December 27, 2020


Patrick Buermeyer - Discordia Winter Special 2020

Hosted by

Kenric Regan John Horsley
Patrick Buermeyer - Discordia Winter Special 2020
Spoiler Country
Patrick Buermeyer - Discordia Winter Special 2020

Dec 27 2020 | 00:32:35


Show Notes

Patrick is back with more Discorida awesomeness! This time with two issues for the Winter Special! Be sure to check out the kickstarter below!

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Interview scheduled by Jeffery Haas

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Patrick Buermeyer Interview


[00:00:00] Kenric: All right, guys. Welcome back to Dale. The show. It’s really awesome. Cause we have Patrick Burmeister here and he’s got a new Kickstarter out with his writing partner. Chris Jerome, and they got a cool series called  and Patrick’s going to give us the down low on everything.

Discordian what you guys can expect and where you can go. And, and the fact that the Kickstarter launched about two weeks ago, is that right, Patrick?

Patrick Buermeyer: Yeah, that is correct. First of all, thanks for, thanks for having me on. I appreciate it.

Kenric: Thanks for coming on. This is awesome.

Patrick Buermeyer: Yeah. So yeah, so the Kickstarter is up right now.

So it’s discord the rotted liar and Apocrypha number one. Right? So these are basically a little spinoffs for what we did earlier this year, which was issue zero, which was like basically it was a bunch of short stories that was like very tales from the crypt, or even like X-Files in anthology and Sonic.

Yeah. Yeah. A little horror anthologies, all of which like was. Well, it’s sort of twofold. It was one, a way for us to flex our [00:01:00] creative muscles, which is always cool. And we’re just both big horror fans. So. Like really digging into horror was fun. And then if you do it as short story in an anthology, you don’t really have to worry about wrapping stuff up or having any bigger narratives.

You can just like revel in the the pull penis of it. I love doing this, but anyway, that was all world-building for. Well, we will have as an ongoing series. Cool. So there’s little Easter eggs in there as well as various tie ins and lead-ins, which we’ll be launching next year, but. You know, in, in the same, I guess in the same spirit of issue zero, we wanted to do something kind of fun and festive.

So one of the, one of these, one of these books here, a apocryphal one is going to be our first winter special. So it’s a nice winter themed. Monster mash.

Kenric: Nice. Nice. It’s funny. Because right before we started, we were talking about Mandy, the movie with Nicholas cage and the fact that the color through that movie, and you had a whole concept of what you’re thinking before COVID [00:02:00] happened.

Is there any thing like that going on in this book though, with the coloration, the, you know, the coloring, especially with winter, what a whites.

Patrick Buermeyer: Yeah. Yeah. So there’s nothing quite as wild as Mandy in, in this book. Well, the role two zero four for discord, it was only the second book that I did my own color on.

And so I think it’s fair to say that it’s, it’s experimental in some places. Nice. Especially some of the earlier stories are a little bit. Are a little bit wackier just in the color palette, but that’s, you know, I guess to circle back to like being able to really flex your muscles creatively, doing short stories and doing horror, horror is a really good way to have a very expressive color palettes.

Yeah. Cause it’s all about like, Like mood and like be you’re building a sense of dread without trying to, you know, show everybody everything right away. Right. And a really good way to do that is with a color much like they do in Mandy. It’s just like unsettling the

Kenric: entire time. Yeah. Yeah. [00:03:00] That’s cool.

Yeah. So is  steeped in the supernatural or is it very grounded in reality?

Patrick Buermeyer: So I think it’s pretty it’s, it’s definitely supernatural. There’s there’s both sort of the classic. I don’t know, I hate to say the universal monsters, but, but they will mostly all make appearances or some variation of that, but then it also has some of the more esoteric stuff.

Like we were also, before we started recording, we were talking about Lovecraft and and cone and a little bit. And I think that those are both big inspirations for Chris and I. So there’s, there’s definitely There’s a other worldly monsters, monsters from different universes, but then there’s also sort of more classic monsters.

Like, like there will be vampires and werewolves and stuff and potentially zombies and that kind of thing, but it’s it’s all kind of wrapped up in. And I guess, I guess coming back to the world building is that that’s sort of the premise of the story is that this cornea is a world where monsters have always existed.

