November 26, 2020


Tucky Williams - Dagger Kiss: Enchanted Forest!

Hosted by

Kenric Regan John Horsley
Tucky Williams - Dagger Kiss: Enchanted Forest!
Spoiler Country
Tucky Williams - Dagger Kiss: Enchanted Forest!

Nov 26 2020 | 00:47:41


Show Notes

Tucky is back to talk about her new movie "Dagger Kiss: Enchanted Forest" We talked to Tucky back in July about her movie "Girl/Girl Scene" and are excited to offer you another peek inside her mind as she chats with Melissa about Dagger Kiss!

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Interview scheduled by Jeffery Haas

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Tucky Williams - Dagger Kiss

[00:00:00] Melissa Sercia: All right, this is spoiler country and I'm Melissa surgeon today on this show, I'm thrilled to welcome a filmmaker writer and actress tequila Williams. Welcome to the show.

Tucky Willliams: Hi, how are you?

Melissa Sercia: I'm doing well. How are you?

Tucky Willliams: I'm great. I'm great. Feeling good. Enjoying life.

Melissa Sercia: Life's treating you well.

Tucky Willliams: Oh, well, yeah, I'm getting to talk to you, right.

Melissa Sercia: Awesome. Yeah, no, exactly. great. Well, I definitely want to find more out about you and your career and everything, so I'm sure I would love to know how you got started in this crazy thing. We call, show business.

Tucky Willliams: Oh, well, I started out, acting and, I just decided there was a movie being filmed at my hometown.

And I was like, well, let me try out for it and see what happens. I ended up getting the, there were two leads and I [00:01:00] ended up getting one of them. And, I kept acting, I kept appearing in movies, but you know, I wasn't getting the kinds of roles I wanted. So I made the decision to start making stuff and I spilled.

So that's what I did. And I, 10 years ago, Made first episode of girl, girl, CNN. It changed my life. Yeah, of course my life radically.

Melissa Sercia: Right. Bet. Now, did you end up moving out of your hometown and moving to LA or New York?

Tucky Willliams: No, I've, I've stayed in my hometown in Kentucky and it's been much better for me. I'm so glad I did that because I've been able to stay in control.

I talked to so many actors who basically their job is auditioning and they're at the mercy of these casting directors. And I haven't had to deal with any of that. If I want a part in a movie, I just make the movie.

Melissa Sercia: Yeah. Just create it. If, if the roles aren't out there for you, then you have to make them yourself.

Tucky Willliams: That's right.

Melissa Sercia: Yeah. Right. No, I think that's great. I think a lot more women are doing that in the entertainment industry because of the lack of [00:02:00] diverse, roles for women, women of color, LGBTQ. I mean, I think it's really important that if the roles aren't going to be there, then yeah. Let's take it upon ourselves.


Tucky Willliams: Exactly.

Melissa Sercia: Awesome. So is that in part of what inspired you to be, to become a filmmaker? Was there, or did you just like the control aspect of being able to create without any interruptions or,

Tucky Willliams: people really well, the inspiration originally with girl girl scene was artistic, but there just wasn't anything like that that I could watch.

And I wa I was so inspired by stuff like that. So I decided to. Make it, and there still hasn't been anything quite like it, but it's its own thing. Its own, That's own kind of a controversial little thing and that's what I wanted it to be. And it, I did that and I don't know if that answers your question, but yeah, definitely important for me to kind of make this week.

No, I don't want to say weird and make [00:03:00] this thing that I think represented the lesbian community. as in a way that it hadn't been presented before or since. Wow.

Melissa Sercia: Yeah. And for those who haven't seen it, what, what is the film about?

Tucky Willliams: Well, I, I, my most recent film or the one I've been doing, talking about

Melissa Sercia: that girl, girl scene.

Tucky Willliams: Yeah. All right. Well, it started out as a TV series and it's about, the lives and loves of a group of young lesbian friends. And I'm one of them. And I, we all just have all sorts of, misadventures and it's, it's, Sort of a drama comedy, but I think what it's known for is it's a controversial and, Non mainstreaming portrayal of lesbians, meaning that I wanted to shock people.

I didn't want to put lesbians in a wholesome, healthy light. I wanted to show frankly the best and the worst, because sometimes I think the attempt to be politically correct, we only portray minorities in their best [00:04:00] light, but, you know, I think that ultimately does a disservice. So I wanted to make something that was actually going to.

Frightened straight people go, Oh my God, is it really light? And maybe, maybe it's not so much like that in one person's life. But when you put it all together, all of these very scary things are happening out there in the world. And I brought all of that into it. So I got a lot of a pushback from the lesbian community because they were saying, well, my life's not like that.

Who lives a life like that? Who does that? And I was like, well, I do. Yeah. I've never done drugs in my life ever. I've never even taken a hit of weed or anything. The characters in the show did so well. I have had a lot of the misadventures, most of the misadventures, actually that the characters have had I've added elements that have had no part in my life drugs.

