:00] played and you wish you could, no character that I, I wish I could play.

I, I don't really come in other roles. there's, there's, you know, and, and I guess I would be, I think. I always enjoy playing, the penguin in the Arkham series. That's always fun. I'm always up for another venture with Nathan Drake, Sony ever wanted to do that. that's certainly, was, was a great amount of fun.

Yeah. And, I get from a lot of fans. I hear that Desmond miles from the city Fasten's creed, they really wish he had lived beyond the third. installment of access and screen. that's always fun. I, you know, it's like, , I dunno if you're ever done with a character. so they've just been, it's just, I've been really, really fortunate.

I'm very grateful for the. I've been a, I've lived a charmed career so far. And, I think I'd revisit them all I could go on. Well, I must have been when I was looking at your, career history, I'm thinking like what I want to [01:03:00] talk to you about, you had such a long list. I got those Deadpool from the hog versus Wolverine movie.

You did so many things I wanted to mention about, but I do appreciate you spending your time with me. You, you are phenomenal talk to you, and I really wish I had time to hit all your career highlights. Cause you had so many. And once I ended, I didn't know about. Well, I'm, I'm still, you know, I'm not done yet.

So I'm going to, I'm gonna keep, you know, trying to add to that list and keep having fun. And I hope, you know, people keep enjoying these things because that's what it's all about. You know, whether you're a gamer playing a game, it's not about me. It's about. That experience you have playing that game.

It's not about my performance in any kind of TV show or movie or anything. Right. It's it's whether you enjoy it or not. So, you know, and I think that's. You know, you just, I, again, like I said, it's, it's not up to me whether you like it or not, you know, it's but it is my hope, every time I step in front of a mic or in front of a camera that, you know, people just enjoy, This crazy job I've [01:04:00] chosen to do for my life.

Well, we're looking at, and they said you've done a lot of roles that I'm just phenomenal. I said from the young justice to lion guard and everything else. And I just want to thank you so much for taking your time to talk with us.  

Thanks for having me



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