And so there’s, there’s basically this [00:04:00] over overreaching fascist state has, has come to, has come to, and then we’ll at various time point. Fall from power, but it came to power initially as a way to, you know, keep people safe from these monsters.

Kenric: Isn’t that how it always starts. We’re going to keep you saying,

Patrick Buermeyer: yeah, so that’s sort of the, that’s kind of the kicking off point, but then without too many spoilers, as things get worse and as other things start to become clear, like those monsters aren’t really the problem, especially not the universal.

Monsters. If anything, those guys are you know, listen more like natural flora and fauna compared to stuff that comes later.

Kenric: W when you talk about the the fastest state becoming you know, to keep the people safe, I always think of V for vendetta. I always felt that that book, that series really captured that really well.

Where are you guys in? What, what are some of your influences that came about for this book to happen? Well

Patrick Buermeyer: V for vendetta is a huge one for me [00:05:00] personally, just like on everything I love. I think Alan Moore is, I mean, despite being a potentially insane magician is also probably one of the smartest people who’s ever written in comics.

Right. As well as his, his non-fiction stuff is also really cool.

Kenric: I don’t have it. I haven’t done it. Not actually step up to check that out.

Patrick Buermeyer: Yeah. Very, very interesting, very weird stuff, but I don’t think it’s necessarily wrong. It’s very like metaphysical. I think a lot of it is even just, I mean, I don’t know if you’d call it metaphysics even.

Kenric: I don’t know.

Patrick Buermeyer: It’s above my pay grade. But yeah, V for vendetta definitely is. But I think, I think Hellboy is probably the most nice. I think we lean on that. Not, not too heavily, but as far as an inspiration for the whole like structure of our series, it’s definitely a big touchstone because as we’re, I mean, we literally have spinoff series before we’ve released the first issue.


Kenric: that’s love and passion of the project right there. When you have a spinoff, because you love what you’re doing so much that you’re like this [00:06:00] character here is so cool. We got to do another thing with this one.

Patrick Buermeyer: I love it. I hope so. That was actually the one bummer about about doing all the short stories.

It’s because of the way that the time periods and we’re telling different stories just to like set up the main series, like it would be hard to come back to some of those characters and yeah. Spoilers. Most of them don’t make it through their short stories. So yeah. I always felt attached to them by the end of.

Of drawing them. And I was like, Aw, dang this character. Doesn’t this, one’s not, you gotta come back

Kenric: real serious black situation. Huh?

Patrick Buermeyer: Yeah. Yeah. But yeah, very good. I think we’re both huge Magilla fans. Yeah. Yeah,

Kenric: that’s cool.  is a unique name, I think at Discworld when I first heard it.

Patrick Buermeyer: I’m also a big Discworld fan, but I wouldn’t say that there’s a lot of similarities.

Kenric: No, I, I would imagine not. But at the same time, where did, where did that name come from? How did it come about?

Patrick Buermeyer: Actually, again, ties back into the, into the world that we’re building is the [00:07:00] cornea refers to after the Concorde falls and the Concorde, is this the fascist statement that is, had been the ruling force over the main con or most of the main continent?

Basically in the. Not so distant past of when the main story will take place. And so this court is basically what happens as that state falls away. And then how well as the monsters that it was then set, set up to, to push back creep back in as well as. The other things which start to become bigger and bigger influences that cause the state to fall in the first place.

Kenric: That’s cool. That sounds really, that sounds really interesting. I can’t wait to actually check it out and then get there and then have it in my hand because I’m definitely going to get on a level.

Patrick Buermeyer: Very cool. I mean,

Kenric: whatever, whatever your levels are. I don’t, I don’t usually have what, like four or five different settings you can, you can pay into.


Patrick Buermeyer: unfortunately, that is what I’m least familiar with because [00:08:00] luckily Chris was much more business headed than I am takes, takes care of all of that, but yeah, so you can back, you can get ’em same way. And then a $5 pledge. You can get the PDF. Of one or the other of the stories, cause this, this current Kickstarters for two separate books, one of which is another anthology, which has I believe five different stories in it.

And then the other one is a short one shot, but is one full story over, I believe it’s going to be 26, 28 pages. Here we go.