Drug use is definitely not been a part of my life, but it's definitely a elements in the series. So I pull stuff at Cole stuff from my own life and from other people's lives and put it all in there.

Melissa Sercia: Your friends and people you meet. Yeah. No, that's great. And it makes it more relatable. like you [00:05:00] said, you can't please, everybody.

Right? But there's

Tucky Willliams: no, you can't. No, you cannot.

Melissa Sercia: Especially nowadays with the internet now they get to tell us all about how they don't like whatever, you know.

Tucky Willliams: Yes, yes.

Melissa Sercia: Yeah. as far as pushback, did you also have a lot of support as well for this series?

Tucky Willliams: Oh sure. People because people loved it right away.

You know, it was just instantaneous. I was overwhelmed by the support I received. I, well, first I was just shocked that people were watching it, that, you know, little old me could make something and it would have such an impact. And, it did. And I was just really, happily, happily overwhelmed by, by the positive reaction I received.

And it was well, I mean, it was, you know, the Internet's around it. Wasn't able to. Interact with fans and I still am. I can just mess. They can message me and I'll message them back. And there's been this great way to interact that hadn't been there before. And, You know, there were just, there were just so many messages of [00:06:00] sincerity.

Like people saying they hadn't felt represented until they had seen the series. I mean, I get a lot of these messages. It kills me, people talking about how the show has had this tremendous impact on their lives.

Melissa Sercia: Wow.

Tucky Willliams: And then, you know, the thing that gets me the most is when, parents write to me about their daughters and say, you know, Oh my God, my daughter was suicidal until she saw your show.

And, you know, this, this got her turned around. And so that's, I'm just, I just, I think of those letters whenever I need to, whenever I, need to realize why I'm doing this, because I think it started out as a thing of, I want to act, I want to make art, I want to do this. But then after that started happening, it definitely became about that.

And about, you know, I mean, it really, really did become about making the world a better place because once you realize you can do that, Oh, my God. You realize you can have an effect like that. I mean, forget about acting, forget about making art, your goal then becomes to be income. It becomes making the world a better place.

Melissa Sercia: Yeah. And becoming an inspiration [00:07:00] to people and a huge role. Do you feel pressure though, from that at any time to, you know, create a certain way now that you know, you have this huge fan base?

Tucky Willliams: I have such a good question. Nobody's asked me that. So I don't have an answer. That's a good question. I do. I think I did at first, because I wasn't used to having that kind of pressure.

now I'm, I'm just kind of live with it all the time, because it goes back to what you said. You can't make everyone happy. So with the different stuff I do, I can't represent everyone. You know, I think there are a lot of people who may love girl, girl scene, but they. Not so much into the movie I just made and vice versa and it, it can't be all up to me to represent everybody.

I just, I do what I can, you know, that the dire kiss movie represents sort of a demographic within the lesbian community that I really wanted to, get in touch with. And so I think the people that people like that and, So he got, this was such a good [00:08:00] question. Thanks. I think you're good at this. I mean, I kinda kind of really threw me there.

Oh my goodness. Well, thank you.

Melissa Sercia: Yeah, you can think about it and come back. We can go back to it later.

Tucky Willliams: I appreciate that. That's great.

Melissa Sercia: Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. Well, and I also want to mention that you did win an award for best screenplay for girl girl scene at the world, independent film expo. How did that affect your career at?

and it didn't change, did it?

Tucky Willliams: Well, it's the only thing I've ever entered. So you got to enter more. Yeah. Right, right. It's the only thing I've ever entered up. I mean, that's. That feels good. It doesn't, it feels good to win something like that. I'll say that. Yeah. You just got to keep everything in perspective.

I think, I think there was other stuff that meant a lot to me. I made the advocates 50 under 50, and that meant a lot to be acknowledged by, you know, journalists for what I had done. That, that one meant a lot to, so th those were both pretty big ones for me.

Melissa Sercia: Yeah. That's no, that's great. That's a huge [00:09:00] accomplishment.

People don't win awards for film every day. Right. And when you're, acting and directing and writing, doing everything, wearing all the hats, is that challenging, like just kind of switch those roles when you're on set.

Tucky Willliams: It's more than challenging. It's overwhelming. It's, it's really hard to, well, I mean, you, you have to have a tremendous support system.

So I have that support system, from my friends, they're my friends. I mean, my friends, they helped me make these movies. Yeah. You know, you've got to work with people you trust completely. And so I have them supporting me who runs Todd and Jerry and Mark, and my friend grizzly who rides motorcycle and does security.

It's fun. Oh God, this is wonderful. Let's do it. He'll give you a ride home on his bike if you want. So it's. Yeah, it's really hard to do everything. And I think throwing in acting on top of everything, just really kind of, I mean, sadly, I feel like that falls to the [00:10:00] back burner. And so then when I watched the movie, I go, Oh, Oh, damn.

