November 19, 2020


Rex Radley Boy Adventurer #2 with Winston Gambro

Hosted by

Kenric Regan John Horsley
Rex Radley Boy Adventurer #2 with Winston Gambro
Spoiler Country
Rex Radley Boy Adventurer #2 with Winston Gambro

Nov 19 2020 | 00:39:47


Show Notes

Coming back for a second time is Winston Gambro to talk about the second issue of his hit series Rex Radley: Boy Adventurer! Sit back and listen to John chat it up with Winston about his book, Superman, comics and more!

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Interview scheduled by Jeffery Haas

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Winston Gambro - Interview


[00:00:00] John: all right, guys, we'll come back today. I am joined. It was somebody I talked to. Over a year ago, back in January, 2019 about his Kickstarter Rex rally back then. But when today we got Winston Cambro coming back on, talk about Rex Bradley, Boyd venture number two, which is on Kickstarter right now, which if you want to go ahead and pause here and go check it out.

Cause it's got as of recording this 12 days left as a release of this probably 10 days later. So I don't know when it's coming out pretty soon, but go back that out, checking links and do that. But Winston, how are you doing today? I'm

Winston Gmabro: doing great. Thanks so much for having me on the show,

John: man. Thanks for reaching out and coming back on.

I love repeat guests. It's a lot of fun. Oh

Winston Gmabro: yeah. I'd love to support the spoiler country.

John: So for those out there who didn't hear us talk, you know, a year and a half, almost two years ago or a year, how long time is, is not important right now, but why don't you go ahead and give us what Rex rally is about.

Winston Gmabro: Yeah. Rex Radley Boyd venture is an anthology comic inspired by every TV show made to sell toys. [00:01:00] So it features everything I would want as a kid, dinosaur men, scheming, orang tanks, giant robots, huge monsters and explosions. Just everything I'd want to read as a kid or right now.

John: I mean, I want all those things now, and I'm 38 years old.


Winston Gmabro: I'm good. Glad to know you never age out of it. I didn't know if it was just me.

John: No, no. I think, I think have in generation where people, they don't, they, they, a lot of people don't age out of their childhood things. They love, they just grew up with it and they, they tend to evolve and you become adults and do adulting things and stuff like that.

But they still hold on to their, to their stuff from their childhood. Because I think in the last 20, 30 years it's become socially acceptable to still like your stuff from your childhood. Whereas before it, you know, it was really shunned upon. Have you read that kid stuff? Yeah. Most

Winston Gmabro: definitely. I probably like with the rise of the internet, like, all those little groups were able to interact and be like, Oh, it's okay to talk about duck tails.

John: Right? Well, I think if people got to people found out that there was more people out there like them than they realize, and that [00:02:00] the real outliers are the ones who don't want to embrace stuff that makes them happy.

Winston Gmabro: Yeah, that that's really the important thing, right? Like if it makes you happy and it doesn't hurt anyone and then enjoy it, like, I don't need to shame others.

John: Exactly. Like what you would like, let people like what they want to like and move on. So we're doing issue too, right? You're doing issue too here. How, how was the success in the reaction for issue

Winston Gmabro: one? I, it was pretty, pretty good. I, I did set a low goal, but I managed to hit the Kickstarter for four in the first couple of hours I did not expect.

And I think people liked it. The few reviewers that God at all had nice things to say. they seem to like the art, they. Liked the anthology storytelling seemed the life of the jokes. So I, and I know most importantly, I enjoy doing it. Like this is [00:03:00] exactly the kind of comic I would want to read. It's full of the pulpy adventure.

Goodness that I love that whole genre. And then I just get to fill it with jokes. And if anyone else is laughing, then I count that as a success.

John: When, if someone is laughing, that's a huge win. so you take it, you like you like you like all the pulpy comics. Oh yeah. What kind of, what's your favorite

Winston Gmabro: one?

well, I guess it's not a comic, but just Johnny quest as a, in general is huge. Yeah. Like, Oh my God. Just, just like looking at the illustrations done for it. Like, Alex Toby did some of the character designs and it's just crazy how much worlds can be shown from a simple character sketch of the frog men.

No, a scheming archeologists. Hold on. [00:04:00] then, Oh boy, I'm really drawing a blank. I know it's not pulpy, but. Or it's pulpy, but in a different way, the Parker series, dark Darwin cook, like every page of that feels like it should be a cover and it's all set in the, in the world. So, well, I can't imagine how much research he had to do.

John: I mean, you can't go wrong with Darwin and Coke. I mean, everything that guy puts out is not everything, but most things he put out was amazing. Oh,

Winston Gmabro: absolutely. I still can't get over new frontier. It's just like the perfect book.