Kenric: Here we go. Yeah, I got it up right here. Oh, there

Patrick Buermeyer: you go.

Kenric: Do you have a pledge without a reward? You can do 10 bucks and you just want to say, Hey, you guys good work, good luck. They got the rider liar.

Number one, that’s the $5 pledge you were just talking about, but it’s a pledge. I always think, I always think reward for some reason.

Patrick Buermeyer: You know, I don’t know. I find Kickstarter to be incomprehensible. I appreciate that. It’s, it’s good for doing creator owned projects and that’s about as much as I know about it.

[00:09:00] Kenric: It’s, it’s, it’s, it’s an honesty because it gives people that, you know, images not gonna. So we’ve talked to quite a few people. Like we talked to, we had Eric Larson on and I asked him, I said, he’s like, I was like, how do you, how does somebody new break into image or Marvel or any of those bigger companies?

He’s like, it used to be, you could bring your, your work to a convention and you could show me. Characters that you’ve made, you know, and they’d give me these still shots and it was kind of, and it was cool. And you might get lucky and have somebody he’s like the problem is, is a lot of people will, right.

We’ll draw that one image. And the draw it over and over and over again. So that one image looks amazing, but they don’t have the full breadth of what they need to be a successful artist in the competition.

Patrick Buermeyer: Yeah. Yeah. That, that makes sense. I mean, there’s also just, I mean, there’s so much content out there.

A lot of which is really good.

Kenric: Well, you said the number one thing is to do exactly what you guys are doing. [00:10:00] Creating content, creating a book, creating, you know, and show me a finished product so I can thumb through it. And it gives me a very good idea of who you are and what your work is like. And he goes, then we’ll go out and, and Kickstarter gives us the ability for independent people.

I love this, you know, you got for eight bucks, you can do Apocrypha, which is which is number one, right?

Patrick Buermeyer: That’s the winter special pocket specifically, I guess the breakdown, the, the the actual titles a little bit more, the rotted liar is the anthology. And that is going to be, it’s almost a little bit more like illustrated like poems or, or, or poetry.

In that it’s, you know, it’s fully illustrated comic pages, but it’s, it’s more set up as almost like a song or a bar or like a poem, like something like somewhere in between there, like it’s little bits of folklore that add to the, like the, the breadth of the world building. And then Apocrypha is specifically going to be our spinoff series that we’ll have.

Whenever we want to. Do a [00:11:00] fun story. It will be under the title of Apocrypha from the world of discourteous.

Kenric: Oh, that’s cool. That’s very cool. Well, at 17 bucks you can get, as everybody can get the printed of both additions, so, and then you get a plus you get the PDFs and you get a map of Avanti venti.

And I imagine a venti is the name of the country, but it’s in.

Patrick Buermeyer: Yeah. And so specifically I believe this is, this is the second map that we’re doing. And I think that this one.

Yeah. Yeah. This one is going to come with locations of where all the things are taking place specifically, which is pretty cool. And that was another part of this, of this Kickstarter was to, again, just keep fleshing out this world. I think we both come sort of from, from fantasy as like a big inspiration.

I certainly read a ton of RA Salvatore books and stuff. When I was a kid and avid was an AMA and avid like D and D player. So the idea of having maps and roads between places has always been very appealing

Kenric: to me. Oh, [00:12:00] that’s cool. Have you watched Harmon’s quest?

Patrick Buermeyer: I haven’t actually, if you’re a D good. Oh my God.

Kenric: If you’re a D and D fan, you need to watch him. I think you need to watch Harmon’s quest. It is

Patrick Buermeyer: cool. And is that the same dude? Who does a community

Kenric: in Rick and Morty? Okay, cool. I have a concept.

Patrick Buermeyer: I’m sure I would like it.

Kenric: The whole thing is he has, he’s got a standard player. He’s got his DM. Right. And the guys were really good.

And then he has a standard players like him and his buddy and this girl that he used to be married to and now divorced. And then they have a rolling cast of. You know, celebrity guests that come in and play D and D with them.

Patrick Buermeyer: Yeah. I feel like I saw like patent Oswald on the trailer and the

Kenric: animated cut out you know, playing out the scene as they’re, as they’re talking it through.