That acting could have been better. It could have been better. Oh, that's hard to watch because that's the, what I see when I watched the movie, I don't see what I was doing behind the scenes. I don't see all the other stuff. So what you're left with is the acting performance UK, but yeah, it's pretty stressful.

I mean, a story I like to tell is that. We were shooting one day and I just, my blood sugar got so low. I just went down. Oh no, I just went down. Yeah. And it was, everybody was so cool about it. Like all the actresses they take off, they just, they went off, kind of did their own thing, entertain themselves for about 45 minutes.

And then the guys I remember I kind of was sort of. You know, th th w it's like one of those, I don't know what you call it, armchairs, but they're all cushioned all the way around. I just sort of fell sideways into one, like my knees up in my head up and I just stay there for a long time and they were great.

Todd was like, he was kneeling beside me and they were bringing me. Candy like M and M's and they were like, actually feeding it to me.

Melissa Sercia: You're like, [00:11:00] this is the life. Yeah,

Tucky Willliams: guys. I'm so sorry. I was like, I'm good now. I'm good. Now they're like, they're going. No, no, no, no, no, no. Let's just lie here a little bit for a little bit, but yeah, I mean, but you know, the thing is I remember that day I was having so much fun that day.

It was such a great day. I could tell you every scene we shot that day. They were all fantastic. So that's the funny part is. It wasn't a day where I felt that it was a day when I was really enthusiastic and going for it and giving it even more than usual,

Melissa Sercia: just burned out.

Tucky Willliams: Yeah.

Melissa Sercia: Well, there is something to say about either there's stress and stress can be good, too.

It doesn't have to necessarily be bad, you know, and, and good even good stress can have an effect on your body and, you know, especially. I have a feeling you're very ambitious and you like to do a lot. So, you know, at some point your body is just like, okay, enough,

let's go. That you'll have people around you that are there to like pick you up, you know, essentially, and, and be patient and understand the whole process. Let's that makes it so [00:12:00] much easier. Cause you hear horror stories, you know, about sets.

Tucky Willliams: So yeah, I feel like the actresses I work with, they don't know what I'm going through, but they know enough.

That they know, they don't know what I'm going through. So it's kind of like if I'm doing something or if I'm backing off or if they've been waiting for an hour, they get it. They know I'm doing everything I can to take care of stuff. So they're not, they're not going to, Oh God, I could be doing a better job than she is.

No, they get it. They don't, they don't, they don't know everything that's going on. No, but trust me, they trust in me that I'm doing everything I can to take care

Melissa Sercia: in the process. Yeah. And do you tend to work with the same people every time?

Tucky Willliams: Okay. lately. Yeah, it's a thing you learn over time. Is that how, I mean, this sounds so it's a negative, but it's also a positive is that there are very few people you can trust.

And so once you find those people, you have to hold on to them for dear life. So I have that. I have that, and now I have this core of people. I. Trust implicitly, actually with my life. And I'm so fortunate and so lucky. So yes, lately I [00:13:00] have working with the same group of

Melissa Sercia: people, same report as, as that. have you been filming lately due to COVID?

Is that put a damper on any filming?

Tucky Willliams: Oh yeah. I don't want to film anything with COVID out there. I feel sort of an ethical obligation. I feel like there are industries that should be up and operating, but I don't think the entertainment industry is one of them. Yeah. Not, I'm not going to, to make anything for a long time, but my new movie that came out, we actually shot a couple of years ago.

So it worked out perfectly. I had it, I had it in my back pocket ready for it to come out. And then this, this horrible thing happened, but it was like, well, I have a movie I can put out now. So in a way it was, it was good that I had that to hold onto so that I was able to, can it continue putting stuff out there for people to watch?

Melissa Sercia: Yeah. And I think also because the world sort of. Well, it stopped for a minute now. It's just kind of slowed, slowed down. I think it, do you feel like it gives you more time to actually focus on like getting it out there, the marketing aspect [00:14:00] and making those connections to get the most visibility as possible as in like, opposed to before, when we were all running around, like.

Crazy people, you know, like eight, eight hours a day doing this job, that job, I feel like with COVID, everyone's sort of at home. Do you feel like you have more time now to get it out there and your message

Tucky Willliams: out there? Okay, that's good. yeah, I definitely do have really great publicist Todd Kennedy and he's he does all the work.

Right. So I just have to, I just have to, he does all the work and so all I have to do is, you know, call you great people like you and talk,

Melissa Sercia: so do the fun stuff.

Tucky Willliams: Yeah. Right. So he knows that he sets it up and that's the first time I've I had a publicist before. And that was, that was that, that was, you know, when the, when the series started and then he just started working, helping me out.