John: It's new frontier. To me, I'm a big Superman fan. I always have been, I love justice league, but new frontier to me is, is one of the best standalone stories out there that have ever been told.

And it's just even the cartoon they made over, which while they made changes, it was still good. But there was no book is so fantastic.

Winston Gmabro: Oh yeah. Just, and it's this one dude and his vision, like, yeah. It's. Oh, it's something to dream for.

John: Right.

Winston Gmabro: When did you sort of, Well, what are your favorite Superman [00:05:00] books?

John: My favorite Superman book. So I'm, I grew up in the nineties, right. I was born in 82, so I grew up in like the eighties, nineties timeframe. So, I mean, I was a big, a big lover of the whole death of Superman series. Right. I, I love, I, I was entrenched into, the whole following along on, in seeing doomsday kill him and then the funeral.

And then there, the reign of the Superman, like that was like my time of life. Learning combos. Right, right in there. And, so I'm a big fan of that whole from like, from the death to the return of Superman, the whole, the three, the three giant story architects, it's over a thousand pages of comics. But, I like, obviously I like all star Superman, which I think is really well done story.

I love Superman for tomorrow and that's a great story. earth one Superman is pretty good. I like a lot of the older, I really do like a lot of this overage to parents. Whereas even though they're kind of silly, But it's funny. Cause I don't actually like the ones that are in Superman. I liked the stories that are told in Jimmy Olsen because I think those are fun.

Oh yeah. And I like the ones, some of the ones in Lois lane, because I it's Superman becomes like the background character, but it's still a, he's still involved in the stories and there's a lot of fun. I really enjoyed, [00:06:00] Alan Morris Superman stuff that he did in the eighties, you know, only a couple of issues, but those are really good.

Like what are, what are you from? And tomorrow is really fun story.

Winston Gmabro: Oh, classic.

John: Yeah. Yeah. There's a lot to

Winston Gmabro: check out. Did you check out Matt fractions, Jimmy Olsen?

John: I did. And I thought it was fantastic. Cause Matt fraction does great stuff.

Winston Gmabro: Yeah. As soon as you said, like Superman is a background character, I'm like, Oh, this guy's going to love that.

John: Yeah, yeah. That I thought that was a really, a really fun take on one on Jimmy Olsen and everything else and the Superman mythos. And I've always liked him. He also I've always thought he was a cool character in general, just because he's like. Basically this guy that is Superman's best friend. And if you read the old kinds of books, all this crazy shit happens to them.

Like just, I mean, he becomes a lasting glad he becomes a Superman. I mean, it comes up a villain, a bad guy, all these crazy, even the monkey or a gorilla and one of the, one of the issues. So it's like, Just a normal guy, but all this nonsense happened soon because he happened to be Superman's best friend.

Winston Gmabro: Yeah. I can't believe people haven't played with it more [00:07:00] like really, all I could think of is Jack Kirby and then a couple of years and Matt fraction.

John: And then that's why when I watched the. Not to dive too much into like exact standard stuff. But like when I watched BVS and they instantly killed Jimmy Olsen, I was like this, I was instantly upset.

I was like, no,

Winston Gmabro: I've done.

John: I could debate on that movie all day long. Cause like, I don't like it, but. We have other people on the show or, Oh, so there's like Kenrick likes it, Emma, like other people on our podcast network. Like we have Robert over from bridging the victims who was a huge standard fan. Like he's a big pusher of the Snyder cut when it was, when they were pushing for that.

He still posts about the Saturday Cadiz. He's a lover of Zach centered all of his vision. I just, I disagree with him. A lot of things like that. And for me, one of the biggest things of the miss, a Superman is them killing Jimmy, Allison without having any interaction or any, any reason for it.

Winston Gmabro: Aye. Aye.

100% agree. And I was going to like say a lot meaner things, [00:08:00] but I remember what we said earlier about letting people enjoy things. Right. You know, I'll let it slide. What would Superman? Yeah.

John: Right, right. I do too. Apparently according to his amount of Superman would absolutely take someone whose truck and put it in a telephone pole.

Which I don't understand, or when he would actually let his dad die in a trailer when he can absolutely save him for any that anybody seeing. But that's somebody's

Winston Gmabro: neck

John: or snapshots.

Winston Gmabro: Very sad.

John: Right? Look, I get the, I get the reasoning that they did the stopping of those odds neck. You know, I there's actually a podcast out there over on the dynamic duo podcast from years ago that I was on where I'm actually defending that movie.