And I think it’s wonderful. It’s hilarious. I tell anybody who plays D and D you need to watch this.

Patrick Buermeyer: Okay. Very cool. You, they will

Kenric: or they’ll think that, Oh, you’re a dork dude. That was lame. I don’t know.

Patrick Buermeyer: I think it’s hilarious. I was the one who [00:13:00] brought up D and D. So I’m clearly the

Kenric: torture. I just played D and D for the first.

Well, no, I shouldn’t say I played D and D we played one of the. Board game variants of D and D that come with all your characters put together an a map. You know what I mean?

Patrick Buermeyer: I think that that mostly counts. It’s like three-quarters of the way, bro.

Kenric: Well, I was I’m 42 six, and the last time I tried playing D and D I was like 16.

So it was like 30 years ago and it just wasn’t for me at that time. I was

Patrick Buermeyer: sure

Kenric: I was too interested in girls and cool stuff. Right. Quote, unquote cool stuff. But it just you know, it just wasn’t for me. I mean, it probably didn’t help, but everybody I tried playing with didn’t know actually how to play very well, you know?

Cause DM makes all the difference in the world. I think

Patrick Buermeyer: that, I mean, it’s a hard game to like, There’s a pretty high, like a learning curve and barrier to entry to D and D some of which is [00:14:00] definitely the people, whether or not they know how to play sort of a bummer,

Kenric: but we got together and our buddy, Chris came over with the, with the whole set and yeah, we played and we have a lot of fun.

We played for like three hours.

Patrick Buermeyer: Yeah. What did you, what’d you play was your class?

Kenric: When did I w I was a I was a healer because we seven-year-old chose my character for me. So I was a lady or Keeler.

Patrick Buermeyer: I can’t

Kenric: remember her. I can’t remember her name. I mean, it’s all set. You know what I mean? It’s all pre done.

Patrick Buermeyer: Yeah. Yeah. Pre Jen. So still good.

Kenric: Yeah. It was fun. It

Patrick Buermeyer: was fun. Maybe it’ll be on you mate. We’ll make you an RPG here yet.

Kenric: Right? I love we’ll see, the thing is I know, I like it. Cause I love RPG video games. I am, you know, I’m not a big first person shooter games. I’m not a big race car game, but like dragon age or Neverwinter nights, all that kind of stuff.


Patrick Buermeyer: yeah. As you get into the the early access stuff for Baldur’s [00:15:00] gate three,

Kenric: I wish I just haven’t had the time. So I have to wait till it’s done and out. And then I’ll hopefully it comes to. Well, hope I’m really big on my Xbox now because it’s just easier to turn it on and play.

Patrick Buermeyer: Sure. Yeah. So hopefully they’ll have I’m sure they’ll get it out on on console eventually I have played it a little and it’s pretty cool.

Pretty cool.

Kenric: Is it? Holder’s gate was so good. Oh,

Patrick Buermeyer: yeah, that’s probably my all time. Favorite game

Kenric: boulders gate to ice. Windale

Patrick Buermeyer: Oh, good.

Kenric: Oh, I loved it. Hey so getting back to discord yet, you’re kicked out, has been going on for two weeks. When does it end?

Patrick Buermeyer: I believe it ends on the 30th. So you still got a little over a week here to get in and. Get in on some of this good stuff.

Kenric: Oh, good. So you guys are closed you’re at 2300 bucks.

Patrick Buermeyer: Yeah. So yeah. So we’re going for three, three grand.

Kenric: Which isn’t much.

Patrick Buermeyer: Yeah, it’s not too bad. [00:16:00] I think that’s, that’s kind of strategic. Cause we’re trying to do more smaller Kickstarters. We did the book a couple of years ago now called tarnished, which is actually speaking of fantasy stuff is more of like a high fantasy setting, which is cool, but we did it, it was a higher goal.

And it was a much bigger, it goes basically a full Full trade back in one, go. And just the amount of work that goes into that. And then the printing costs and stuff is just like higher. And so you have to go for a higher goal. But especially as you know, small creators, you don’t have that big of a following.

It’s harder to reach that big number. So we’re trying to do focused on doing smaller bite-sized stuff that we can re release more frequently.

Kenric: Yeah. Yeah. I like it. Are these your covers?