No. I mean helping me tremendously. And so it's, I mean, and he just started recently with these movies and on, I, I really don't know what it would be like, differently, but [00:15:00] I know that he's done tremendous work and getting my story out there and getting people talking about the movie. And I'm really grateful to him for that.

He's, he's just, he's, I've just never known anyone to be so devoted to his work.

Melissa Sercia: That's awesome. That's really cool. And speaking of the movie, it's called dagger kiss, enchanted forest. What is that film about? I'm very excited. I, I heard it's like a fantasy sci-fi or

Tucky Willliams: yeah, it's it's I fantasy, I think it's fantasy, but it kinda scifi I'm like, okay.

I guess it is. It's about a magical mystical fantasy world kind of like Lord of the rings or game of Thrones. And then, it kind of, through. Through magical processes. These people end up on earth. So it's about 50% of time spent on earth. 50% of time spent in this sort of fantasy world and, the fantasy elements.

It's great. You see them come from the setting, usually see like a medieval forest and you see them come into modern day and, and it works, you know, with jives it, [00:16:00] it's, there's nothing jarring about it. It shows how these things would play out in the modern world. And, So it's great. It's about two girls in love and one is from, one is the sort of a sorceress from a magical world.

And the other is a human girl, a tough girl, bad girl. And it's the story of their adventures,

Melissa Sercia: our lives. I love when one character is magical and then. The other character is human. That's the very common trope in paranormal romance and fantasy. yeah, I really liked that. So I'm, I'm curious. I want to see it.

And I actually want to ask you too, because I don't know if this is still the case, but I did see on your, on your Twitter that you were having some issues with Amazon and showing the, the film on prime.

Tucky Willliams: Yeah. So basically, everything was going fine. And then out of nowhere, they said it was, 18 plus.

And I got to tell you, this movie is a timeless movie there's ever been. I even made an effort to put no swearing in it because they wanted, you know, I guess, I guess it's like a young adult movie. [00:17:00] I'm not marketed for kids, but you know, I would say 13. Like PG 1301 13 year olds be able to watch it. So it's really pretty tame and you know, all, they, they said it was 18 plus I'm like, what?

And then they said, as soon as that happened, they took it off of prime. It's still up there. It's just not on prime and, you know, You don't have to be smart to figure out the reason why they might've done that,

Melissa Sercia: right?

Tucky Willliams: Yeah. Yeah. I'm not going to say, but if you want to infer that it's because, you know, go ahead.

Melissa Sercia: Yeah, no, I mean, that's what I would take away from that because I watch a lot of different streaming services, Amazon, Hulu, you know, all those. And there's some pretty racy stuff on there. I mean, if you look at, just on Netflix, that, that movie that came out 365 days, you know, I mean, I liked it. It was entertaining.

I'm not, you know, I, I like to watch stuff like that, but I think when someone is like, you're saying, if it's not racy, it's pretty tame to label it as that it's clearly means they're just. You know, I [00:18:00] don't want to say upset, but, the whole idea of a lesbian film is apparently that in itself they just racy is what I'm guessing.

Right. Right. And whether or not

Tucky Willliams: right. And I think they go, Oh, well, they're plenty of racy lesbian films online. And then it's like, yeah, not, eh, yeah. But not. Not sweet stuff like this. I mean, they're movies. Like first one that comes to my head is disobedience. Well, guess what? The lesbians get punished in the end.

I mean, there's never just the, again, I feel like there's the only thing like this it's it's th this is just happy. They're lesbians. They kissed each other. They don't get punished for it. They're just, and you know, it's so it's like, Oh, they don't get punished. Well, we're going to have to punish them. No, I've I put up the email, I've asked everybody to write in and say how they feel about it.

And I've had a tremendous response from the fans. And even from people who don't know me, they've, they've been great. They've been [00:19:00] writing in and letting Amazon know how they feel about it.

Melissa Sercia: Yeah, it's interesting. What you're saying about the punishing aspect. I didn't even really think about it before, but you're, you're so right when you watch even some of those Hollywood blockbusters, it's always about a young lesbian, basically getting beat up and, you know, there's just, there's no sweet, like yours thing aspect to it.

So it is refreshing to have something where we can watch and be like, Oh, this is just a really nice story. It doesn't always have to be violent and, filled with like a hate crime in it.

Tucky Willliams: You're right. And they all are. If you look at them, if you look at any, you know, film that's come out, there's always, they're always punished somehow in some way, like it has an unhappy ending or one of them dies.

That's, that's kind of just kind of a one dies. That's always, it there's a kill your gays trope. It's especially true in lesbian movies. So this, I just wanted like a really gay movie, but they're not. The least bit unhappy about it. And at the same thing I did with girl girl scene, it was like they [00:20:00] just gay his TV series.

But they, they never, they never had like issues with their, sexual orientation. There was never this moment where they're like crying and I don't know if I'm gay, all that stuff. you know, one of them did get shot. But she got shot because, because she was who she was, you know, she got shot because she was standing up for women because she was so unabashedly gay.