I'm on the side of defending this deal as being a good movie. and, but, you know, I'm playing, I I'm I'm, I like to debate things. I can debate things by their side, you know, I can, I can see both sides for the most part. So I debate the reason why he's, because Superman sees that his own, his only options to stop sod from killing is to break his neck.

But it also goes against Superman's. I don't want to kill mantra, you know? And, [00:09:00] but, yeah, there's so many

Winston Gmabro: things. If you're trying to do, like the early Superman and he learns, like, I, I, I don't know if you've seen arrow, but in the first, yeah, first season he murders everyone and it turns out that they did that on purpose, just so he had room to grow.

However, it's harder with a movie and a franchise that seems less than planned that because you might not get to see them grow.

John: Right. And it's harder with a character like Superman to, because Superman's. Not necessarily ultra moralistic, but he's, he, people always calm make the big blue boy scout and say, I can't relate to him because he's just a boy scout, but.

The whole point of Superman is a character, is that he is an alien trying to fit in his best with the human world. And he's trying to embody the best things he sees in humanity. He is learning from humanity to see what is the best parts of humanity. He's trying to embody that out outwards to help moon, you know, make humanity better.

So what makes Superman, Superman is him trying to push these great things about heaters and humanity, you know, you know, Save lives and don't kill people and always fight [00:10:00] for the, you know, fight for the right thing. And he's trying his best to push us out. Cause he's not human. You know, he's an alien, ultimately that was raised by two super moralistic people, you know, Jonathan and Martha and, you know, it's.

When you try and model, right. And that was the dumbest thing ever. Oh my God, I laughed. I laughed out loud in the theater. Right. And they said that they haven't, I was like, what? You gotta be shitting me. What the hell? No, no

Winston Gmabro: boy.

John: So I could, I actually have a, so future talk for the podcast. I actually have an episode planned with Robert, from Brasilia, Tim, who was a huge fan of them to debate these movies with him on a good point in their bad points.

It's going to be a lot of fun.

Winston Gmabro: Awesome. You sound very well-prepared my God.

John: We've been debating about this in chat for the last year and a half. And sometimes I'll I know, I always say, let people love what they want to love, but when it comes to our friend, I'm going to tease them about it.

Winston Gmabro: Oh yeah. That makes sense.

I get that.

John: Yeah. But back to, back to your [00:11:00] comic. Rex Bradley. So what all do you have planned? Do you have, do you have more issues planning for this or is this just a, you have a one and two, is there a short story line? Like, is it like a forest, you mean, or you're just going to keep going as long as people support it?


Winston Gmabro: I have, I have more ideas that the genre of just adventure and pulpy, excitement lends so much, like when. Just, offers so much inspiration rather. So I just have ideas for years. And if you read these two issues, there is though with anthology, there is, through storyline, just kind of hinted at, and I'm absolutely going to be continuing that through the anthology.

So it's like a, it's like a little cliffhanger to leave him coming back for more.

John: Nice. Nice. Now I'm assuming your ultimate goal is me is to have a cartoon made.

Winston Gmabro: You're not the first person to ask that they said, would you, would you ever want merchandiser or cartoon? I [00:12:00] just go, Oh yeah. I'd sell out in a second.

John: Yeah. I mean, why not a lot, make some money off of it, right.

Winston Gmabro: Absolutely. It's the only way to get to the top, like the Ninja turtles guys. I don't think they've drawn in years.

John: Right? but well, actually, Kevin, Kevin has been, he's actually drawing a new stuff right now. He's working actually a friend of mine, Ben, Bishop's working with him on a new stories, which is kind of cool.

Winston Gmabro: Pardon me? Yeah. Not to talk bad talk. Kevin Eastman.

John: Yeah. Not even a bad talk. I'm just to me, if you don't know, you don't know, right. I don't know what Peter Laurel is doing. I think he's just sitting at home having fun because he's need to work

Winston Gmabro: that that's the secret of my life is to draw enough that I never have to draw again.

John: You can get there on any of my endeavors that I do. Podcasting art comics writing and whatever. I'd be so happy to be able to sit and not have to do anything and just do things because I want to do them.

Winston Gmabro: I might still work just at a much slower pace,

John: right. Was I can't, I'll never stop making stuff, but I won't have to grind so hard because I don't need to, you know, my bills are paid, [00:13:00] but I mentioned that I mentioned the cartoon series.

Not, not because I want you to sell out, although I do, cause I want you to make money off of this. But just cause I can I read the first issue and you sent me the second one more time. I didn't have a chance to read cause you just sent it right before our conversation. I'm going to read it tonight. but I remember reading the first one and it just lends itself so well to a, an animated world, you know?