Patrick Buermeyer: Yeah. So on the, on the, I’m looking at the page as well, in case I needed to cheat sheet, the two on the left are, and then the third one is a variant cover, which will be on little baby blue, which is Apocrypha one.

And that is by Fabian Lillay, which I really like, I feel like [00:17:00] speaking of is that I feel like it has like a very Mineola you feel yeah. Is that the horse cover or

Kenric: is that.

Patrick Buermeyer: The Fabian won’t Fabian’s is the snow globe.

Kenric: Okay. Let me see if I can see it here.

Patrick Buermeyer: Okay. The, the horse, the horses for rotted liar, and that one’s me.

And then the snowy monster is awesome.

Kenric: Yeah, those look great, dude. Those look great. Thanks man. Yeah, man. And that the snow globe does remind you of .

Patrick Buermeyer: I can never say his last name

Kenric: forever. Yeah. But yeah, that looks that’s awesome. I’ll make it very cool.

Patrick Buermeyer: I love that. I hope people like it. We’ve gotten some good feedback for issue zero.

And yeah. You know, fingers crossed.

Kenric: Who’s your influence for art?

Patrick Buermeyer: I really liked, I’ve told this story a bunch now. But it’s, but it’s true. And so I’m just going to tell it again. When I was in college, I did, I was taking like this like 2d fundamentals class and I had to. Do [00:18:00] like our, our like final was to do this, a research paper on an artist.

And, you know, everybody else is doing like Jackson Pollock, or, you know, like the Gaza or whatever,

Kenric: great artists, but kind of played out.

Patrick Buermeyer: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And it, yeah, it’s great. But I don’t know. I never found, I never find it that interesting. And that was the whole vibe of a lot of my classes was very like fine art focused and had a lot of very pretentious teachers that I didn’t like very much.

So as the way to kind of sum my nose at them. And find something interesting. I was like, you know, I haven’t read comics for awhile. I wonder if there’s a cool comic artists that I can do. And so I went to my local comic shop and I was slipping around through books and I found punk rock by Sean Murphy.

And I loved it. I didn’t realize that people could do that in a comic, but like both the, like the content of it, it was so much like darker than I expected a comic to be, but also so much like. [00:19:00] More rich as well. Like it wasn’t just superheroes and spandex and stuff. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but it just never was quite what I was into.

And I was like, wow, this is really cool. And so I wrote my paper on him. And I, I greedily follow and buy all of his books now.

Kenric: That’s awesome. Did your teachers get what you’re saying or were they just did not

Patrick Buermeyer: agree? He’ll be minus on it?

Yeah. Yeah. I don’t know. I can’t really, I don’t actually really remember. I remember vividly like writing it and planning it out, but I don’t remember. He’s been turning it in. I hope I did.

Kenric: I might’ve turned it in. It might not have turned it in.

Patrick Buermeyer: I’m pretty sure I’ve definitely passed the class. So I must’ve at least turned

Kenric: it in.

That’s awesome. That’s cool that you picked that though, to do to do a report on, because I kind of feel like this comic books are one of the, I think there’s like four or three or maybe five. I can’t remember. There’s only so [00:20:00] much original American art.

Patrick Buermeyer: Right.

Kenric: That are considered original cultural influences of America.

Jazz music is one comic books is another, I think baseball, even though it’s, even though it’s kind of a dirt road or a cricket, but I think it is they considered it an an American original and yeah, something else. I can’t remember all of them things, but comic books is definitely. You know, it’s, it’s historically American and it’s amazing now that the, you get this amazing stuff out of France like Mobius, that guy was ridiculous in the seventies and eighties.

Patrick Buermeyer: Really cool. European,

Kenric: but international stuff is just has exploded. And I mean, it’s, it’s awesome. And the, and the people that you get doing the art, but, and I, and I feel like. Comic books to me is like, should be on the level of fine art. Yeah. I don’t see it. Why this is how, I mean, that’s how I personally feel like you [00:21:00] look at the Picasso or you look at who’s got to cut his ear off Vango.

Yeah. You look at all these different people that in Jackson, Pollock, and all amazing. People. But to me, Walt Simon, sin, Bernie writes in, you know, Jack Kirby, all those guys are just as influential because you think of all the people that have looked up to say Bernie Wrightson. And I don’t know if you’ve ever looked back and really looked at Bernie writes in his work.