I mean, it was a metaphor that if you stand up, if you're who you are and, and speak about it and you get shot. She survived though. But that was, that was a useful thing that, that had a purpose. And that it was saying, Hey, I'm not having maybe a little bit autobiographical too. Now that I'm talking about that.

But yeah, when you do stand up for what's right, you, you get punished. But that the point of that was saying, this is what happens. Whereas I feel like these other movies are saying, Oh, well, the gays should be punished. That's the lesson.

Melissa Sercia: Yeah. And that's a, a very toxic perspective, to, you know, [00:21:00] basically project out there into the world.

Tucky Willliams: Right, right. So we try not to do that. We're trying to put the opposite out there.

Melissa Sercia: I like Bob, do you feel that there is, still a double standard, whereas if a movie or show comes out and the gay characters are men that it's more accepted or more, you know, well-received.

Tucky Willliams: I think it is more well received for sure.

I think people are a lot less threatened by male homosexuality than by female homosexuality. And I think the issue is that male homosexuality hasn't been sexualized by the mainstream. So it's kinda like gay guys that are doing their thing. Right. Of course, nobody knows that women watch that like crazy.

Nobody knows that that's like fanfiction is basically just, you know, Gay male stuff, but we're just going to that pertain. People don't know that, but like people view lesbians as entertainment for men. That's the shame. That's a [00:22:00] real killer. And what, what men can't get across to a lot of men is that lesbians, like actually don't want to have anything to do with men.

Like at all, a lot of men don't really seem to be able to comprehend that it's like, no, really we don't want anything to do with you. Like, you're not a part of it. So that's why they write these weird stories. Like, like everywhere I go, there's some story where these lesbians want to have a baby. So they invite, they involve some man in the process.

It's like, it's like men, they think about lesbians. He go, well, there has to be a way I can be involved. This is the only thing we can come up with. And it's like, no, really twins don't want anything to do with guys. Yeah. I think to some men, cause I mean that kind of renders them useless. Right. Whereas I don't think women, a lot of women have already been told that they're useless, but I think it really terrifies men to have this too.

I mean, to them, they take it out. I mean, they're not useless. Of course they're not useless, but not being needed sexually, men. And do you feel like that makes them useless?

[00:23:00] Melissa Sercia: Yeah, I agree. And I, you know, even, straight women sometimes. Don't want anything to do with men either to be honest, you know, I think you, you get to a point where you're like, can I just be a woman in my own entity without,

Tucky Willliams: you know, I bet I hadn't thought of that, but.

Yeah. Yeah,

Melissa Sercia: definitely. so yeah, and that was, I pretty much answer to one of my questions. I was going to ask you, what kinds of barriers are you trying to break with your film? And, and obviously I think you were, as you were saying, you want this different perception, and to create. New and refreshing types of art.

if I, if I gathered that correctly and I think which leads me to this question, what is one thing that people don't get about you on your work?

Tucky Willliams: Oh gosh. Oh, good question. Good question. Really throw a new question

Melissa Sercia: here.

Tucky Willliams: What's the one [00:24:00] thing, That I ho God, they're probably like a lot of the things. I think they think a lot of the stuff that seems unintentional is very intentional.

Yeah. yeah. I think. I think, I think there's a lot less respect for what I'm doing because it's, it's gay. I feel like, I mean, I've met with, you know, a certain degree of success and I think a lot of people go, Oh, that's cool. She's doing gay stuff. And it's like, no, it's the opposite of that. And it's made it harder to be successful, but I think a lot of people.

Scares them like, Oh my God, this woman made something and people are watching it. It's successful. It's it's it, it won that award, the frightened bites, they go, Oh, it's just because it's a gay thing. And it's like, no, Oh, you don't understand doing the gay thing made it harder. And the gay stuff makes it harder.

So, and so being a woman in the industry makes it harder and being a woman in charge of the industry makes it harder. And then the whole fact that the content you're creating is. gay and lesbian content. I mean that that's hard [00:25:00] to distribute because people are afraid of it. So, Oh gosh, that question.

I, you know, tonight I'm going to sleep on it. I'm going to wake up and I'm going to go, Oh, that's what I should have said because there's so many things. I want people to know that I haven't. I have

Melissa Sercia: to get across. Yeah,

Tucky Willliams: yeah, yeah. I'll probably like email you, you know, nine o'clock in the morning and be like, I thought of it.

Melissa Sercia: Send me an email. Yeah. Work it back in somehow.

Tucky Willliams: Yeah. Yeah. Well, and that

Melissa Sercia: you brought up a great point being a woman as well. I mean, just straight right there, like it doesn't matter just being a woman in a room, you know, Makes everything so much harder just getting a seat at the table. And you know, when you were first starting out, was it, did you feel that that

Tucky Willliams: sort of

Melissa Sercia: a, what's the word I'm looking for?