Winston Gmabro: Oh, thank you for saying that. I definitely took a lot of inspiration from the cartoons I watched as a kid like the, mighty ducks animated series, duck, duck tales. Oh boy, absolutely. The reboot is just, it's good.

John: You wanna hear a funny story about power Rangers?

Winston Gmabro: You know,

John: so when power just came out, I was in like fifth or sixth grade, something like that.

I actually have two financials. I'll tell you, I don't think I've talked to them on the show before. So this is kind of cool when I was like fifth or sixth grade. Right. And when it came out, One, nobody in my class liked it. Everybody was just a dog on power enters all day long. If you wash it, you were a [00:14:00] baby.

You know, nobody only, only the only the third graders to watch power Rangers. However, every week we'd have a discussion about what happened on the episode, because everybody's still watched it. So nobody would admit they watched it or liked it, but everybody watched it and we always talked about it. And then after we talked with episode, it was back to only third grade or fourth grade to watch a stupid show.

And it was the craziest thing. And it was like the first time I was ever involved in like, This whole mass hysteria of like, you know, no, we don't watch it, but secretly we all do.

Winston Gmabro: And then that just lends more credence to this whole do what you enjoy,

John: right. To get made fun of. But everyone talk about it secretly together.

And then, you know, and then to keep, we'll go back to make fun of people who watch it. It was so funny. So I'm ready to hire. I ended up all the toys. I liked them. I liked the black ranger and the blue ranger and stuff. I had dog hide to my friends groups. Don't want to see that I had Perry winter toys.

And then my second funny story is I remember when it came out, I remembered as a kid watching a show with a group of kids who had a giant robot that came [00:15:00] the robots that would form together, but it was a cartoon. And I was like, man, perish is such a rip off of this cartoon. Or there already was a cartoon.

It's this old, this is old. It turns out that it was, you know, full Tron that I was thinking of. I didn't realize it until I didn't realize it was Voltron. I was thinking of the kid until like, High school. I was like, wait, that was, Vultron not power Rangers because I had, I had a little, I had a, a little green Vultron toilet.

Look, it looked a lot like, you know, Billy from power Rangers and I just it's the same character, but Nate was totally Vultron.

Winston Gmabro: Yeah. PR pretty similar. I'm sure parents across the country have gotten that confused and called it power Rangers.

John: Oh, I'm sure. I'm sure. Although the new Vultron cartoon is pretty cool.


Winston Gmabro: haven't caught it yet. I've just been watching duck tails on

John: repeat. I mean, you could, there's worse things you could watch and repeat in DuckTales that's for sure. Did you see

Winston Gmabro: that?

John: And YouTube, the guy who made the, the, the gizmo duck costume.

[00:16:00] Winston Gmabro: I, I seen that going viral. My God. He likes to live dangerously in the news.

Have you heard about the dude with the jet

John: pack? No.

Winston Gmabro: Like planes have been reporting in LA that a man with a jet pack is flying at their level. And no one knows who it is. It could be an alien, it could be an invasion. It might be that gizmo duct guy.

John: It's probably just one dark. I mean, he's still learning.

Winston Gmabro: Don't invade airspace, right? It's a good way to go to prison forever.

John: I mean, you know, if it's an alien invasion, that's an odd way to come at us with jet packs.

Winston Gmabro: Yeah. If it is an invasion, it's a very bad one because it's just been one guy and he disappears after the planes call him in.

John: Maybe he, he's just, he's just a scout, you know, and he's going to come back and with his fourth army of Jetpack dudes, and they're all gonna, it's gonna fall in the water.

Cause they see that as a big land mass and they mistake it for the land to on the water and die.

[00:17:00] Winston Gmabro: Yeah. For on their planet. It's blue land. And that's how we beat them. It's just like science. Right?

John: There's a story here. You can make it here

Winston Gmabro: writer, right? Yeah. We can do this. I'm an artist

John: you can make. And I knew Rex rally tale, but Ellie innovations in Japan.

Okay. Oh man. That'd be hilarious and battle at the same time. So in this anthology story you have here, you've got a couple of people working with you, right? Who's all working on this book with you.

Winston Gmabro: Okay, let me pull up their names. So I don't mispronounce them.

John: First off

Winston Gmabro: is me Winston GAM, bro. Okay. Now I've pulled up the rest of them.

Nico Gamboa drew an awesome story about, that takes place in a space station featuring a genius. Orangutang Sebastian Sala. Drew a story in the Florida Everglades about the skunk Cape [00:18:00] and Rachel Distler, who goes by red tie. There wrote a Scooby doo inspired story about a haunted amusement park or sorry she drew it.