If you haven’t. I really suggest you do because you have a very much, a similar style

Patrick Buermeyer: in a lot of ways.

Kenric: Have you heard, have you ever gone through and checked out on

Patrick Buermeyer: your rights? And I don’t think I looked at a ton of his stuff now.

Kenric: Oh my God, dude, you got to see his Frankenstein card set.

Patrick Buermeyer: Actually, I have, I forgot that this is, that was his name, but yeah, I’ve started his Frankenstein stuff in particular

Kenric: run on swamp thing.

Him and Lynn Wayne did the original first run the first volume of swamp thing before Alan Moore. [00:22:00] Took over.

Patrick Buermeyer: Okay. Yeah.

Kenric: It’s re some of the stuff is just ridiculous. And I just feel like the influence that those people have should be considered just as much as all these other people. I don’t have an art education, so I can’t, I’m probably talking out my ass and, but at the same time, I think the influence in the way it makes me,

Patrick Buermeyer: I don’t know.

I agree. I very much agree. I mean, I think that to some extent it’ll always be. Looked down on as, as pop art in this, in the same way that like Andy Warhol was right. Because he wasn’t, it wasn’t, I don’t know. It doesn’t have that like gallery quality. In the way that like, people think about the classics or like modern art or modern sculpture having or whatever, but that doesn’t really make it any less valuable.

Kenric: Right? Right. Well, at least

Patrick Buermeyer: not as a, certainly not as a medium, like the amount of content that you can put out in comics, because yes, it is like, at least it can be [00:23:00] quicker to draw a comic book than to paint, you know, the Mona Lisa or whatever it, I don’t know. Like it also, it’s interesting too, that the comics very much are like, Feel like to me anyways, the evolution of sort of like the spoken word story, like it’s about these sort of yeah, it’s just like this cultural, like, I don’t, I dunno, like enigma or something that keeps getting passed down through generations and like evolves a little bit every time.

Like every time, you know, DC or Marvel does a reboot or whatever, it’s like a whole nother generation of storytellers is like jumping in on this story that we’ve all heard,

Kenric: but somehow

Patrick Buermeyer: keeps going and is different. Yeah. I dunno of cool stuff.

Kenric: Yeah, it is cool stuff. Like, I, I feel like the library of Congress kind of gets it, like all of the original drawings for amazing fantasies, 15 that Steve Ditko did for Spider-Man they’re in the library, they’re there in the library of Congress.

Patrick Buermeyer: So I didn’t know that

Kenric: as a anonymous donor probably did co himself or maybe, maybe [00:24:00] Stanley. Hmm, gave those gave all that to the library of Congress. So if you, if you ever go out there and someone’s trying to tell you, they have original art for amazing fantasy 15, you know, that’s a lie.

Patrick Buermeyer: That’s not true.

Okay. All right. I’m not quite at the point yet in my career, working at Bhutan.

Kenric: Well, I’m jealous do

Patrick Buermeyer: regionals, but

Kenric: right. Well, I’m jealous because you’re doing what you love and you’re, this is what you’re doing. You’re going to make you’re, you’re trying to make a go of this.

Patrick Buermeyer: Where, where we’re going, man.

Fingers crossed.

Kenric: Yeah, dude, it’s a lot. It’s a lot and it’s not easy to break in and I hope your kickstart. I think your Kickstarter is going to take it up to take off though. You’re gonna, you’re gonna at least get what you got your goal

Patrick Buermeyer: and I’m not too, I’m not too worried about it at this point. But you know, it’s all about like sustainability and longterm, like planning and stuff.

And I think that this, I, you know, I think that this is going to be around for awhile.

Kenric: I hope so. Anyway, where did you and Chris Jerome how’d you guys hook up? And decided to do this. [00:25:00] So

Patrick Buermeyer: we actually went to the same university. We both went to Oregon state university in Corvallis. But we didn’t know each other in school at all, but there’s like this message for it.

I’m like Facebook, that’s like a OSU jobs thing. And there was like a, like, I don’t know if it was like arts and media tab or whatever, but Someone, someone I knew his head was just like scrolling through and was like, Hey, you should check this out. There’s this guy is looking for some fantasy illustrations for his book.