That feeling that we get, you know, from men that later we don't take you seriously or you're not supposed to be here, or you should just be a screen cleaner, an actress. And, but, but you shouldn't [00:26:00] write, you shouldn't direct, you shouldn't have thoughts leaders. I mean, did you feel that early on in your career or do you still feel it now?

Tucky Willliams: Okay. So this is a complicated answer at the beginning. Like, I'm just a really sweet natured person. I just am. And I see the best in people and you can call me naive. I think that's a great quality to have being naive. I think that's wonderful. I think it means you could have a good heart, so I don't want her to change about me.

Yeah. So I don't, I don't want that to change. I'd rather, I, you know, I'd rather life be harder, but know that I'm a good person. So. Saying that, when I first got started, I didn't realize anybody was going to have an issue with me, just wanting to show up and do a good job. So, that was a surprise that it, you know, people were making these movies and stuff and working with me, but they didn't want me to be successful.

And it was kind of like, well, why are you here? And why am I only finding out about this? Now, the other thing is a lot of people who have a problem with women and a problem with gay people, like. They're really good at hiding it. And so I was just having people working and then [00:27:00] you'd find out they had huge issues or the women being in control and you know what I'm going.

Well, why was he okay for so long? It's like, well, these predatory types, the ones who are successful, like successful predators, keep it a secret. And so this applies to, you know, in, in industry, in business and working the people who are trying to take you down because you're a woman and are good at it.

They try to Gaslight you and that's. Yeah, that's been hard because I've just always tried to see the good in people always been like, Oh, he's, he's in a bad mood or he's had a rough day. It's kind of like, it had to have happened enough times that as soon as somebody does something, the first time I go, okay, We're aware we're aware of this now, and we're keeping an eye on you.

And then as soon as something happens a second time, and then also I have like zero, I haven't really, I have a zero tolerance on the set for any kind of bullshit. If someone doesn't want to be there, then they don't get to be there. You know, it's like, okay, you, you know, Hey, no problem. You're going [00:28:00] home.

You know, God bless you. We love you want all the best for you. And we're not going to be angry with you because you're just going home now.

Melissa Sercia: Yeah,

Tucky Willliams: you're going home from school

Blake. Whereas before I thought it was like conflict, I had to get someone out. I just, I just go, no, we're we, we don't need that person. We're set. And I, you know, it's funny ever since I adopted that rule, I've kind of had this rule that like, if an actress showed up and she wasn't performing, like, I, I just couldn't, I didn't know people did that, that they showed up and like, didn't want to act.

But now that I've had this rule, that if you show up and you're not doing your job, you know, I'll just shut down production. We're just shutting down production that day. I mean, there's no point in wasting anybody's time and money, how much money it costs, which has got to shut down. But soon as I made that a rule, it stopped being a problem.

Melissa Sercia: Oh yeah. People get into shape really quick when you

Tucky Willliams: actually

Melissa Sercia: give them, you know, consequences. and that's interesting. Cause I think as in an [00:29:00] artistic. You know, career I'm an author. And so we, we see this a lot where certain types of people that starting out they've don't realize that it's still a job and a business and Sofia of actresses, you know, coming to set and not wanting to act.

It's like, well then why are you here? Right.

Tucky Willliams: Well that's.

Melissa Sercia: So what, what types of stories are you like what's brewing and your writer brain? Like what, what kind of projects did you want to bring to life in the future?

Tucky Willliams: Well, I mean, it's, it's interesting. Cause I don't know. I don't know where the industry's going right now.

I don't know if there is going to be an industry. I know people are starting to open up and make stuff, but I don't know that they're going to be able to continue doing that. So I don't know what the future looks like for the film industry. I know, I know in the dagger kiss movie came out. They were like, we want a third one because they're counting.

The series is the first movie second. They were all going. We want a third one, a third, like really? And, I was going [00:30:00] okay, I guess I will. But then it just. Now, it just seems like I don't, I don't know if that can happen. So I w I mean, in an imaginary world, I think my answer would be that my, like what you just said about straight women don't want to have anything to do with men.

I think that's fascinating. I want to talk about, you know, like what straight women go through. In terms of in the way that lesbians are unrecognized. Right. I would want to like examine how straight women are unrecognized. Like I was telling somebody like, women don't want to have sex with their husbands.

They just don't. They want to cheat on their husbands and they want to have sex with like 22 year old men. And, you know, I tell this, the guys and guys like their mouths just follow, but like I'm telling them something that they actually have never thought of before. Right. Like I think there's stuff about women's.

Like a sexuality that I just feel like it's just gone completely. You know, women are programmed to cheat way more than men are. I didn't know that

Melissa Sercia: I [00:31:00] didn't either, actually.

Tucky Willliams: Yeah. I had to live my entire life before I found that out. But like for the survival of the race to spread the race out and make, you know,

Melissa Sercia: the first

Tucky Willliams: group.