And then I wrote it all and colored it.

John: That's awesome. It's a lot of fun to work with people and have like, I love to collaborate personally, as I, we talked about last time, I I'm a big, I'm a big fan of, I mean, I can do it all myself. I write, I draw color. I letter I do all of it, but I have more fun when I'm collaborating with somebody.

And you can like, like if I'm writing something, I can like take my vision and put it on paper and then have somebody else make that. That vision visual. And then, because also I've often found that no matter how I write things, the artist always comes up with some other way of seeing it. And it's always cool to see it through their eyes.

And I was like, man, if I was to draw this, I would have drawn this totally differently. But yet I love this so much. Cause it's, it's interpreting the words in a way that I didn't think about.

Winston Gmabro: Yes, absolutely. It's just such a amazing experience to. To see what they [00:19:00] add to the piece. Like, I draw my own stuff and it never quite matches what's in my head, but then other artists just exceed it and add their own flair, adding things I would have never thought of.

It's such a fun process. Like I, I can't encourage it enough to collaborate with people.

John: Yeah. And, and, and secretly, it takes some of the work off of you too, right?

Winston Gmabro: Wow. We don't need it for that.

John: It's all for the fun of it. It's all for the fun. No, really. It is. I've I've been doing, comics off and on web comics and print comics since 2003.

And I've always loved the parts where I get to collab with people and work on like ideas to people and write stuff and have people draw it. I'm not too big of a fan of drawing other people. Right. I mean, I do it, I've done it, but I'm not. I don't know, I'm not a big fan of doing that because I feel like I, for some reason, when I do it myself, when I draw somebody else's script, I feel like I'm being constrained into a box.

And it just, it just doesn't feel right. sometimes if it's the right script, it's fine. But sometimes some of the clips that I've done, I'm like, man, I, [00:20:00] I don't, I'm not feeling this. I'm not feeling this.

Winston Gmabro: So are you not into like the hyper detailed Alan Moore style scripts?

John: I, I actually, I, I, that's kind of how I write sometimes and I don't mind those.

Oh know, w if I write, if I'm writing a script for myself, it's going to be super detailed. Like I have, I have artists that I work with. I've worked with him for like 15 years, Rick Bugbee and, When I write for him, I write for him that write for myself is which, which is where I basically detailed everything as if I was going to draw it.

Right. I basically, my script is my plotting. Right. And it has like, you know, in, in this, this panel shaped this way on this portion of the page, this is what's happening. There's this, you know, all the back. I, I detail out everything that I can. And even when I do that for him, he still, he still somehow adds more to it, which I'm impressed with, but, and I've gotten scripts that way.

And it's fine. I, I don't. I don't really care how the script comes to me to draw whether it's, whether it's, you know, a detailed script like that, or whether it's just like quick layout or quick, you know, in this panel, this is happening and have fun with it. Right. That's fine too. It just, sometimes I feel like if I'm not a part of the writing process myself, [00:21:00] is this for me personally, if I'm not a part of the writing process, like the idea of it and stuff like that, I feel like I'm not fully invested into it because I had no, my only, my only.

Part of creating this thing is just drawing the pictures, not the actual storytelling part. So I feel like I, I feel kind of disconnected from it a little bit, but if I'm a part of the writing process or part of the creation process, like, you know, helping part of the process of jamming out the story of like, what's gonna happen, then it's different because then my brain is fully into it.

As far as like I'm creating a thing, not just drawing a thing. I

Winston Gmabro: absolutely know where you're coming from. I've I've had some projects where it feels very much just like I'm working a job rather than I'm creating, an art piece or telling a story.

John: Right. And it's when I'm working at Java, it's not fun.

It's what I'm creating an art piece. That's when it's fun. I know if you want to make it, if you want to make a living to this, it's gotta be a job, but. For me, it's a hobby on the side and I'd love to do it full time, but I mean, I've got five kids I've I have to have a day job. That's reliable, you know, reliable income.

Winston Gmabro: Yes. Oh, [00:22:00] boy, five kids. Sorry. I just have trouble feeding my cat with comic money. I can't imagine family.

John: Well, luckily I have a look at my wife and I both have really good day jobs. So it's where we have enough day job money to pay for the kids and the dogs and everything. So we're good there. but I mean, if I could pay for, if I could support my five kids on a comic book income, I would, if I was good enough for that, I would absolutely do that instead.

But. I I know for a fact that I, if I told my wife, Hey babe, I'm going to quit my job and I'm going to go make comics for live. And she would go, you're crazy. And we're divorced.