And so I went over and did, and sent him an email and I ended up doing some some character designs for his first book series. Cause Chris has written a series of fantasy books. Before doing any comic stuff. And actually the first comic that we did tarnished is about a character from one of his novels.

So it set in the same universe. And so, yeah, he, like, we did, we did a few pieces for basically just for his website. And he was like, yeah, you know, I like your stuff. And I’ve been thinking about doing a comic, would you be at all interested? And then this was like, pretty much right after I got out of school.

I was like, maybe a year or two after I got out of school, I was like, yeah, definitely. Like, let’s do [00:26:00] it. And so we did that. And then after we finished that, he, again, he impressed me. He was like, well, you know, this was cool. This is really good. And. I’ve always wanted to do a horror series. And I think that your style would really fit horror.

Is that something you’d be interested in? And of course I was. And here we are.

Kenric: That’s awesome. That’s awesome. I love a good horror story. A good horror book. What’s your, do you have a favorite horse story?

Patrick Buermeyer: Like what, what medium, because I think I’ve probably got one for

Kenric: what? Probably. What’s your favorite horror movie?

Patrick Buermeyer: My favorite horror movie is the thing, you know, the John Carpenter, the thing.

Kenric: Nice. And then what’s your favorite horror? Comic

Patrick Buermeyer: comic is a little tougher, but I’d probably have to go hell boy. Just over the amount of times I’ve read it. Right. But I also really like the Scott Snyder, Raphael Albuquerque American vampire books.

I don’t know if you’ve read those at [00:27:00] all, but vanpool and then my third, my runner, a third runner up for comics would actually be a Monga Helsing. That’s that’s very cool as well. 

Kenric: was really good. I love the I love the revamp of it on the animation.

Patrick Buermeyer: Yeah. Yeah. Cause the first time they did an anime, it wasn’t,

Kenric: it wasn’t really good.

I mean, it was good. It’s

Patrick Buermeyer: a pretty good show still, but yeah,

Kenric: it was fun, but the second one, the reiteration of it just blew everything away. I was like, Oh my God. And then it took so long in between each one to come out.

Patrick Buermeyer: Yeah. It’s so good though. Well, worth it. Yeah. And, but then I think for books or writers, I’d have to go look for craft, even though he was just crazy.

Kenric: Just all

Patrick Buermeyer: the books are very good,

Kenric: horrible human being his writing. Was it?

Patrick Buermeyer: That’s the best dude? Oh

Kenric: my God. I love it. Did you watch HP Lovecraft country?

Patrick Buermeyer: I did. Yeah, I watched the whole first.

Kenric: I just love the fact that they made the main characters. All the, I love the fact that the main antagonists or protagonists are all [00:28:00] black.

Patrick Buermeyer: Yeah. And yeah, they’re doing some pretty cool stuff because he was initially bummed because it wasn’t very much like any of the Lovecraft stories, like it had the, it was like referential to them and that’s kind of what I was hoping it would be, but I kind of came around to it. That it’s, that wasn’t what it was supposed to be.

It was more like a, you know, like a monster of the week. Yeah. Like, it’s almost like Buffy the vampire Slayer, like a 21st century puffy, which I, you know, I love Buffy. So once I kinda got my head around the, you know, it, wasn’t what I initially thought it was going to be. I enjoyed it a lot,

Kenric: seeing where she’s walking with the book and the bombs going off around her and the fire’s almost ready to go golfer.

And she’s just walking. I was screaming at the television run bitch. That

Patrick Buermeyer: episode was heavy as fuck.

Kenric: Yeah. That’s good stuff. Yeah. Well, Patrick, I think I think we got what we need to get, man.

Patrick Buermeyer: Cool, buddy. Yeah.

Kenric: This was a lot of fun talking with you. [00:29:00] Yeah. Maybe come back when either, you know, you don’t have to come back for a project, just come back to the shoot, the shit and talk comics.

Patrick Buermeyer: Okay. Yeah, that sounds very fun. That’d be be happy to come on.

Kenric: Cool. Cool. Well, I really appreciate it. Yeah, Sam. All right.


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