Women are programmed to cheat. And it's just like, I guess when I've just been straight, when I've just been slut shamed into not doing that. And so I wanted that had been more in my head was, is I've always wanted to represent. You know, like these under appreciated groups, these women who are under recognized and I'm like going, wait, you know, straight women have this whole thing going on and nobody's talking about it.

That's so true. Yeah. And I mean, you saying that now it's like, it kind of confirms like, yeah, this what you just said, it kind of confirms. Yeah. We need to. Yeah, I need to talk about that. Cause there's a lot going on there with the straight girls. I really represent them. So

Melissa Sercia: it really is. And it's, I, I read an article a few months ago about women in their sixties now that are wanting to not get married and live alone.

They still want to [00:32:00] be in a relationship with a man or date. but they don't. They don't want to live with men anymore. And I find that really interesting that more and more women are wanting to sort of like keep their own house. We'll see it in their own space, but then, you know, still have, you know, romantic relationship, I guess.

so that, you know, has completely changed from the dynamic that we were all like spoonfed, you know, from the 1950s of, of the, you know, Two parent household and the wife is the stay at home mom. And I mean, obviously a lot's changed since then, but it's just interesting now that it's going in the opposite direction of where they like don't even want to live with someone anymore.


Tucky Willliams: There's so much going on that nobody's talked about. Nobody even knows about there's. There's a lot of material to mine there and I'd love to do that. That would

Melissa Sercia: be awesome. Definitely to explore that. Yeah, no, there's so much there. And, yeah, I think with, with, with straight women, you know, as you were saying earlier, how like a lot of [00:33:00] men think that.

Lesbian films were created for their entertainment only. And this it's even in just, you know, real life. My, my best friend is gay and when her and her fiance are out, you know, not all the time, but there have been instances where yeah, they're being affectionate with each other and then, you know, straight.

Yeah, man, I'll be like, Oh, Hey, like, let me jump in on that. And they're like, no,

Tucky Willliams: this is

Melissa Sercia: about you. Go away, please. So do you ever, have you ever experienced that, like just kind of when you've been out and about, and.

Tucky Willliams: I'm kind of how I just said how nice I was denied, but I, I really send out that vibe of, you know, leave me the fuck alone.

I don't know how I do it started that, but, you know what I mean? I know that happens to women and that bothers me, but I mean, no, that has not. That hasn't happened and maybe that's just cause I, well, I know it just hasn't happened, but I really do give off the vibe of don't fuck with me, you know, all the time.

[00:34:00] Which is weird. Cause I don't, I don't mean to, but, I guess, I guess that word, I guess it's vibes, you know, you said as soon as you lay down the law, people behave. I send out the vibe that I don't want to put up with anyone.

Melissa Sercia: Yeah. I think

Tucky Willliams: I do too.

Melissa Sercia: I'm no, I'm right there with you on like, I have this, I like to call like resting bitch face, I guess, but

Tucky Willliams: it's like,

Melissa Sercia: please go away

Tucky Willliams: don't approach

Melissa Sercia: approach at your own risk.

Tucky Willliams: Well, I think I'm approachable. I just, I just think somehow people know not to give me any kind of thing.

Melissa Sercia: Yeah. Yeah. And I think that's, that's the part that's, you know, it's kind of sucks about it because I'm obviously like you, I'm very nice person too, but I feel like as women we have to, we have to do that sometimes.

Then we go out, it's almost like our, you know, our shield or our armor. Yeah.

Tucky Willliams: Unfortunately.

Melissa Sercia: Yeah. We checked our space and stuff. yeah. Well, so because the industry is on hold right now. What, what are you doing to fill your time? Like what's a day in the life [00:35:00] like,

Tucky Willliams: Oh, well I think a lot of artists just show a lot of us just shut down completely and weren't able to do anything.

Cause we thought, Oh, we're going to have all this free time. And I mean, I was even talking to the lady, the lady who does my hair and she said, She even shut down. She said, I'm at look, I'm an artist. May not, you may not think of me as an artist, but I am an artist and I completely shut down and I, I couldn't function.

And when I started working again, it was, it was difficult. So there's something about it. I think, I think we, we need to be able to have like calm and peace around us so that when we sit down at three o'clock in the morning to write, we can just let it go. And it, you know, I. No, I do write, I just write, I just write and I don't know where, but I sit down and write.

So for me to say what I'm writing, I mean, it wouldn't mean anything because I don't know where I'm going with it, but you know, right now that's just what I do. I just sit down and write. That's what you do when you're a writer. That's what you trained to do. And. I don't know what's going to happen with it, but you [00:36:00] know, people always say, just write, just keep writing, keep writing.

So that's what I'm doing.