It's like, Oh,

Winston Gmabro: maybe someday post lottery win,

John: right. Post lottery win. Or, or if I, you know, somehow get a decent retirement and retire early and I can go right now, I'm gonna go make comics. Full-time you know, cause that's the dream. I mean, making, making something right. I'm I feel like you're like me, right?

A creative mind. He has this drive to create things right. You want to create. Comics stories. You won't tell stories. That's great [00:23:00] for me. That's what podcasting is too. Right? Because I'm creating something, I'm creating an interview, I'm creating a story. I'm creating a debate. Something is a creation behind.

There's a creativity, a thought process making this thing. Whereas, you know, in a day job, like my job, I work with software. It's a lot of just like monotony of doing these things to make things get done. So that's just like, Mind numbing. Whereas I feel like I will always be doing something to create it even no matter what type of her had.

I'm always making web comics, making comics, writing, doing podcasts, you're making videos, drawing or painting with my kids, make making something outside and working in the garage to make like some build something. You know, I feel like I, if I'm not creating something that I'm just wasting my time.

Winston Gmabro: Yes we are absolutely in the same boat.

Even, even if I had infinite wealth, I would definitely be creating something. And there's just that drive to put something out in the world to leave it after I leave the earth.

John: Right. I'll tell you a secret. I want, I want, I don't want Paul to talk about me. [00:24:00] I want people to talk about the things I made.

Right. I be like, after I'm gone, like, man, That story that John wrote was so cool that the truth art you did was so amazing where this thing he does podcasts was, were very well done. I don't, I don't really care about that memory and who I am, but like my creations, stuff like that, I want those to live on if, at least not in like the public eye, at least.

And like, you know, my family's I, my kids like, yeah. Or your grandfather used to draw these comics. I don't know if I've always had this weird mentality of. I want to leave something for my kids to be proud of, you know, and my grandkids, which is why, when I used to do music, I pleased to play in bands. I would keep copies of everything.

Every recording I ever did, I would even know how crappy it was. I would keep it because my dad also did music back in the sixties, but there was no records of it. There was only that I had with stories and like whatever songs he could remember how to play, you know, 2025 years later. So I've kept, I've kept from the time I was like 14, literally every drawing I've done.

Every story I've written, every song I've recorded, everything has all I've I've archived at all because I'm like, man, all my podcasts are archived for the kids. So somebody I'm like, man, if the kids ever want to, they have all this stuff, they can go see all this stupid shit their dad did when he was [00:25:00] younger.

Winston Gmabro: Yeah, no, I, I definitely get that. My, my grandpa passed long before I was born and I guess he was a really good artist. I have like two of his drawings framed on my wall and I think that's the only art he has. It's like professional quality better than I've done, but he worked at IBM and apparently just was a really good artist and didn't bother to save it.

John: Ah, now you're like, man, I wish I had more.

Winston Gmabro: Yeah, absolutely.

John: Oh, cause I wish I had, I wish I had recorded my, of my dad's music because I always heard these stories from him and from his friends about him playing in bands and writing these songs and they played, they opened for Paul during the Raiders and in the sixties, you know, they're, they're doing all of this stuff, you know, playing Vail, Colorado for a weekend, he was making more money playing in a band than his stepdad was working at a full-time job.

And he made a thousand dollars in a week, one time playing in his band in the sixties, which is insane. Yeah. And he's ended up, you know, He stayed up like over the summertime and [00:26:00] they can sit said like six or seven grand. And I bought a motorcycle, a guitar and amp, and the Qatari about was $2,000 in the interim.

It was a thousand dollars. This is 1967 money, you know, and cow. Yeah. And, but, but I have no, all that I know of it it's like what I've been told and the stuff he could remember before he passed. I committed, I passed away about eight years ago and. From like my childhood, he would play a songs and play songs he used to play would always just say it was just him and an acoustic guitar.

Whereas I know he had a, he had a full band and they had a lot of fun, but there's no, they never, they never recorded anything. They just played shows. And I was like, man, that's why I said, when I joined the band, I was like, no, I'm recording everything. I'm just keeping everything for whatever reason my kids want to see it.

They can.

Winston Gmabro: Yeah. And thank God we have the internet preserving every, every tweet and embarrassing mistake we've ever made.

John: Well, some of my tweets, I don't want to say, you know, some stuff is like, no, but like if they were found my old live journal, I'd be kind of sad.

Winston Gmabro: Oh God, no. Yeah. I [00:27:00] think I purged my like middle-school deviant art recently.

John: Oh man. My DVR, I keep forgetting about DVR then they're never, and then I get an email on my birthday saying happy birthday from DVD. And I'm like, Oh, I still have that. Then I go look for a second, like, Oh, maybe I'll use this again to promote artwork. And then I never do.

