Welcome everyone! You have landed on the pager for our EPIC COMMENT CONTEST! Use this page for all your rules and regulations for this contest!

What do you have to do?

You have to leave a comment on ALL of the Spoiler Country episodes. Not every post on the site, just the Spoiler Country ones. You can click through this category: http://scpod.net/category/podcast/spoilercountry/.

Click through each episode, take a listen if you haven’t already, then leave a comment at the bottom!

Once you have done come back to this page and leave a comment!

What do you get?

Great question! We are giving you a few awesome things, and we may update this as time goes on so check back.

1) Hillbilly #12 SDCC 2018 Signed and remarked by Eric Powel
2) Action Comics #440 (first Mike Grell on Green Arrow) signed by Mike Grell
3) Eynes Anthology Book One Signed by multiple creators

Who is eligible?

Any of our listeners not directly affiliated with the website or show. Essentially you can’t work here and expect to win! (We are looking at you Jay Roach) You also must live in the United States, for shipping reasons. Also, void where prohibited and all that jazz. If you do live outside the United States and want to win something, if you do this we will send you over a digital bundle of comics like you have never seen.

How long do I have?

We will run this contest until we have a winner! Check back on this page to see if it is still ongoing as once someone wins we will update this page. So if you are coming here from the far future after this page goes up you will know the status!

0 Responses

  1. OK! I think I got them all. It was hard to try to find them as I had to go to different pages. Maybe there is a way to catalog your episodes better? If I missed some try to send me some direct links and I’ll add some more comments. I navigated multiple pages and commented on all the episodes shown.

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