Melissa Sercia: I mean, there's cause there's different types of writing. Like you said, there's journaling, there's writing when you're actually working on a project or there's outlining or there's just, yeah, like writing sprints. I don't know if you've ever done those where you just set a timer and you just write.

Tucky Willliams: Yeah, no, the other night. Yeah,

Melissa Sercia: it's great. Because just you can unload it's it's similar to, there's a book by Julia Cameron called the artist's way. I don't know if you've ever read it. It's insane. It's, it's a really great book. it came out, I want to say in maybe the eighties, but it's still a very popular book, with creatives and she has this whole thing called the morning pages where the minute you wake up before you do anything, you just write for like three pages worth of stuff, just literally whatever comes to your mind.

And it's sort of like, Info dumping. So you can kind of start the day with like fresh, fresh perspective.

[00:37:00] Tucky Willliams: Oh, that's fantastic. I like that.

Melissa Sercia: It's really fun. Really good. Good for the soul.

Tucky Willliams: Yeah, it sounds great. I'll have to try that.

Melissa Sercia: Yeah, absolutely. Well, this has been so fun talking to you. I could literally,

Tucky Willliams: like I said, I'm going to think of an answer to that question.

You're going to get that email at nine in the morning. I was like, I've got it.

Melissa Sercia: That's great. Now, is that it? Yeah. Send it to me. We'll rerecord it now. Add a little CNN. Yeah.

Tucky Willliams: Great.

Melissa Sercia: Well, just to kind of finish up, I wanted to ask. for, you know, for people that are listening, you know, what advice would you give?

I know we're in COVID, so it's a little different, but if in a perfect world, what advice would you give to, you know, young people that want to do what you do?

Tucky Willliams: Well, I think this applies to every industry and I'm going to speak how it applies to women, but I think men can use it if they want to, but this is specifically directed at women, but men can apply it.

But when you're a woman, people are going to do everything they can to dry you down. [00:38:00] So don't be afraid of that and know that that is going to happen. That's the nice people are going to turn on you and try to drag you down. That that's just the thing that is going to happen. So be prepared for it. And you have to be prepared to fight every step of the way tooth and nail.

If you're going to be in movies, you have to be prepared to do all of the work. so Carol sent me, she sent me an email. She was like, how do I get started? I'll a lot of people send me that message, but I don't know. She seemed nice. She seemed like she really wanted an answer. And so I wrote back to her with an answer at.

About what she needed to do. And she wrote back, she was like, okay, I'm good. Thanks. But I know I was really honest and told her what was up. And then she, I guess she just decided it wasn't for her. So we have to be prepared to do everything, everything, everything, and then you have to prepare to get hate for it.

You have to prepare for grief. for people lashing out at you for absolutely no reason to be able to take this really tough stuff and know that it will come your [00:39:00] way. so it's gotta be worth it to you. And I think that's why a lot of people drop out, is because they can't handle that kind of, that kind of criticism, that kind of stress.

So if you have that mentality that you're going to take it on, do all of the work and, You know, be able to put up with whatever people, give you, what her people throw your way then. Absolutely. You can make it. If you have that attitude, you can do anything.

Melissa Sercia: That's awesome. That's great advice. That's my be some of the best advice I've ever heard.

Tucky Willliams: Thank you.

Melissa Sercia: Yeah, no, that's very, cause it's real, it's authentic and you're not trying to sugar coat it. It's a tough business, but at the same time, it's not impossible. So yeah, I think that's great advice.

Tucky Willliams: Thank you.

Melissa Sercia: Yeah. Well, Thank you again for coming on. This has been so much fun. I really want to make sure that everybody writes letters to Amazon too.

Let's look emails, easier email. Yeah. I say

Tucky Willliams: rifle. The right letters these days. Say

Melissa Sercia: write letters. Yeah, let me just age myself now.

[00:40:00] Tucky Willliams: Yeah.

Melissa Sercia: and then also, so they can see it on Amazon. It's just not on prime. Is that correctly? They can rent

Tucky Willliams: it. Right. But we're going to get it back on prime. We're going to guide her

Melissa Sercia: and it's dagger kiss and Shannon forest.

And then also check out girl, girl scene. And that is also streaming.

Tucky Willliams: That's still on prime. You can watch that one for,

Melissa Sercia: okay. I'll watch that one first. Cause it's so it's, it's the first one and I can get an idea of, of your, your style and everything, but yeah, go on Amazon. Check her out. You have a website as well, and that's

Tucky Willliams: two websites.

They'll all point you toward, toward where you can watch the movie.

Melissa Sercia: Okay. Perfect. Awesome. So what's, what's one of the, the main website we can find you on.

Tucky Willliams: Tuckey You can also go to girl girls and you can go to dagger, have all three cover it night

Melissa Sercia: and you're on Twitter as well.

great. Well, it's been awesome. Thank you so much. And, yeah. Pleasure talking Williams, everyone. Thank you so much. [00:41:00] Have a good night.



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