Winston Gmabro: Yeah, it, it, it might be a cool community.

I just feel like it's always kind of lumped in with, like the stereotype of the weird fan art. I have no idea if that's true. And if there's any deviant artists listening, please, please correct me. And then back Rex Radley on Kickstarter

John: reverse back at first and then forgive you. The important part first back first, and then, or if you need to hate back something, go ahead and hate back it and then just pay for it and then do whatever I want with it.

You know? Oh, this guy messed up. You're going to burn his book, do that. But also by the book too. Right.

Winston Gmabro: Yeah. I'm not on, I'm not on social media. So the only way to reach me is through messaging me on Kickstarter by being a backer.

[00:28:00] John: So it's you gotta do, if you want to hate back it back. Cause it's still real money or I don't.

Oh man. You know, that's a, you know, side tangent here, which I, I, I do that all the time, but as you probably noticed, The whole bike. When people get mad at something and they, like, they start burning all their copies or go out and buying CDs. And Bernie, I was like, you're still paying for them. You're not really doing anything to hurt the person who made it.

You're just burning your own money. What are you doing? Yes.

Winston Gmabro: Yeah, please. Don't actually like, especially buying things just to burn them

John: one it's wasteful.

Winston Gmabro: Yeah. I mean, you know, so there's probably some, some value in the, in the stuff just cause the creator is bad, but I mean, that's a whole nother conversation separating the creator and creation. I have, I

John: have some

Winston Gmabro: time after, I mean the comic industry just. I guess the beginning of [00:29:00] the year ish was hit by a bunch of those.

And I, some of my books are shoved in a closet. Now I'm still figuring out what to do with them, not burning them, but figuring it out

John: well. So like, I'm a big fan of the show Smallville, since my wife, like I watched me watch the show a lot and we'll be watching and stuff like that. But the character of Chloe Sullivan is paid by Alison Mack.

Who's currently on trial for. Sex trafficking and all the crazy shit that she did and, and insane this. And so I watched the show and I still love the show, but every time I see her character, I'm like, Oh, yours conniving little bitch. And it's like, I still, like, I still like the character of Chloe, but I it's hard for me to see past what the actress did.

What was so bad.

Winston Gmabro: Yeah. It is. Especially hard if they don't, I don't know the full details about Nexium, but I like if they don't have any apologies for it, if they don't feel for the victims, don't want to change. That makes it infinitely.

John: Yeah. [00:30:00] And also with Christina Christian, correct. Or whatever name is to put Lorna, she was also involved with that, but she quote unquote left before anything got bad, but she was a part of it for like 10 years.

And she got Alison makin into it since this whole life. Alison Mack is, you know, she's on trial for it. I think she's going to jail for it. Whereas Kristen crook isn't because she wasn't a part of the later stuff. And there's a bunch of other actors and actresses who were part of this next thing and crap.

And it's like, it's hard to see past that on that level. Even some of the end, some of the stuff on under the commerce gate, not coming skate, coming to get a hold of the commies people that came out and, or you found out stuff about them. It's it's like, it's hard to. It's hard to separate that from, from, from the wreck.

I think, I think our society now is so much more in tune with not just a creative process or the creation, the creation, but the creators themselves, because. Anymore to sell things, you yourself have to be kind of a product, what you're for what you're making, because people want to know what you're making and who's making it because that makes them want to want it more because there's such a plethora of stuff out there because the things like Kickstarter access [00:31:00] to customers and access for people to make their thing is a lot easier than it ever was before.

So not only is your Booker commodity was trying to sell. You got, you gotta kind of sell yourself sometimes too. So when. People sell themselves and they find out, Oh, this person's a total liar or they do all this bad things. It kind of tarnishes what they've

Winston Gmabro: made. Yeah. That's a really good point. It just cause you so much of it now is just getting to know the creators.

Like the big, best part of Comicon for me is getting to talk to people whose work I love. And I it's like a personal attack. Like, I won't name the person, but I had a great interaction with one of them. And then it turns out they're kind of asleep and I'm like, wow, that really, really sucks. He was so nice to me, but apparently he wasn't nice to everyone.

John: Yeah. I've had this I've I have a very similar story with some people that I've met because I've met a lot of people over the years, doing the podcast and doing. Doing Comicons and I've talked to a lot of people and some people it's funny. Cause I have, I have that same exact story, but I also have the reverse story.

Right. I had a bad [00:32:00] interaction with someone that I thought they were a total asshole. And then I talked to him years later and I'm like, no, they just had a bad day.

Winston Gmabro: Oh yeah.

John: And I'll point out. And I'll I'll name that person. It was Greg Rucka. I had met Greg Rucker in Portland back in 2004 and he was a jerk to me, at least in my, I interpreted to be a jerk, but then I talked to him, you know, Couple years later, a couple years ago here on the podcast and chat with them at cons.

And he's a super nice guy. He's a really cool to a really cool person. But at the time for like 10 years from Oh two Oh four, whatever, it wasn't till like 2017 when I talked to him. So we had 15 years, I was like, no, for grows a jerk. I'm not reading his books. I missed, I missed out on a lot of really cool stories that I've now read.

I'm glad

Winston Gmabro: that you're able to accept that change. Yeah, we got it. No one, no, one's going to be a nice person. Three, 365 days a year.

John: Right? Right. It, it it's. Yeah. It's absolutely true. Absolutely true. But at least we should be a nice person. Sometimes if you cross that 50% Mark, I think that's what we should shoot for.

It's a low bar, right?

[00:33:00] Winston Gmabro: Yes.

John: So you have, you have 12 days left as of recording? It's probably like 11 or 10 when I get this out would be the next couple of days. is there anything out there that people are backing it should know about this, about this book or about what the campaign or anything like that they should know?

Winston Gmabro: Just as of today, I'm adding some stretch goals. So if we reach, if another a hundred dollars, everyone will be getting a free mini print by this really amazing Italian artists named NEF Fastow spaz Diani I'm so sorry. And then, another a hundred dollars. Everyone will be getting a motivational sticker.

It's a EV everyone sees in this. Everyone who reads the comic. It seems to really respond to this cave woman bodyguard character. So it's a sticker of her flexing with a blank mode, with a blank speech bubble. So you can write in whatever you want in it, whatever you need to hear to get you out of bed, to [00:34:00] brush your teeth, to study for that test, you can write it in yourself.

John: Nice.

Winston Gmabro: And then, the last stretch goal, everyone will be getting a little pin. I know pins are a hot commodity right now. I'm a graphic designer in my day job. So this one is a kind of a vintage boy scout looking one that says red Radley, adventure society. Everyone will think you're part of a boy scout group or a biker gang

John: or both, or both a boy scout biker gang.

Why not?

Winston Gmabro: Yeah, they were hanging neck or chiefs and leather jackets.

John: Right. It's it's the best of both worlds. Right. That's cool. That's cool. So, you're already funded, which is amazing, which means the book's going to come out, which is cool. do you have a timeframe on the next book you're going to work on or is it just whenever you have time or when is there a scheduled plan for that?

Winston Gmabro: boy. Well, I'm always working on something. I'm launching a web tune, hopefully next [00:35:00] month. it's like 50 pages already finished, so everything should be good. Good to go. And as for Rex Radley, I'm hoping like roughly once a year. Yeah. So sometime late, late 20, 21. Hopefully I can get three on Kickstarter.

John: Nice. That'd be awesome. Well, when you do come back on, we'll try it again.

Winston Gmabro: I absolutely will. Thank you so much.


John: think he was thanks for coming on. I appreciate that.

Winston Gmabro: Thank you, bye.

John: All right. And before you walk off, do you mind doing a bumper for the show to say you're Winston Cambro, creator of Rex reality listeners?


Winston Gmabro: country? Yeah, sure thing. let me just write it down and helps. That helps

John: me. What

Winston Gmabro: do you spell Winston gambler again?

John: I don't know. I sounded out wha wha w. All

Winston Gmabro: right. So

John: my last name is Horsley, but I constantly type my ballot, my last name, wrong because my fingers were transposed the S in the L all the time.

And I'm like, damn, I just, I spelled my name wrong again.

[00:36:00] Winston Gmabro: I, I once played a full Pokemon game in like second grade B with my name misspelled, because I typed it when I think Winton and didn't, didn't notice till late.

John: That's hilarious.

Winston Gmabro: All right. I'm ready. Should I just drop it here

John: whenever we go.

Winston Gmabro: This is Winston.

This is Winston Gabereau creator of Rex Radley Boyd venture, and you're listening to spoiler country. Perfect.

John: Awesome. I'll I'll just edit it out and actually I'll probably throw it up tomorrow because we have it. We actually had the episode we're going to drop tomorrow. We ended up, in up getting dropped to move later.

So I'll probably drop this tomorrow morning.

Winston Gmabro: All right. thank you so much again, this really helped me out.

John: Yeah, no problem. Hopefully people listen and go back to go back and for

Winston Gmabro: you. Yeah, I here's open, I guess have a great day,

John: Mike.



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